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Chang Beer - Why Does It Make Me Feel Absolutely Ill The Next Day?


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Chang Beer - Why does it make me feel absolutely ill the next day? I'm to the point now that if I even drink one, I know it. It's not the higher alcohol content, that's for sure.

Does anyone notice the lack of people drinking this vile stuff now? Seems like locals in PTY have switched to SanMig and esp Tiger in a big way.

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some sayt it has some cheap conservants which might give you bad hangover.

also the brewing process is inconsistent and content of alcohol varies from 5% to 11%, same may go for the mentioned conservant.

mayself I have never had any problem with chang - you might be allergic to something in it. Be aware as well that in hot climates your body might react differently to alcohol than in cooler climates.

anyway, dring beer thai way - with a lot of ice, so you can easier controll how much you drink

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I'm not sure,but i heard the alcohol strength can vary on the chang,& maybe you get abit more than the 6.4% as advertised.abit of a fun lottery,how p!ssed am i going to get tonight type thing.

though lets face it back in farangland 6.4% beer,is no home,park bench type stuff. :o

If i'm on the chang i make a point of having a bottle of water to go with it.seperately of course.

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London Thai mentions Allergy, and I think this is probably something to do with the illness after drinking Chang.

It is often reported that many of the symptoms of hangover are actually allergic reactions - particularly where the hangover is worse with one drink than with another.

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London Thai mentions Allergy, and I think this is probably something to do with the illness after drinking Chang.

It is often reported that many of the symptoms of hangover are actually allergic reactions - particularly where the hangover is worse with one drink than with another.

drink an imported beer ,drink the same amount as you would chang ,if you feel the same you drink too much :o

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drink an imported beer ,drink the same amount as you would chang ,if you feel the same you drink too much :o

I heard it contans cheap alcohol to boost %., But why the Singa too ?

The only beer can withstand is Asahi, Kloster and oopsie - Chang Lite. It tastes like piss, but it is only 4.5% and that's good.

Any draught beer, except that fancy beer house on beach road and that brewery closed 2 years ago opp Thai Cult Center - is overgased crap.

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Chang Beer should be renamed to khii chang!

It is without a doubt one the most revolting beers in existance!! I tried a single bottle and didn't even finish it . .. :o .... I will never touch the stuff again!

Hangovers (mainly headaches) in general are caused by chemicals/preservatives added to the beer during brewing. In UK basically all beers are overflowing with the stuff also - true brewed beer with no added chemicals or preservatives in general don't give a huge headache type hangover. Normally just minor dull aching head etc. which is normal down to dehydration and are quickly resolved.

This was confirmed to me by a brewer who worked in the Heineken factory in Holland - they don't drink Heineken at the Heineken parties due to the chemicals and hangovers! They drink another brew which doesn't contain the chemicals can't remember which it was.

But this is easily confirmed by comparing a Beer Lao hangover to a Beer Singha hangover - I've never had a major hangover from Beer Lao - and I've had some big old nights on it! It is preservative and chemical free also.


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So why keep drinking it? :D Formadehyde is a cheap preservative used in some Thai beers, still(?) That will give you the hangover. Its the reason i stopped drinking Singha, years ago.

If you want to know where "Beer Chang" got its name from; :o


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All Thai beers give me the Trots the next day. Mix that with the food and a nearby toilet is very handy.

I took to taking a bottle of spirits into the pub and buying the mixer to go with it, though I understand not all places will allow you to do that, but it is another option open to you.

I'll admit I like Beer Chang and get the same effects from drinking Heineken.

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If I drink Chang I put lots of ice in it. Because of the strong taste and alcohol content I find the ice doesn't make it too watery (have you ever tried LEO with ice YUK, can I have some beer in my water please :o )

Some people don't like ice in their beer, your just not drinking it fast enough :D

Also the ice means you are getting some water at THE SAME TIME as drinking alcohol which I find greatly reduces hangovers.

Horses for courses and all that !

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I have no idea why, but I do agree that Chang hangovers are terrible. That was my beer of choice but one too many made me suffer enough to change. The strange thing is that I have switched to Archa which is made by Chang and it agrees with me. I have to get REALLY stupid to have a hangover with Archa.

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I notice this same effect after drinking any beers brewed in Thailand. Maybe it has something to do with the water, not sure

I never feel bad with Hienie and I drink a lot of them sometimes. And this is the only country where I do drink it. I prefer mexican beer. Young virgins pee in it.

Now this is just the opinon of a guy that is not a brewmaster but has brewed thousands of pints. Maybe it has something to do with quality control. No one here ever had it until Hienekin came. QC improved Sing bunches, but made it more expensive. Becks tried and failed and shortly thereafter Kloster and Carlsburg lost most of what little market share they had. TIT, Chang, and others, appeared to restart the tradition of really bad thai beer.

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try 30 years on timmy taylors landlord

Now we are talking real beer!

On topic, I drank a couple of bottles of Chang when it first came out and didn't like it so if it's gone downhill it must be pure <deleted>. I have found that higher alcohol beers are best avoided in the tropics. You are dehydrating just sitting still so adding some high octane grog into the system only worsens things. I don't like those lite beers, too gassy and no flavour. Adding the word "lite" to the labels adds the word "<deleted>" to the beer and the word "hike" to the price. Try finding a beer at around 4.5%, my current favourite is bia Saigon (4.3%) and I can get through a shed load of it and have no ill effects the next day but it does come in at a whopping 6000-10000VND (40-60 cents) a 460ml bottle :o .

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I used to be a beer chung man and still drink it when go to the father in laws house, just they all seem to like it for breakfast!

Now drink the Leo. There are no bars/nightlife where I am so tend to sit outside the village shop and sink a few. Large bottle Leo - 40 baht/can 25 baht. Chang Large bottle - 37 baht, Archa large bottle - 25 baht. Watch the ice though if its made from the nam fon. I had some with the beer last christmas, ended up with some bacteria inside me that took weeks to shift.

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Chang Beer - Why does it make me feel absolutely ill the next day? I'm to the point now that if I even drink one, I know it. It's not the higher alcohol content, that's for sure.

Does anyone notice the lack of people drinking this vile stuff now? Seems like locals in PTY have switched to SanMig and esp Tiger in a big way.

I've tried most of the beers - canned or bottled and find that Chang for me is still the best beer. I've been told NOT to drink draught beers, as the 'lines' that the beer is pumped through don't get cleaned well in lots of establishments and you can get all kinds of problems if this occurs. If you trust the people who are the serving draught to keep up the hygenie in the pipe lines then should be ok - otherwise keep to cans or bottles. I tried the Chang Lite and thought that it was pixh poor. Alternative for me is Singha.

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