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In light of recent events, I was thinking about a few things and stumbled across a half decent idea that i wanted to voice to the admins for discussion.

Let me start with some background (Drivvel) that lead me to this idea.

A Forum generates a community, and a community likes to communicate to each other, be it arrange meetings, banter, joke, or just chat.

Recently its been stated that the admins wish to "Improve the quality of postings" which i agree is a worth while excersise as sometimes things go off topic or degenerate.

To keep the forum clean of useless posts, or posts not necessarily valid for the current sections, it occured to me that a seperate forum section might prove useful, Something like a "members chat" forum, (not to be confused with the live chat facility) where members can post about things they want to talk about and an

area that is a little less moderated than the main forums (but obviously, still moderated)

Why cant members use live chat? Well not all members are online at the same time, so talking to a specific member, or responding to a specific question cannot really happen unless timeing is exact.

Why not use Private Messages? Well if your trying to arrange a meeting, or trying to gather opinions about a specific thought/idea you want to talk to a broad spread of members, so unless you want to detail every member name your trying to contact, using this form of communication wont work.

ThaiVisa.com isnt your play ground! Well agreed the admins have no responsibility to provide this type of forum for the community, but i feel that it would help the community to grow, without drowning out the more informative threads in the main sections, the community will grow and the quality of answers will

improve and become more varied (in the main sections)

Its just an idea, feel free to discuss/ignore/delete as appropriate

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It would definitely be worth a try. Good points in Wolfie's post. This similar idea has been discussed before and nothing has happened so far. So, I very much doubt it if something is going to happen.

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The idea was/is to have a forum where members can chat about anything (within reason). I guess "guests" will still be able to browse, but if they want to post they will have to join/login.

Welcome to Hong Krai Kriat.

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