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Young People In Cm?


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So, we've seen that young people are all over the area, eh ? Well, I just posted about Santia's Open Mike Night in that thread again. it's something to do, a place to meet, and see young people of all ages. 20-ish all the way to 80-ish performing some of their own material or stuff from books, plays and etc. Also some improv, and then discussion about the works as well. It's a darn good way to meet people, entertain, and be entertained. And it's the coolest thing you could do on a Tues night in CM by far. Everyone's welcome to come listen or to get up and do something. Santia's Grotto is also a fun place made to look like a cave, and the beers are always cold. Just like any other bar, but alot more fun. Hope to see some of you there. Like I said in the other post, I'll be reading one of my own stories, and I guarantee anybody who shows up at least two genuine hearty laughs!

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Hi, just wanted to update this thread which I remember reading a while ago as I'm about to go to Chiang Mai to live for a while. I don't know if the posters on this thread are still in Chiang Mai, or if not, who is? I'm going to start a new thread as well.

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Hi, just wanted to update this thread which I remember reading a while ago as I'm about to go to Chiang Mai to live for a while. I don't know if the posters on this thread are still in Chiang Mai, or if not, who is? I'm going to start a new thread as well.

I'll be there in early February and would love to meet anyone

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Hi, we're an english couple, 21 and 26, moved here in October. Not big drinkers , but love our POKER! Anyone know of any arranged hold'em games around town?

gambling is prohibited in thailand. can't see a reason you would play poker otherwise. i do play UNO though.

Thanks for the advice, but its not about gambling actually. So UNOs where its at then? good fun I guess. Any one got any other ideas regarding stuff to do without drinking yourself silly?

Could just use chips correct? I'm down for some Texas Hold em

No, chips or cash, it's illegal in Thailand.

Card games with a gambling theme are illegal in Thailand. Please use PM feature if you wish to discuss poker, etc. Thanks.

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