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How Rich Thais View Poor


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Correct, that is what she is actually saying. I understand selling your body, just don't do anything to get yourself out of that predicament, and whatever you do, don't come into my world.

Well tough s**t dear, it is in your country in spades. If you don't like it stand up and do something more constructive than write a blog about it.

There's a difference between treating a prostitute like a human being -- which they certainly are -- and flaunting relationships based on prostitution in the faces of normal people, in places where they don't belong. While I applaud the former, many people -- including many Thais -- have grown tired of farang doing the latter.

Doing something about it? Some would say that the current tightening of visa regulations is doing exactly that. :o

If you care about prostitutes being considered as human beings, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the current thread about some guy who raped a 16 old girl in Pattaya. Last time I looked, there were more than a few posters suggesting that rape isn't rape if the girl is a prostitute.

Edited by canadiangirl
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"There's a difference between treating a prostitute like a human being -- which they certainly are -- and flaunting relationships based on prostitution in the faces of normal people, in places where they don't belong."

Hmmm - so the Emporium is not where a human being does not belong?

Who are normal people?

Can not agree with where you are going with this one as its a dead end.

As others have said - before you get to discussing the farang sex scene the Asian sex scene is much larger but maybe you just do not notice it. Thailand is seen not just by westerners as the brothel of Asia but by most Asian men too - tell them you go to Thailand and its not just "Nudge nudge wink wink" like back in the west but they blatanlty ask how much you pay and where can they get it cheaper - Singapore men on my MBA talk about paying 10,000THB and way up in Thailand and were shocked by farang prices.

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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

It is only so common, because Thailand has morally decided that they would rather take the money that the industry generates than close it down. It is in no way the fault of the people frequenting it, or working there that it is such a large industry. If it wasn't there, by definition it wouldn't exist.

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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

If you can afford it you can go anywhere

I have had the "looks" when I

have been going out to lunch with colleagues - on who was one of those Na Ayuduyah surnames :o

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"A Thai woman speaking her mind? A rich Thai woman? But ... but ... I came to Thailand to buy women, not be looked down on by women richer than me!"


Why do you assume that every Western man that comes to Thailand does so to buy women? Or is it that just those that disagree with Miss Kitty? Seems like you have some prejudices and preconceived notions you need to deal with.

Oh, thank you so much for your kind advice. I'll be sure to follow it.

I think it's people who seem threatened by a Thai women expressing any opinion except "hello handsum man" who have some prejudices and preconceived notions to deal with.

Is this you? I have no idea. If the hat doesn't fit -- don't put it on.

BTW, when someone else than farang men and their girlfriends, rented or not, are the subjects of "preconceived notions" and "prejudices" are you as quick to defend them? When posters call the journalist a "spoiled bitch", a "feminazi" -- always a classic, although I don't really know how it apparently applies to a woman saying bad things about another woman -- sometimes without having bothered to read her blog, or her argument in its entirety, are you as outraged by "pre-conceived notions" and "prejudices"?

I just don't understand why you jump to the conclusion that anyone who disagrees with this woman's blog does so because they came to Thailand to buy women and are therefore threatened by this one's opinions. I don't think it is fair to say that because some of the posters here disagree with this one particular rant that they can not deal with a Thai woman expressing opinions in general. Your view seems a little narrow here.

BTW, myself, i don't neccesarily have an opinion on the things this woman was complaining about. I try not to let what other people are doing bother me unless it affects me in some way (beyond being mildly annoying.) Her being so judgemental and her overall tone bothered me a little. My reply to your earlier post had nothing to do with defending anyone! I was merely commenting on the fact that you seemed to be jumping to a lot of conclusions about the motives of other posters who found this blog annoying, offensive, or whatever. Often I agree with your posts and it is certainly refreshing to see a female viewpoint on this male dominated forum; however, on this one I had to call bulls..t.

