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Motox In Phuket


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Does anybody know anything about motox in phuket?

I once went out on a dirtbike with a canadian chap who also had something to do with the bungee and crazy golf in phuket and we went to a track just outside patong.

This was a few years ago and i am returning to Phuket this year and would like to use my time to train on a dirtbike if i can rent or hire one for a few day a week for a month or so?

Last time i was there i noticed a few of the little bike repair shops have dirtbikes and wondered if anybody knows much about the motox scene in Phuket.


Andrew Biss

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<br />Hi <br /> Does anybody know anything about motox in phuket? <br /> I once went out on a dirtbike with a canadian chap who also had something to do with the bungee and crazy golf in phuket and we went to a track just outside patong. <br /> This was a few years ago and i am returning to Phuket this year and would like to use my time to train on a dirtbike if i can rent or hire one for a few day a week for a month or so?<br /> Last time i was there i noticed a few of the little bike repair shops have dirtbikes and wondered if anybody knows much about the motox scene in Phuket.<br /> Thanks<br />Andrew Biss<br />
<br /><br /><br />

If I was you I would try the motocross/supercross track on the left hand side as you come over the mountain as you leave Patong (next to the go-cart track - there is a big sign you can't miss it). They have a track and rent bikes although they quoted me 1000 baht for 20 minutes which was a bit OTT considering the bikes were early 90's models, although if you have your own bike they quoted me around 100-200 baht (can't remember the exact amount) for as long as you like. There is also a place on the other side of the road a couple of hundred yards nearer the mountain and they organise trail rides and also rent bikes.

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