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Thai Ghosts


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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Had a death near the house recently just before I came back to the U.K. and plenty of the younger ones (teenagers) were wary about going near the house alone. Scared of Ghosts. Seems to me that out i8n the sticks it is accepted ghosts do exist though on asking, no one had ever admitted to seeing any.

Flame me as a nutter if you like, but I have seen plenty of ghosts here in the U.K. over the years but never even got a snifter of one in almost a year in Thailand. In fact it was the calmest place I have ever been to in that respect.

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I used to believe in ghosts & convinced myself that I had actually seen a ghost or 2. But now, after reflecting upon my emotional & general status at that time, I have proven to myself that I simply had an over-active imagination at the time.

I know lots of Thai people who believe in ghosts & only 1 Thai colleague who, like me, thinks that it is complete rubbish.

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Our security guard has been winding everyone up about all the ghosts around and a religious offering needing to be done. Everyone (Thai people) completely accepts the ghosts and everyone has their own story to add but most people haven't actually seen a ghost they just know someone who has. I am just curious if anyone has actually run into a ghost with as many that supposedly exist here in LOS......

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

ghosts ........ :o

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

I cannot explain why I always got the wrong numbers of the lottery.

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Are there any Gods then?

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

ghosts ........ :o

I was going to say he must be dead already.

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Ghosts in Thailand have the same function as the big bad wolf in the Western world: To keep children from wandering out of sight.

I think the difference lies in that when children grow up they realize that there is no chance that a wolf is actually hiding in that dark corner under the stairs and stop believing in it. With a ghost, you never know, and so the belief stays.

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

every morning when i look into the mirror.

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Yes have met a few ghosts. but most of the time it turns out to be over active imaginations triggered by intense emotions that impreganate a place due to long term or intense emotional experiences of someone living in the local. But he real ones are quite real and a very intense experience. I did some ghost busting for the am northwest television show a number of years back. One instance being at there studios in the basement. Turned out not to be a ghost but the basement, around the turn of the century was a chinese laundry and a worker there had owned the chinese mafia a small some of money, he antisipated his demise for a few days before he was killed and the emotional energy had imprenated the area, leading people who were sensitive to have strong emtional reactions and sometimes visual responses, but no ghost. Other places they took me did have some ghosts. Enjoy

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Whilst out the other evening taking onboard a beverage or three and chatting to the nubile hostess I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck prickle, the air become much colder and suddenly I was aware of a dark, manavolent presence at my side.

The missus had found which bar I was drinking in!

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Well Ive never seen one, but I do enjoy the Ghost stories and have heard things in "supposely" haunted houses in Australia.

Although that maybe my mind paying tricks on me because we were nervous and if someone dropped there phone we all would of shit ourselves.

I find it more fun believeing maybe there true.

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I am on the neither and non-believer or believer - my mind is open, I have never seen a ghost but I have experienced some very strange and unexplainable things. This story isn't in Thailand but the UK but nevertheless a strange and unexplained occurance.

One of which was when I was at a friends house we were around 15 or 16 his parents had gone away for a few days and left us home alone. At this point in time we were quite happy to be up in his room playing on his trusty Amiga with snacks and pop. I will point out no one else or any pets were in the house - us alone. I think it was about 8 clock and I decide to nip downstairs get a drink - you had to walk via the lounge to the kitchen - passing through the lounge I thought 'hmm a bit chilly in here' I looked the gas fire and thought should I put it on and decide no need we ain't gonna be down here. Went through to the kitchen got the drink and went back upstairs (non alcoholic I hasten to add - we were totally sober). My mate not long after went down for some food and come back. About an hour later I went downstairs for some reason (what I can't remember) I open the living room door and the gas fire was on full.

I thought strange why is it on full, I shouted upstairs and asked him if he'd turned the fire on - No was the reply, so I went up to the room and said yeah right don't take the piss - he looked at me his face totally expressionless looked at me and said 'I have not turned the fire on swear on my life'. I think at that point our faces went slightly pale. Our initial thought was 'shit someone is in the house!' we wouldn't have heard anything either as we had music on. He unlocked his shotgun case (he was a few years older than me & a license holder), loaded it with solid shot and we went from room to room in the house. No one to be seen.

I turned the gas fire off - the knob had been turned all the way round. It wasn't a faulty fire or could in any way accidently has been lit.

To this day I have absolutely no idea how the fire had been turned on - my friend swore blind he never touched it even when we talked about it at a later dates and all the doors and windows in the house were locked and deadbolted on the inside. It's strange that I still remember the chill in the room to this day the first time I went down.

My wife is a great believer of all things ghosty - in Laos they are very spiritual apparently we had a spirit on our land (according the the senior monks) which was cleared off in the ceremony for the house building.

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

The ghosts here in Thailand that people talk about are 'phee' usually referred to as a dead friend who returns in a dream or who's presence is felt in a room. There are some Thais who really believe in them, yet others like my Mrs. who does not.

Paranormal activity is so difficult to explain. If you believe something then it is so. Who are we to criticise or ridicule?

Electrical fields are a big cause of ghosts and haunted houses. They can cause an otherwise normal human brain to believe in ghosts.

We are all just jumbled atoms after all. Anything is possible.

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I tend to think ghosts are a product of an overactive imaginiation as well but I am open mined enough not to discount them totally. They seem to be a common part of life here and I was just currious on the TV members take on the whole thing.

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I tend to think ghosts are a product of an overactive imaginiation as well but I am open mined enough not to discount them totally. They seem to be a common part of life here and I was just currious on the TV members take on the whole thing.

When something cant be explained..... just invent a ghost story same with Gods but no use arguing as you cant win whatever side your on.

My opinion of both is utter claptrap!!

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What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Yeah, I can't explain why chemo worked for me but doesn't work for so many others. I can't explain why the car behind me didn't run me over when I had a bad motorcycle accident many years ago, but many people I used to know have died on motorcycles. I can't explain why I have dreams all the time with various people I've know through my life but are now deceased. When my mother died last year, I could feel her presence in her & my father's bedroom, where she expired. These things along with several years now of being with my girl, seeing the Buddhist was of life, spirit houses and all that, I don't "eff" with karma anymore. I'll take all the good karma I can generate and get from other people. My last day might be soon or way off in the future, but I can't explain that either. Every day is special, one more than I had the day before.

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Had a death near the house recently just before I came back to the U.K. and plenty of the younger ones (teenagers) were wary about going near the house alone. Scared of Ghosts. Seems to me that out i8n the sticks it is accepted ghosts do exist though on asking, no one had ever admitted to seeing any.

Flame me as a nutter if you like, but I have seen plenty of ghosts here in the U.K. over the years but never even got a snifter of one in almost a year in Thailand. In fact it was the calmest place I have ever been to in that respect.

Tell us more please. :o

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Thai ghosts--do they need passports to prove their Thai or does an ID card do it?

I don't know if such things exist--but I can assure you that I am much more scared of living things than I am of dead things (with the exception of things which have recently died of Ebola).

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