Edited by BADBRAD
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Correct, that is what she is actually saying. I understand selling your body, just don't do anything to get yourself out of that predicament, and whatever you do, don't come into my world.

Well tough s**t dear, it is in your country in spades. If you don't like it stand up and do something more constructive than write a blog about it.

There's a difference between treating a prostitute like a human being -- which they certainly are -- and flaunting relationships based on prostitution in the faces of normal people, in places where they don't belong. While I applaud the former, many people -- including many Thais -- have grown tired of farang doing the latter.

Doing something about it? Some would say that the current tightening of visa regulations is doing exactly that. :o

If you care about prostitutes being considered as human beings, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the current thread about some guy who raped a 16 old girl in Pattaya. Last time I looked, there were more than a few posters suggesting that rape isn't rape if the girl is a prostitute.

You really are bitter, aren't you?

Something you would have noticed if you where a male and had married a lovely thai woman was that too many people, out of share ignorance, both here and abroad either thinks or jokingly insinuates that you have payed for your wife. In most-most cases they re of course wrong.

And if I would venture a guess I would say: The girl above isn't a prostitute. Chances are she is one of many non-rich thai girls that meet a white guy either online, via friends or in clubs, and as originators of lower or lower-middle class they have cheaper clothes but still like to dress up to some extent, with the limitations the wallet gives them. I live in an essentially all-thai part of Bangkok and I see this all he time. Most girls that work in 7/Eleven, tesco Lotus, street vendors, the local store or whatever, like to dress up when going out shopping. Even if they are only going to our local big mall. It's all part of the face/status thing.

Unfortuanly they cannot match in style and 'taste' on the 'hisos', and when they take their boyfriends to shop in a place they might have dreant about - the expensive brandstores - the looks from other people often say 'what does she think she is doing here?'.

The blogger didn't _know_ the girl was a LT GF - she assumed it!

Much like you assumes she is correct.

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Prostitution is big here, but it's never in your face until a farang is involved. By sitting in Nana for weeks they think that the rest of the country is just the same and prostitution is an honorable occupation Thai girls are proud of. It is not.

Who in his right mind would take a stripper to a shopping mall and buy her designer clothes? Why some people think it's ok to do it here?

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I wouldn't worry about Kitty too much, she has her own skeletons to deal with. She comes across as very bitter, and there is no need to be. People make choices in life - faire enuf if you don't agree with someone's career, but treat people as people, not smth less than human.

I wonder what Kitty would say about the middle/upper class dabbling into freelance profession? (further more uni students???) Not all, but they obviously don't have the same rational as say the impoverished toilets as she so elequently calls them.

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Prostitution is big here, but it's never in your face until a farang is involved. By sitting in Nana for weeks they think that the rest of the country is just the same and prostitution is an honorable occupation Thai girls are proud of. It is not.

Who in his right mind would take a stripper to a shopping mall and buy her designer clothes? Why some people think it's ok to do it here?

Because they can - if you can afford it you can do what you want and go anywhere and F%^& what anybody thinks!!!

Was the blogger jealous her designer clothes were no longer exclusive - maybe she should be writing to them sayin their brands are being devalued by poor people wearing their clothes - <deleted> snobby cow.

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Prostitution is big here, but it's never in your face until a farang is involved. By sitting in Nana for weeks they think that the rest of the country is just the same and prostitution is an honorable occupation Thai girls are proud of. It is not.

Who in his right mind would take a stripper to a shopping mall and buy her designer clothes? Why some people think it's ok to do it here?


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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

If you can afford it you can go anywhere

I have had the "looks" when I

have been going out to lunch with colleagues - on who was one of those Na Ayuduyah surnames :o

There is almost no way to avoid the looks. I have a good buddy who's mother is a very well to do upper class japanese and father a very successful British businessman. They married about 30 years ago. It only dawned on me why they do not go out to restaurants and bars together, once I got married over here. They do 99% percent of their socialising at home and have done so since they first met. His mother told me once that people used to spit at her on the street if she walked with him when they first got married in Japan. So thanks for small mercies we don't have to put up with that. He used to do a lot of business in Bangkok, and whilst in Bangkok, a drunk foreigner hit on her and pinched her butt. A very bad move.

