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Whats Wrong With My Screen? Help


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After a while my display goes all blurry and makes my eyes go funny, before i'd turn off the pc for an hour or so but now it's like it all the time.

Does anybody know why, and how to fix it?


Davethailand (soon in need of glasses) :o

Many monitors have a focus adjustment knob located inside the monitor. You can try to open the case and play with those knobs but be careful what you touch--there are live components that will give you the shock of your life!!

Better yet--take it to your local pc shop and ask them to fix.

Even better--treat yourself and go out and buy one of those nice lcd monitors.

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Give it a few slaps to the side of the head and perhaps it will behave. Seriously. If high end and you like it most TV shops can fix monitors now. But my last one has worked fine after getting the slap treatment 3 months ago.

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When did you have your eyesight tested last?

I'm not joking, I had problems with my monitor about 4 years ago, seemed things would go a bit blurry after a few hours. Wasn't the computer I'd just reached the point that I need reading glasses. :o

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Many monitors have a focus adjustment knob located inside the monitor.  You can try to open the case and play with those knobs but be careful what you touch--there are live components that will give you the shock of your life!!

Not recommended unless you are very experienced in working in electronics. There are components inside monitors and TV sets with up to 25,000 volts (eg: flyback transformers) that can kill you. Other components, like capacitors, can retain very high voltages over a long period of time, even if the unit is turned off and unplugged.

Most tube monitors and TV's today use electrostatic focusing circuitry. Your problem could be as simple as a bad resistor or the CRT itself may be dying. Check your monitor's guarantee, as many originally carried a 3 year warranty.

If your monitor is much over 3 years old, it probably isn't "cost effective" to try and repair it. Remember, the part(s) you replace will be new, but the rest will still be old.


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can try to low down the refresh rate one step down ...

if 85 hertz, set it to 75 ...

if does not work ... change monitor or go to see a doctor to adjust your own eyes :D

might just be an eye problem ... no joke!

some bad bacteria can damage your eyes fast and in a definitive way ...

be careful :o



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How old is this monitor ??

Is it a CRT ?? vs LCD

Waldwolf gives good advice.

50 volts is enough to kill you as it can overcome

skin resistance and deliver the mAmps needed

thru your heart.

CRTs have kilovolts (kilo = 1000) as much as 50Kv.

Not anything to mess with. Too risky.

I am an EE and would not fool around with a CRT

without complete manual docs and in a lab with

all equipment necessary.

If it is 4 yrs or older, invest in a new one if you

have the funds. Otherwise find a tech you can



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thanks for the advice everyone,

the monitor is just over 2 years old, i bought it in DCO computers in pattaya, it's better today but as i'm sitting here it's making me dizzy again (maybe thats from the excessive drinking last night! hmm) i think i'll check out prices for a new one, i fancy one the new slimline monitors.

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Give it a few slaps to the side of the head and perhaps it will behave. Seriously. If high end and you like it most TV shops can fix monitors now. But my last one has worked fine after getting the slap treatment 3 months ago.

LOL, mine's currently getting the slap treatment too, just can't bring myself to replace the old dear.

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just taken it back to the shop and it's still under NEC warrenty for free repair, yippee, thy've also lent me one for the time being and i can see again.

Thanks DCO (i've decided in a couple of weeks to treat myself with a complete new pc and monitor.

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just taken it back to the shop and it's still under NEC warrenty for free repair, yippee, thy've also lent me one for the time being and i can see again.

Thanks DCO (i've decided in a couple of weeks to treat myself with a complete new pc and monitor.

This is maybe the best what you can do with it....

Found this thread just now...

Before you think, the display is defective, try another monitor with the same computer....

Sometimes it is not the monitor, but the monitor-interface-card in the computer.

Then, remove everything, which might be magnetic (like loud speakers, AC-power-cables, transformators and so on) away from the computer and the monitor.....

Computer and monitor should be clean inside to prevent overheating, also often a reason for bad functioning.....

It is not always the monitor itself, when your picture is not clear.....

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