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Half Price Round Trip To Kunming


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I'm moving to China and have two small dogs. China will only allow entry of one dog per ticketed passenger.

I want to leave in about two weeks and will pay half of round trip fare - about 5500 BT - for someone to go with me.

You can get a 30 day visa at the Chinese Consulate in a few days. Kunming is beautiful and cool this time of year!

Let me know if interested, I'll even help with visa cost.


[email protected]

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For personal security reasons nobody in their right mind would take up your offer Paco.

Unless they know you personally of course, but if you knew someone personally who would go for it,you would not be asking for someone to accompay you on the forum.

5,000 Baht is not exactly a Kings ransom !

Absolutley no offence intended...but I would not do it...even if it was FREE

Edited by ThaiPauly
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For personal security reasons nobody in their right mind would take up your offer Paco.

Unless they know you personally of course, but if you knew someone personally who would go for it,you would not be asking for someone to accompay you on the forum.

5,000 Baht is not exactly a Kings ransom !

Absolutley no offence intended...but I would not do it...even if it was FREE

I don't see what the problem is :o .

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I'm moving to China and have two small dogs. China will only allow entry of one dog per ticketed passenger.

I want to leave in about two weeks and will pay half of round trip fare - about 5500 BT - for someone to go with me.

You can get a 30 day visa at the Chinese Consulate in a few days. Kunming is beautiful and cool this time of year!

Let me know if interested, I'll even help with visa cost.


[email protected]

Hi Paco,

If you can't find anyone, is leaving one dog here for the time being and collect him later or have him send by cargo on a later date an option?

I have sent dogs to their owners, who were abroad already, before. If you need more info on this or on the paperwork needed by the person who is going to send the dog, just send me a PM or email, through my website (see profile). Or drop by the kennel.


Edited by Nienke
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For personal security reasons nobody in their right mind would take up your offer Paco.

Unless they know you personally of course, but if you knew someone personally who would go for it,you would not be asking for someone to accompay you on the forum.

5,000 Baht is not exactly a Kings ransom !

Absolutley no offence intended...but I would not do it...even if it was FREE

I don't see what the problem is :o .

Think outside the box, I am sure it is perfectly legit, but its like someone asking someone you don't know to carry your bags through customs. for 5,000 Baht.......would you expect them to do that?

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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

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You have never helped a stranger ?

Of course I have, if I saw someone get injured in an RTA or an old lady being mugged, sure I would help, but a stranger asking me to take their dog through customs ...no thanks

I never said he was a drug smuggler.......just that I would not do it as I don't know him, if I did , or it was one of my close freinds, and I could spare the time then sure I would.

But I don't so I won't.

But hey...feel free to take up Pacco's offer yourself

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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

The level of positivity in this post has sent my sarcasm detecters into overload, but my brain tells me there would be no reason for such a post...

Are you being serious?

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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

The level of positivity in this post has sent my sarcasm detecters into overload, but my brain tells me there would be no reason for such a post...

Are you being serious?

Absolutley, :o as Wai Wai said, why do you think Paco is moving there.?

There has not been any scarcasm in this thread, rarther sceptism.

Its well worth checking out. Visas are easy to obtain and flights there are direct from CM

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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

The level of positivity in this post has sent my sarcasm detecters into overload, but my brain tells me there would be no reason for such a post...

Are you being serious?

Absolutley, :D as Wai Wai said, why do you think Paco is moving there.?

There has not been any scarcasm in this thread, rarther sceptism.

Its well worth checking out. Visas are easy to obtain and flights there are direct from CM

I spent a week there two years ago, I found a clean modern city that was a bit quiet. Everybody has an electric motor scooter which can be a problem as you can't hear them coming. I also found several great restaurants some of which did very good pizza which surprised me.

If your taste runs to the horticultural the botanic park is great and has the best rhododendron gardens in the world.

If there was any nightlife there, I never found it. :o

Edited by sceadugenga
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What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is ok for a short visit, pretty much anything of any historical importance has been razed to the ground and replaced with a shopping mall. I enjoyed the food there some decent western style restaurants and bars -with much better food and service than there Thai counterparts.

The weather is pleasant, taxi's are reliable and fairly cheap.

Personally I prefered travelling a bit further up into Yunnan and spending time in Lijiang and Dali both fascinating towns with a bit more character and culture than Kunming.

All in all a nice part of the world

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For personal security reasons nobody in their right mind would take up your offer Paco.

Unless they know you personally of course, but if you knew someone personally who would go for it,you would not be asking for someone to accompay you on the forum.

TP I personally know Paco as does McGriffiths. Not that we are particularly stellar character witnesses but he has asked for help from his friends but none of us are able to do a trip at this time. He was looking for someone to take one of his beloved miniture mop dogs to China. He has settled over there and has a time imperitive to get back. Basically he is getting a bit desperate and willing to risk one of the dogs with a stranger.

Your advice as a general statement is however perfectly correct - taking things for strangers is a serious risk. In this case however I doubt that you could fit many condoms full of cocaine up the base passage of these dogs :o.

I do have one question that hasn't been answered before. What happens when the "willing stranger" comes back minus said hound? Has to claim that it was lost/stolen/was a food parcel for family and friends?

Oh yeah TP when you leave for your flight to London in the morning would you mind taking a parcel for me and delivering it to a "mate". One thing though don't open it because it took me ages to wrap it air tight and I think you should put it right at the bottom of your suitcase out of the way :D


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Yeah, Paco's totally cool. You can enter with a dog, leave without dog, no problem. He has all the vet documents- he brought these little fluff-balls from the US.

Paco is flying to Kunming, but is actually moving to Dali. He showed me photes- a very special place.

Paco, if you are monitoring this, I suggest you consider Nienke's suggestion. Give her a call and see what she can do. She is a dog lover, professional dog trainer and is pretty hooked up here on the doggie scene. She might know options you might not be aware of. And she is a nice lady, too!


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Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

imho, I found Kunming to be uninteresting, just another big Chinese city with a population of ~4 million. It's got the same pollution, traffic and uncontrolled over-building as every other city there.

Maybe TP is confusing it with Zhongdian, which is the place most often associated with Shangri-la.

As for the weather, yes it's 75°F from April thru Sept but it's also very rainy then. And in Dec/Jan you can expect nights below 40° with days rarely exceeding 60°. The rest of the year will be something in between. http://www.wunderground.com/NORMS/DisplayI...&Units=both

Not my idea of paradise.


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Why do you suppose he's moving there ?

The weather :o

Paco has a very nice girlfriend up there and I wish him the best of luck. He speaks Chinese and is settling in nicely. He is also very interested in Botany and doing a lot of study of the local vegetation :D


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  • 2 weeks later...
What's Kunming like? I'm considering going there to learn Mandarin...

Is it friendly? Relaxed?

What's the weather like in winter? Does it get cold? Is it cheap?

Is there plenty of nice females there (ha, only joking (actually... no not joking))?

Would anyone who has been there recommend it as a good place to set up camp for a month or two?

And if not, why not?

Kunming is an absolutley wonderful place.

It has been descibed as the nearest thing to "Shangri-la".

The temperature is constantly around 75 f , there are no bugs, its cheap, the chicks are hot, the golf is amazing.....heaven on earth

Don't know that I would quite go that far TeePee. I do agree that it nice and a welcome change from the what we have here in CNX.

You've reminded me that another trip has gotta be scheduled in.

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