My wife and I are exactly the same age and whilst she is as conservative as they come, it still doesn't stop the looks. She was a school teacher. She handles it in her own way, she never comes out for a beer with me and we entertain at home a lot. Ironically this attracts statements from a few people around that we act like snobs. I really don't care, but I don't want my wife to have to put up with it so thats how we live our lives.

Thais (and many farangs) can be amazingly superficial and judgemental (white skin determining class of all things), so there is absolutely nothing you can do about it other than to stick two fingers up to them all. It wouldn't matter if your wife or girlfriend was mother Teresa, people inherently want to feel superior to others.

We lived together in Europe for about 3 years while I was working there and a guy tried to hit on her in the supermarket, saying something along the lines that all Thai women are the same. Amazing how well a can of tuna can add to the effect of a punch.

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I wouldn't worry about Kitty too much, she has her own skeletons to deal with. She comes across as very bitter, and there is no need to be. People make choices in life - faire enuf if you don't agree with someone's career, but treat people as people, not smth less than human.

I wonder what Kitty would say about the middle/upper class dabbling into freelance profession? (further more uni students???) Not all, but they obviously don't have the same rational as say the impoverished toilets as she so elequently calls them.

Well said!

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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

If you can afford it you can go anywhere

I have had the "looks" when I

have been going out to lunch with colleagues - on who was one of those Na Ayuduyah surnames :o

There is almost no way to avoid the looks. I have a good buddy who's mother is a very well to do upper class japanese and father a very successful British businessman. They married about 30 years ago. It only dawned on me why they do not go out to restaurants and bars together, once I got married over here. They do 99% percent of their socialising at home and have done so since they first met. His mother told me once that people used to spit at her on the street if she walked with him when they first got married in Japan. So thanks for small mercies we don't have to put up with that. He used to do a lot of business in Bangkok, and whilst in Bangkok, a drunk foreigner hit on her and pinched her butt. A very bad move.

My wife and I are exactly the same age and whilst she is as conservative as they come, it still doesn't stop the looks. She was a school teacher. She handles it in her own way, she never comes out for a beer with me and we entertain at home a lot. Ironically this attracts statements from a few people around that we act like snobs. I really don't care, but I don't want my wife to have to put up with it so thats how we live our lives.

Thais (and many farangs) can be amazingly superficial and judgemental (white skin determining class of all things), so there is absolutely nothing you can do about it other than to stick two fingers up to them all. It wouldn't matter if your wife or girlfriend was mother Teresa, people inherently want to feel superior to others.

We lived together in Europe for about 3 years while I was working there and a guy tried to hit on her in the supermarket, saying something along the lines that all Thai women are the same. Amazing how well a can of tuna can add to the effect of a punch.

One of the girls in our Bangkok office was brought up in Canada - her family are quite well off. She is the only one of them who i have heardjoke about working in Patpong on the side - about mia nopi's etc and she actually said she see's why some western men do as they do - she is very liberal on this but most are not.

I would take my ex to anywhere and <deleted> with them. I would wear an ancient t-shirt, crocs and shorts shopping in Emprium while buying her designer clothes and eff them.

When we moved to Singapore the company put us up at the Raffles and we drank in the Long Bar and ate there as well as other nice places - in singapore you do not get "The looks" so much and if you do I did not notice - people fell over backwards to be helpful to her in both a service sense and as friends.

Staff in designer shops here actually went out of their way to help her choose - not like in thailand where they kept a distance.

Afer discrimination in Thailand for being from Isaan you should have seen her little face in Singapore and when in biz class lounges at airports - priceless

Edited by Prakanong
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There's a difference between treating a prostitute like a human being -- which they certainly are -- and flaunting relationships based on prostitution in the faces of normal people, in places where they don't belong. While I applaud the former, many people -- including many Thais -- have grown tired of farang doing the latter.

