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Top 10 Worst Tourists


Which of these tourists are the worst of the bunch?  

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I tried to book a ticket to Scandinavia last week and that nitwit at the travel agency didn't even know what the capital city of Scandinavia was. So instead I booked a midweek hotel in Holland, Michigan. Not that far from Scandinavia as the travel agent told us. We are looking forward to the trip.

Aussie? You are austrian, right? :o

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

:o:D:D No, really, I am that geographically challenged. I forgot all about Finland - I knew there was another country in there somewhere. And Iceland! Don't think I would have got that one. (I had to use Google to find out). Damm Mr. Wilkinson (my Geography teacher) - he really was crap! :D:wub:-_-

When it comes to the definition of Scandinavia, it is not quite that simple. In your search for enlightenment did you find this one http://www.scandinavica.com/culture/society/nordic.htm ?

To quote that reference:

Scandinavia is the cultural and historic region of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The Scandinavian countries are Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

The usage and meaning of the term outside Scandinavia is somewhat ambiguous:

• Finland and Iceland are occasionally counted as parts of Scandinavia.

• In a German mindset, Norway, Sweden and Finland are usually included, but Denmark is not.

In a British mindset it includes Norway and Sweden, and is sometimes included with The Baltic region.

These alternative meanings are considered incorrect in the local languages, and some people may take offense by such usage in English.

OK, so now I'm totally confused and if you are Scandinavian, paulsenp, I hope I didn't offend you. I've learnt someting new today... :D

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

:o:D:D No, really, I am that geographically challenged. I forgot all about Finland - I knew there was another country in there somewhere. And Iceland! Don't think I would have got that one. (I had to use Google to find out). Damm Mr. Wilkinson (my Geography teacher) - he really was crap! :D:wub:-_-

When it comes to the definition of Scandinavia, it is not quite that simple. In your search for enlightenment did you find this one http://www.scandinavica.com/culture/society/nordic.htm ?

To quote that reference:

Scandinavia is the cultural and historic region of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The Scandinavian countries are Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

The usage and meaning of the term outside Scandinavia is somewhat ambiguous:

• Finland and Iceland are occasionally counted as parts of Scandinavia.

• In a German mindset, Norway, Sweden and Finland are usually included, but Denmark is not.

In a British mindset it includes Norway and Sweden, and is sometimes included with The Baltic region.

These alternative meanings are considered incorrect in the local languages, and some people may take offense by such usage in English.

OK, so now I'm totally confused and if you are Scandinavian, paulsenp, I hope I didn't offend you. I've learnt someting new today... :D

No offence taken, RDN, I am almost as confused as you. I was taught that Scandinavia only consists of the 3 countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

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I'm not surprised that most of you chaps voted for the yanks, but we're not talking about George Bush the tourist. Most Americans that I have encountered in Thailand have been really cool, especially the ex-pats.

Now we are talking- he-he :o . According to my opinion worse than a Russian tourist I have not seen up til now, execuse me if I have offended someone here on the forum, but after all I lived in Bulgaria, worked with a lot of Russian tourist and they act the same way every where. I saw some in Pattay, same thing, once you visit Russia do, totally different picture- pretty cool people in their own country :D

Cheers for the Russian... Give me a bottle of vodka :D


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Here we go again.

If one was to say Thais are stupid and Thais are lazy that, then 99% of the board would say "you troll <deleted>, get off, you dont understand the culture"..etc...etc...etc..

Yet we are all here discussing other cultures as complete idiots.

Now I fully understand why it is difficult to find real falang friends in Thailand. They're all at each others throats.

Im becoming disapointed with this board.  :+(

Obviosly you didn't read the disclaimer.

Ok I read the disclaimer, point noted.

But there is some truth in it.

I will try to be more lighthearted. :o

For me it would have to be the Koreans and Chinese. They always walk around in huge numbers. Usually see them coming off the beach with matching towels around them. Then the leader will stand in the middle of the road and hold thier hand up like a traffic cop, while the whole road stops for 10 minutes as the herd crosses the road.

Or the Japanese who die their hair red/ginger and have spikey haircuts like their comic book heros.

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Dear Geography challenged person, I don't this poll was set up with in mind. Scandinavia is as well defined an area as the EU or the States. There is no way it would ever include Holland. It would be a bit dull if we only run polls for the lowest common denominator.

:D:D:D No, really, I am that geographically challenged. I forgot all about Finland - I knew there was another country in there somewhere. And Iceland! Don't think I would have got that one. (I had to use Google to find out). Damm Mr. Wilkinson (my Geography teacher) - he really was crap! -_-:(:)

When it comes to the definition of Scandinavia, it is not quite that simple. In your search for enlightenment did you find this one http://www.scandinavica.com/culture/society/nordic.htm ?

