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Top 10 Worst Tourists


Which of these tourists are the worst of the bunch?  

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Why isn't Isreal listed, I have traveled all over the world, and in most places they are considered the worst of all.

I agree with this guy, Isralies are naturally very rude and I find that many Danish, especially girls, have their noses held a little too high for my liking.

As much as I am ashamed to say it though, out of those listed, I think us English are the worst - especially when there's a game on within days of their arrival.

That said I voted for Americans which was a little unfair because you don't come across many.

Having said that there was this one American guy a couple of years ago who was very drunk and kept slapping his thigh and saying "Man I kick ass", and annoying people, including spitting on one poor young Brit who had just arrived and was trying to make friends.

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As much as I am ashamed to say it though, out of those listed, I think us English are the worst - especially when there's a game on within days of their arrival.

Yup... footie and cheap beer is not a good mix for some brits... :o

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they old scandos are spot in imo alwayz a sound bit of advice from them.. Germans though a different story, stuck up arrogant chunts that think they own the place!

Aussies are a bunch of oversize girls, once accidently stole/took a 40yr old mammoths motorbike in pattaya and he started crying like a little girl and went running to the police :o

And well, Yanks are yanks..

As for us english, where all hooligans! :D

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Nice to see that us Scandinavians don't really bother anybody. I don't really like my country (Denmark) but the turists from Denmark and Scandinavia in general don't bother me - except we usually manage to fit in like a clown at a funeral. You can always spot a Dane from a mile away - but he is harmless.

The Israelis get me vote as well - once stayed in a resort on Koh Chang during the quiet season - only other people at the resort was an Israelian group of about 20. Completely spoiled my holiday.

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Got a good friend that's a Dane - met through our Thai Mrs. I did have a 'disagreement' with a Sweed in Val D'esare when he drunkenly pushed two English girls down some stairs in a bar.

In Europe, Greece, Spain, Turkey, I would say the Germans are the most annoying. The old reserved sun lounger trick etc.

In Phi its definitely the Amercians. Seems to attract the loud, "I only eat McDonalds" crowd.

...but in LOS, it has to be us Brits. Either yobs sporting Bulldog tatoos, nipple rings, bleached crew cuts and walking around with no T-Shirts on; or the sandle and sock brigade. As a fellow Brit, I nearly always cringe at Brits abroad - especially first timers.

LOS seems to attract the quieter, friendlier, nicer Americans. Canadians can be loud, but I supposed they get used to shouting across glaciers and crevases and stuff. I don't frequent the red-light areas, so don't often see the Germans. Japanese seem friendly, have had a chat with a few just sitting in the park. Never met a Chinese tourist (anywhere!). Russian tourists frighten the h3ll out of me, because I have a preconceived idea that any Rusky that can afford to holiday in LOS is either Mafia, ex KGB or both. Belgians are fine as long as you don't talk to them - bore the bark off an oak tree! Frenchies are fine outside of France (in France its a whole other matter of course) seem very friendly and chatty from what I see.

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Russian tourists frighten the h3ll out of me, because I have a preconceived idea that any Rusky that can afford to holiday in LOS is either Mafia, ex KGB or both.

They run package tour charter flights from Siberia during the winter and Thailand is a popular destination, and it's not Mafia or KGB, it's just hard working Russians with money who want to escape -40C and who could blame them!

So give the poor ol' Ruskies a break. I've been working with them for nearly three years and they're a good crowd. They tend to overdo the beer with spirits "beer without vodka is like throwing money to the wind" is a favourite saying, so they do get seriously pissed and somewhat loud. But that's the joy to me; they're not the sullen morose, nuclear bomb toting, caricatures that populated the movies during the Cold War.


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Reason: they're very nice people and all, but I can't compete with the wads they flash around!

Totally agree - they screw it up for all the kinneow farangs who don't want to pay the stupid asking prices for tuk-tuks, in markets, etc. They are very nice and polite, but why do they have to go around everywhere by the coach-load? :o

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Reason: they're very nice people and all, but I can't compete with the wads they flash around!

Totally agree - they screw it up for all the kinneow farangs who don't want to pay the stupid asking prices for tuk-tuks, in markets, etc. They are very nice and polite, but why do they have to go around everywhere by the coach-load? :o

They are like a heard of cattle. They are always crowding people and pushing in lines.Personally i do not care for them. I sure they do not mean to be offensive but they are. IMHO

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When a poll is being taken (as in this one) it should include all of the countries who's citizen's travel a lot.

For the size of the country (read population numbers) NZ probably has more people pro rata that travel than any other country.

They don't generally stand out too much 'except when the AB's have whipped the arse of another team' Then ya can't shut the cnuts up :o

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Here we go again.