Doing something about it? Some would say that the current tightening of visa regulations is doing exactly that. :o

If you care about prostitutes being considered as human beings, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the current thread about some guy who raped a 16 old girl in Pattaya. Last time I looked, there were more than a few posters suggesting that rape isn't rape if the girl is a prostitute.

You really are bitter, aren't you?

Something you would have noticed if you where a male and had married a lovely thai woman was that too many people, out of share ignorance, both here and abroad either thinks or jokingly insinuates that you have payed for your wife. In most-most cases they re of course wrong.

And if I would venture a guess I would say: The girl above isn't a prostitute. Chances are she is one of many non-rich thai girls that meet a white guy either online, via friends or in clubs, and as originators of lower or lower-middle class they have cheaper clothes but still like to dress up to some extent, with the limitations the wallet gives them. I live in an essentially all-thai part of Bangkok and I see this all he time. Most girls that work in 7/Eleven, tesco Lotus, street vendors, the local store or whatever, like to dress up when going out shopping. Even if they are only going to our local big mall. It's all part of the face/status thing.

Unfortuanly they cannot match in style and 'taste' on the 'hisos', and when they take their boyfriends to shop in a place they might have dreant about - the expensive brandstores - the looks from other people often say 'what does she think she is doing here?'.

The blogger didn't _know_ the girl was a LT GF - she assumed it!

Much like you assumes she is correct.

My girlfriend is Filipina and roughly my age, but because she has dark skin and because a lot of Filipinas dress, let's say ummmm.... unconservatively, we often get dissaproving looks in Bangkok. Not so in the PI or Vietnam.

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There's a difference between treating a prostitute like a human being -- which they certainly are -- and flaunting relationships based on prostitution in the faces of normal people, in places where they don't belong. While I applaud the former, many people -- including many Thais -- have grown tired of farang doing the latter.

Doing something about it? Some would say that the current tightening of visa regulations is doing exactly that. :o

If you care about prostitutes being considered as human beings, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the current thread about some guy who raped a 16 old girl in Pattaya. Last time I looked, there were more than a few posters suggesting that rape isn't rape if the girl is a prostitute.

You really are bitter, aren't you?

Something you would have noticed if you where a male and had married a lovely thai woman was that too many people, out of share ignorance, both here and abroad either thinks or jokingly insinuates that you have payed for your wife. In most-most cases they re of course wrong.

And if I would venture a guess I would say: The girl above isn't a prostitute. Chances are she is one of many non-rich thai girls that meet a white guy either online, via friends or in clubs, and as originators of lower or lower-middle class they have cheaper clothes but still like to dress up to some extent, with the limitations the wallet gives them. I live in an essentially all-thai part of Bangkok and I see this all he time. Most girls that work in 7/Eleven, tesco Lotus, street vendors, the local store or whatever, like to dress up when going out shopping. Even if they are only going to our local big mall. It's all part of the face/status thing.

Unfortuanly they cannot match in style and 'taste' on the 'hisos', and when they take their boyfriends to shop in a place they might have dreant about - the expensive brandstores - the looks from other people often say 'what does she think she is doing here?'.

The blogger didn't _know_ the girl was a LT GF - she assumed it!

Much like you assumes she is correct.

My girlfriend is Filipina and roughly my age, but because she has dark skin and because a lot of Filipinas dress, let's say ummmm.... unconservatively, we often get dissaproving looks in Bangkok. Not so in the PI or Vietnam.

My Boss in Filipina - there are five of them in my office - all in senior positions including 2 Dr's

I know what you mean as I travel throughout Asia with them!

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People make choices in life - faire enuf if you don't agree with someone's career, but treat people as people, not smth less than human.

But why should it go only one way - you can make choices but others can't say anything they want about them?

There are accepted social norms, and if you break them be prepared to take some heat.