To quote that reference:

Scandinavia is the cultural and historic region of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The Scandinavian countries are Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

The usage and meaning of the term outside Scandinavia is somewhat ambiguous:

• Finland and Iceland are occasionally counted as parts of Scandinavia.

• In a German mindset, Norway, Sweden and Finland are usually included, but Denmark is not.

In a British mindset it includes Norway and Sweden, and is sometimes included with The Baltic region.

These alternative meanings are considered incorrect in the local languages, and some people may take offense by such usage in English.

OK, so now I'm totally confused and if you are Scandinavian, paulsenp, I hope I didn't offend you. I've learnt someting new today... :D

No offence taken, RDN, I am almost as confused as you. I was taught that Scandinavia only consists of the 3 countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Now I guess the Fins will be upset for leaving them out. :)

Denmark is somehow on the edge appearing to be the place where Scandinavia begins pretty much like the same situation where to draw the line in terms of Asia in the west. How about counting the northern part of Denmark to Scandinavia by following the mode the further north we go (certainly in Europe only) the more Scandinavian it gets which should satisfy all parties involved. :o

Well, since the German appear to make the race in terms of being the worst tourists where to go to get the trophy (supposedly to be filled up to the top with Singha draft)? Winning is winning and who gives a <deleted> what the competition was all about :wub:

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They are very nice and polite, but why do they have to go around everywhere by the coach-load?  :D

yep... and why do they love those bright coloured ricksahaws with the flags so much... god, i'd be so embarassed travelling in one of those.. :o:D

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happy to see that us scandinavians dont bother to many people in L0S.

:D But being a "luk kueng" danish/english I find it funny that some people vote on their own country!! Is this not simply because we love the LOS more than we love our homecountry, and that we have a different attitude to life down here than back home???

GENTLEMAN SCAMP>>>> why do you think that the danes have their noses to high?? can you explain plz???

well cheers chaps :o

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Hands down the most ill-mannered group of tourist to meet would be any group of skinhead brits under 35. Alone I've always found them to be well-mannered even when they are "under the weather" but put three or four of them together and they all seem to be suffering from testosterone poisoning.

I've had a couple of run-ins with them over the years. Never coming to blows with them, but they seem determined to insult and bagger anyone in their path. Last fall I was walking along the beach in Pattaya with the pooying-de-jour and we were passed by a group of young brits. Seems they were beside themselves trying to lear and blurt out leacherous comments at us, laughing all the way down the beach. But strangely they quieted right down when they met three Marines walking the opposite direction! They are hard to beat in the unprovoked arrogance department IMO. But only if they out number you! Childish to worst degree!


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Bugger this, it's about time somebody voted for the Scandanavians. I do so on the basis that, in Pattaya at least, they are permanently pissed for the duration of their stay and are the world casual-vomit-in-the-gutter champions. Oh, and also they insist on Abba being played very loudly. :o


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Bugger this, it's about time somebody voted for the Scandanavians. I do so on the basis that, in Pattaya at least, they are permanently pissed for the duration of their stay and are the world casual-vomit-in-the-gutter champions. Oh, and also they insist on Abba being played very loudly. :D

Now we will have to split up scandinavia in three parts.

And the part you are describing is defenitly the sweeds :o

they simply cant handle their liquer...... :D

cheers :D

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"There is a tendency to judge a race, a nation or any distinct group by its least worthy members." Eric Hoffer.

( A snippet from this week's Trink Page)

Too true!

Sadly it's the infamous that attract our attention,

Mr & Mrs Niceperson tend to be invisible :o

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"There is a tendency to judge a race, a nation or any distinct group by its least

worthy members." Eric Hoffer.

( A snippet from this week's Trink Page)

Yes, but BT also had the good taste of posting:

'We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything'

/// dfw

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"There is a tendency to judge a race, a nation or any distinct group by its least

worthy members." Eric Hoffer.

( A snippet from this week's Trink Page)

Great post killer. On the money.

Slagging a culture or people in a good hearted manner is a little contradictory isn't it. Especially if one hasn't set foot in said country and immersed themselves within the culture to gain some true insight on the people. Someone posted earlier that tourists are often seen at their worst, in uncomfortable situations in foreign environments. Those are the ones that stand out anyway. I guess we have been desensitised by common frustrations found within this kingdom.

Do some us seek pleasure from tourist's misfortune? I try to help out courteous tourists to the best of my ability, however, if their behavior warrants such misfortunes, then I feel good knowing they got what they deserve.

A little off topic I guess.