If one was to say Thais are stupid and Thais are lazy that, then 99% of the board would say "you troll <deleted>, get off, you dont understand the culture"..etc...etc...etc..

Yet we are all here discussing other cultures as complete idiots.

Now I fully understand why it is difficult to find real falang friends in Thailand. They're all at each others throats.

Im becoming disapointed with this board. :+(

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Nice to see that us Scandinavians don't really bother anybody. I don't really like my country (Denmark) but the turists from Denmark and Scandinavia in general don't bother me - except we usually manage to fit in like a clown at a funeral. You can always spot a Dane from a mile away - but he is harmless.

The Israelis get me vote as well - once stayed in a resort on Koh Chang during the quiet season - only other people at the resort was an Israelian group of about 20. Completely spoiled my holiday.

I don't want to burst your bubble, dear Scandinavian person, but I think the reason your group of countries haven't got a single vote (yet) is that no-one is too sure who you really are :o:D:D Is it just Denmark, Norway and Sweden? Does it include Holland? Jeez, I was never any good at Geography - always in the bottom 5 at school. :D

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

Besides we are easy to identify, we are the albinos you see in the street all the time.

An be honest - you have all hit on a Scandinavian girl (blond hair, huge assests) at some point - am sure when you tried to impress her you knew EVERYTHING about Scandinavia.

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An be honest - you have all hit on a Scandinavian girl (blond hair, huge assests) at some point - am sure when you tried to impress her you knew EVERYTHING about Scandinavia.

That's pretty funny.

However, lighthearted or not, I choose to refrain from voting on the subject. Met too many softspoken, gentle and friendly germans, yanks, brits, scandihooligans, dutch, chinese and japanese etc (yes, they all do exist) to slag them. Sure, a few people from certain countries around the world have indeed bugged me more that you'd figure average, but not enough to paint their entire country with a wide brush.

Love you guys. Keep the spirit high... :o

/// dfw

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The OP added, correctly: Good natured generalisations.

Let's keep it at that, believe there is no space for any politics and should not be.

Let's not forget, tourists come here to relax, to let it hang out, to get blastered or whatever, definitely to behave differently as they would at home. They also behave differently in groups than being single, whichis an oxymoron in itself, you hardly find any tourists not sticking somehow to their country people in a group.

So let them enjoy, with one exception, don't let them run up and down the main road in tropical outfits or bikinis displaying all of their 200 pounds of weight.

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

:o:D:D No, really, I am that geographically challenged. I forgot all about Finland - I knew there was another country in there somewhere. And Iceland! Don't think I would have got that one. (I had to use Google to find out). Damm Mr. Wilkinson (my Geography teacher) - he really was crap! -_-:(:)

Besides we are easy to identify, we are the albinos you see in the street all the time.

And those metal hats with the horns are a dead give-away... :D:D

An be honest - you have all hit on a Scandinavian girl (blond hair, huge assests) at some point - am sure when you tried to impress her you knew EVERYTHING about Scandinavia.

OK, you got me. :wub:

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Here we go again.

If one was to say Thais are stupid and Thais are lazy that, then 99% of the board would say "you troll <deleted>, get off, you dont understand the culture"..etc...etc...etc..

Yet we are all here discussing other cultures as complete idiots.

Now I fully understand why it is difficult to find real falang friends in Thailand. They're all at each others throats.

Im becoming disapointed with this board. :+(

Obviosly you didn't read the disclaimer.

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I think, there is a big difference, if people are travelling in a group or travelling by their own.

Also what means WORST TOURIST? WORST in what? in paying tips? or in behaviour like noisy singing? .....

Some groups/countries are not listed at all and so I cannot vote. What about Arabs for example?

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

:o:D:D No, really, I am that geographically challenged. I forgot all about Finland - I knew there was another country in there somewhere. And Iceland! Don't think I would have got that one. (I had to use Google to find out). Damm Mr. Wilkinson (my Geography teacher) - he really was crap! :D:D:wub:

When it comes to the definition of Scandinavia, it is not quite that simple. In your search for enlightenment did you find this one http://www.scandinavica.com/culture/society/nordic.htm ?

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

Besides we are easy to identify, we are the albinos you see in the street all the time.

An be honest - you have all hit on a Scandinavian girl (blond hair, huge assests) at some point - am sure when you tried to impress her you knew EVERYTHING about Scandinavia.

I tried to book a ticket to Scandinavia last week and that nitwit at the travel agency didn't even know what the capital city of Scandinavia was. So instead I booked a midweek hotel in Holland, Michigan. Not that far from Scandinavia as the travel agent told us. We are looking forward to the trip.

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