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Thinking of all the "offense" generated, reminds me of the time, my friend took me out for my bday at the old Sheraton in BKK and we probably were the only couple under the age of 60 in the dining room. In walked this old guy with his young boytoy. My friend looked up and as they walked by, and said in her Thai english accent "Oh that's so nice of you to take your grandson for dinner", and then went back to eating. She expressed in 10 seconds her complete disdain and contempt for that couple. I could see from the faces of the waiters, they weren't too pleased either.

There's a place for escorts and Thai people prefer they don't go into places where they are deemed not to belong. You can call them snobs or mean all you want but Thais are no different than westerners. Iif hookers showed up in my neighborhood in the west, the folks living there wouldn't be calling up the welcome wagon either.

If you can afford it you can go anywhere

I have had the "looks" when I

have been going out to lunch with colleagues - on who was one of those Na Ayuduyah surnames :o

There is almost no way to avoid the looks. I have a good buddy who's mother is a very well to do upper class japanese and father a very successful British businessman. They married about 30 years ago. It only dawned on me why they do not go out to restaurants and bars together, once I got married over here. They do 99% percent of their socialising at home and have done so since they first met. His mother told me once that people used to spit at her on the street if she walked with him when they first got married in Japan. So thanks for small mercies we don't have to put up with that. He used to do a lot of business in Bangkok, and whilst in Bangkok, a drunk foreigner hit on her and pinched her butt. A very bad move.

My wife and I are exactly the same age and whilst she is as conservative as they come, it still doesn't stop the looks. She was a school teacher. She handles it in her own way, she never comes out for a beer with me and we entertain at home a lot. Ironically this attracts statements from a few people around that we act like snobs. I really don't care, but I don't want my wife to have to put up with it so thats how we live our lives.

Thais (and many farangs) can be amazingly superficial and judgemental (white skin determining class of all things), so there is absolutely nothing you can do about it other than to stick two fingers up to them all. It wouldn't matter if your wife or girlfriend was mother Teresa, people inherently want to feel superior to others.

We lived together in Europe for about 3 years while I was working there and a guy tried to hit on her in the supermarket, saying something along the lines that all Thai women are the same. Amazing how well a can of tuna can add to the effect of a punch.

One of the girls in our Bangkok office was brought up in Canada - her family are quite well off. She is the only one of them who i have heardjoke about working in Patpong on the side - about mia nopi's etc and she actually said she see's why some western men do as they do - she is very liberal on this but most are not.

I would take my ex to anywhere and <deleted> with them. I would wear an ancient t-shirt, crocs and shorts shopping in Emprium while buying her designer clothes and eff them.

When we moved to Singapore the company put us up at the Raffles and we drank in the Long Bar and ate there as well as other nice places - in singapore you do not get "The looks" so much and if you do I did not notice - people fell over backwards to be helpful to her in both a service sense and as friends.

Staff in designer shops here actually went out of their way to help her choose - not like in thailand where they kept a distance.

Afer discrimination in Thailand for being from Isaan you should have seen her little face in Singapore and when in biz class lounges at airports - priceless

Because people in Singapore actually have some manners and are not obsessed with one upmanship. And everyone wonders why this country is slowly splitting itself, Bangkok versus the rest.

We go shopping everywhere we like. It is strange how our lifestyle evolved, it definitely wasn't intentional just sort of ended up that way. Thailand is so superficial there is nothing to be done to stop the looks.

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People make choices in life - faire enuf if you don't agree with someone's career, but treat people as people, not smth less than human.

But why should it go only one way - you can make choices but others can't say anything they want about them?

There are accepted social norms, and if you break them be prepared to take some heat.

Accepted Social Norms??? :o There is no such thing mate unless you live in a Orwellian society. Fk conformity!!!! :D

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People make choices in life - faire enuf if you don't agree with someone's career, but treat people as people, not smth less than human.

But why should it go only one way - you can make choices but others can't say anything they want about them?