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having met good people and <deleted> from most countries ,i have to agree it is hard to make a call here ,HOWEVER, the most obnoxious tourists i have ever met (and on several occasions )have got to be israelis. very loud ,obnoxious and arrogant ,without a thought for others . i am sure there are many nice israelis as there are nice people from every country , but i havnt met one yet . as for scandinavia, i work in iceland each year, and they definately see themselves as scandinavian . (and they definately are as far as i can see ) within scandinavia ,they would use the term , "the nordic countries ", which would include ,iceland,sweden ,denmark,norway ,finland and greenland. inside this region ,citizens of each country can travel without a passport as long as they carry sufficient ID.

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Think the worst i have met are the Russians and the Brits under 40 drunk before a game mob/type,

Best guys i ever stayed with Norwiegians had a great time staing in their hotel,party time everyday,and treated you like one of their own.

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Bugger this, it's about time somebody voted for the Scandanavians. I do so on the basis that, in Pattaya at least, they are permanently pissed for the duration of their stay and are the world casual-vomit-in-the-gutter champions. Oh, and also they insist on Abba being played very loudly. :D


Yeah, what is it with this Abba addiction thing? That group died out years ago and you still have to suffer thru those horrible tunes whenever around certain European groups. If I got to hear "Dancing Queen" one more time, I swear I'll hurl... :o

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I swear I'll hurl...

(oooo ya)

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life ohh yaa

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen ahhh ahhh

Friday night and the lights are low

Looking out for the place to go

Where they play the right music, getting in the swing

You come in to look for a king

Anybody could be that guy

Night is young and the music's high

With a bit of rock music, everything is fine

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine ohh yaaa

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on

Leave 'em burning and then you're gone

Looking out for another, anyone will do

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine ohh yaaa

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

Dig in the Dancing Queen :o

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Poor Americans. They get the blame for it all. We are such arrogant, egotistical, leachorus capitalists. There is no valid information here. What is the percentage of US citizens visitors compared to other Nationalities.

My God, don't you people have a world to save or something.

Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch.

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Poor Americans. They get the blame for it all. We are such arrogant, egotistical, leachorus capitalists. There is no valid information here. What is the percentage of US citizens visitors compared to other Nationalities.

My God, don't you people have a world to save or something.

Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch.


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I swear I'll hurl...

(oooo ya)

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life ohh yaa

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen ahhh ahhh

Friday night and the lights are low

Looking out for the place to go

Where they play the right music, getting in the swing

You come in to look for a king

Anybody could be that guy

Night is young and the music's high

With a bit of rock music, everything is fine

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine ohh yaaa

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on

Leave 'em burning and then you're gone

Looking out for another, anyone will do

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine ohh yaaa

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

Ooo.. see that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

Dig in the Dancing Queen :D

Thanks a bunch there, Johnnie Walker - my keyboard will never get all the little chunks outa it... :o

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Poor Americans. They get the blame for it all. We are such arrogant, egotistical, leachorus capitalists. There is no valid information here. What is the percentage of US citizens visitors compared to other Nationalities.

My God, don't you people have a world to save or something.

Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch.

Lighten up, the post said 'Top 10 Worst Tourists, Good natured generalisations' I think I'm the only person who took a poke at Wilbur and Wilma and I'm sorry if I touched a nerve.:o

If you want to see some figures there are some TAT statistics in this thread Visitor Numbers Americans are the 5th largest group of visitors after Japan, UK, Germany and Malaysia. You can also read a thread taking the piss out of the Poms at the same time, some balance for you.:D

As for the "Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch", I'm sorry but if Japan hadn't forced America into the war we would probably all be speaking Russian!

:D :D

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Poor Americans. They get the blame for it all. We are such arrogant, egotistical, leachorus capitalists.  There is no valid information here. What is the percentage of US citizens visitors compared to other Nationalities.

My God, don't you people have a world to save or something.

Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch.

Stay cool and just look at the poll. We Krauts still have the lead in that worst tourist run although you yanks seem to push hard to pick up :D

No offence but just a little correction: It better reads "Europe should have been left to the Germans. "Dann wuerdet Ihr Bastarde alle deutsch sprechen". (= proper German for "Then all you bastards would be speaking German". Just spoken in reference to the grammar but no way to second the content. That freakin' language is actually tough to deal with. :o

Actually, be assured I personally sincerely appreciate the job the Americans did back then, ridding the world of the REAL bastard.

Just hope you guys are gonna decide wisely in the up-coming decision because eventually it is usually not the people to blame but their leaders. As a German I can indeed tell you about this.

Just take it easy.


Richard :D

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...There are some people on this forum who can wait to take a shot at americans because of their goverment policys. I think they use this forum and poll for this.

Since the Germans took over the negative lead, we should change the text to:

"...There are some people on this forum who can wait to take a shot at Germans because of their goverment policys. I think they use this forum and poll for this."Now, who is it, Mr. Schroeder?

BTW, I try to avoid mingling with German tourists myself, too noisy...

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