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Remember that you would never have stolen her passport, she would have lost it. You guys preaching are not trying out for the ministry are you ?

The bitch will suck the OP dry. You have his account about her "friends" spending all day talking about wills and what they will do after they poor old husband has passed on. No mention of anyone shedding a tear. Maybe an extra sleeping pill dear ? Oh dear !

She seems a calculating heartless bitch who deserves nothing. All is fair when faced with this urban guerilla type attrition.

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Hi all,

I met a Thai Lady 47 years via Internet dating when to stay at here house in Khon Kaen three months then a 6 month visa to the UK all was fine she was great and good company.

She returned to Thai land after the visa expired I when some month later.

Applied for UK Fiancé visa stayed at her house till the visa came through returned to the UK when the visa was due to expire she wanted to marry I had picked up some odd things that were not quite right but at the time ignored them and we married.

That was that the marriage has never been consummated she wont cook or do anything and starts drinking now at 1. Pm every day and sleeps in another room.

She has now admitted that she lied to me about a lot of things that I could not go into here.

Unfortunately after my Marriage my Mother took ill and later passed away so have really not had time to deal with this and also lack of funds after two trips to Thailand rebuilding here house there not to mention the marriage cost. I am now told she has given the house to here family before she married me.

So we were married in April 2007 in UK some 5 months back and now the situation is totally intolerable with her now implying she wants some payout before she contemplates returning to Thailand.

She wanted a visa to learn English and get a job to earn Big Money as she says.

What is my best way out of this?

See a Solicitor here in the UK and get creamed with the cards stacked against any man

Or try to get he back to Thai land

What is the situation with the visa, she is now looking for another falang to hook onto while she has the Limited Remain to stay for two years can I take the visa out of her passport when she is back in Thailand if that is what is to be done?

Any advice on the best way to sort this out.

There should be some law against the blatant con


I had a similar experience some 12 years ago and am now happily single again.

I can offer some answers to the bits of your post I've highlighted in red although the UK law may have changed in the meantime.

Do see a good solicitor - one who specialises in divorce. This is essential and will be money well spent!

Your wife is, I beleive, guilty of "unreasonable behaviour" - were grounds for a divorce

You have what is (was?) legally known as a "short marriage" - also a great help in getting a divorce without having to support her afterwards.

If you can prove she's looking around for another man, this could (?) be construed as adultery - also grounds for divorce (it's also unreasonable behaviour - see above!)

If you offer to repatriate her (tell this to the solicitor, not your wife) this will appear as you being "Mr Nice Guy" and that you are the wronged party.

Whilst in the UK don't break the law!!! You want it on your side to get rid of the woman!

Document everything you can remember - are there any witnesses to her behaviour at all?

As others have said, tell the Home Office BUT, I would suggest you speak to the solicitor first - they may suggest otherwise.

I don't know where you are in UK but if you PM me, maybe I can give you my solicitor's details! I'm currently using her to sell my flat to move to Thailand so I can remain happily single! :o

Good Luck mate!!


For a spousal visa to Australia the Australian and often one or more witnesses have to swear that the relationship is stable committed and long-lasting. I guess the original poster just lied his ass off on the forms huh? Comments in his first post indicate he is one of those with a less than generous attitude to all women, not just those that have turned on him. Som nam na, old chap.

Come back to Thailand 'on vacation'..

Remove visa from passport / lose or destroy passport.. Inform embassy of breakdown of marriage and intention to divorce..

Return on your own to UK..

Sort it out from that position of strength.

Dont usually comment on this sort of issue but to me a position of strength is always the best way forward.

I do think she would have her suspicions though regarding a trip. I also think that you would have initially to buy two return tickets. One of which can be cancelled. However one further bizarre idea for you given that there are already several on here. Get a local printer to make you a letter to say that you have won a holiday to Thailand from some company or other staying at a nice Hotel in BKK for one week. Who could resist ?


It ought to be pointed out that it's not 'her' passport some of you gents are recommending the OP steal or destroy, it's an official document belonging to the Thai Government.


I think everyone is quite aware of whose the passport is - however sometimes in life desparate times call for desparate measures - and personally defacing or destruction is the last resort.

If the OP can get a hold of the passport and take it to the UK embassy in Bangkok and explain the situation they might just void the visa for him with a nice large VOID stamp.

I think everyone is quite aware of whose the passport is - however sometimes in live desparate times call for desparate measures - and personally defacing or destruction is the last resort.

"Desperate times calls for desperate measures".

Funny -- somehow I think that's exactly what bargirls/goldigging Thai wives think to themselves about ripping off their "targets".

The best advice thus far... validated even further by having been there, done that... and all totally legal...

Thank you for posting, VBF


yes, +1

sorry, man. That hurts, I know. and even you can go berzerk, save it, read what VBF said and follow. I gave my ex Jay-Z lips and eyes of Yoda on Yaba, and didn't solve anything. Even worse - it cost me $$$.

Keep it cool.

I think everyone is quite aware of whose the passport is - however sometimes in live desparate times call for desparate measures - and personally defacing or destruction is the last resort.

"Desperate times calls for desperate measures".

Funny -- somehow I think that's exactly what bargirls/goldigging Thai wives think to themselves about ripping off their "targets".

Ain't that so true!

When me and my wife were in the UK and regular shoppers around Manchester China Town for food and the wife going to the hairdressers, she would listen to all the stories of the girls living with the older "targets". She would also extract further bits by telling about gold and things I had bought her and holiday we have been on etc. All stories of course were then relayed directly to me! We'd always have a good old chat about them driving back home.

As the OP says they mainly sit around talk about when there hubby will pop his clogs and how much money they can get or as in the OPs situation how to get there visa permanent so they can ditch the hubby (this is commonplace!). Seeing as my wife is from Laos soon as this is mentioned they would suddenly clam up and not say anything more on the subject . . . obviously they don't want a person from a 'lesser' country knowing they are just in for the money.

Having a indepedent person who they think is a Thai in similar circumstances to them and understands Issan, Thai and Lao lets you get a far more interesting picture of the goings on!

This is also why I completely agree with the abandon her in Thailand idea since she wouldn't think twice about doing the same to the OP if she had her ILR.


This thread is degenerating into a broader discussion of Thai women's motives in general, and has strayed from the original topic of what the OP should do given the circumstances.

Thread closed.


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