There are accepted social norms, and if you break them be prepared to take some heat.

It would appear that it is completely socially normal to frequent massage parlours and strip joints in Bangkok. After all there are so many it must be normal right?

There are absolutely no social norms about shopping. When the social norms are based on bigotry, snobbery, superficiality, sexism, racism, economic discrimination and any other nasty Thai trait I can think of, be prepared to have them challenged. If this country had seen fit to educate its people properly, allow true foreign investment and the such, this girl might have had the chance to be your boss. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and millions and I mean millions of Thais are living subsistence lives in the countryside while some stuck up woman in Bangkok is worried that the status of Siam Paragon may have been reduced by a foreigner buying some clothes in the company of a Thai woman.

Read her blog and replace in your mind the foreigner for being a black man, and the girl Jewish. You would be lucky not to get locked up if you wrote it.

Last time I looked there wasn't a sign on the door of any shop saying there was a social status requirement for foreigners buying things for Thai girls. For christsake, she could have been his wife.

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What do you mean there are no social norms?

Thais wai eachother when they meet. Farangs are expected to follow certain rules, too. Do not bring a whore to your office functions. If you are a whore, do not pretend to be a hi so.

Ahh the arrogance continues, there are no rules. Be honest if I was in that situation, I'd care less what anyone thinks at the office or elsewhere in thailand.

Actually I've got a brilliant idea..... however might make some of the hi so scum uncomfortable. :o

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Yes, it is normal to sneak to a massage parlour after work. It's not normal to take a girl our to a fancy restaurant afterwards. It is normal to brag to your friends about massages, it's not normal to tell your wife about it.

When you force people to treat whores like any other respectable profession, aren't you imposing social norms on them?

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What do you mean there are no social norms?

Thais wai eachother when they meet. Farangs are expected to follow certain rules, too. Do not bring a whore to your office functions. If you are a whore, do not pretend to be a hi so.

Please elaborate. What does it actually mean to by hi-so? Funny how the nouveau riche had to cook up a class all of their own.

I watched a program last night showing a wedding of a famous Thai look kreung model and a Thai look kreung man. All the hi-so wannabees were there. It was the most putrid sickly low class affair I have ever seen. Obviously being hi-so actually translates to having absolutely no class whatsoever, and making a buck out of filming a documentary of your own wedding, which must be the lowest class thing I could imagine.

A truly self aggrandising program full of trumped up nobodies who's only understanding of class is their bank balance.

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Brit, what do you mean "no one is beter than anyone else"? People do feel that some people deserve more respect than others.

That maybe true, such as your own parents, your boss and the King. But it also comes with the caveat that all people are due minimum level of respect which I do believe is now grounded in the Thai constitution irrespective of race, religion, colour or creed. Or are you saying that by definition all Thai women with foreign men should be declared persona non grata by the Thai people?

You are verging on sounding as though you belong in an apartheid society.

So what next concentration camps and re-education and segregation. There is only one person in this country above the law, all others are equal irrespective of what you might believe in your weird little mind.

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Prostitution is big here, but it's never in your face until a farang is involved. By sitting in Nana for weeks they think that the rest of the country is just the same and prostitution is an honorable occupation Thai girls are proud of. It is not.

Who in his right mind would take a stripper to a shopping mall and buy her designer clothes? Why some people think it's ok to do it here?


Does no one see a link between these "who gives a shit what Thais think? I'm going to do whatever I feel like doing -- if people are offended, they are obviously racist/snobs/stuck-up bitches/jealous" attitudes -- and the other endless moans about "why is Thailand becoming so anti-farang? Why are do the visa regulations get worse and worse? Why are they making it so hard to stay here?"

Edited by canadiangirl
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Somtam - minimum respect for a hooker should be somewhat below a VIP customer treatment, don't you agree?

Tawp - it could have been an error of judgement. We assume that the girl in question was indeed a bar girl with her customer (or former customer, if you wish).

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