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Anyone up for simple thai conversation coffee break get togethers?

I speak basic Thaiglish..and although i can say some key things I cannot hold a sensible conversation (and my nerves/embarrassment get the better of me if i try). I wonder if there are others in the same boat who like the idea of maybe meeting up for an hour over coffee once or twice a week with a specific themed conversation in mind and practicing? Being patient with one another and helping each other fill in the gaps via either knowledge or looking up thai dictionary or language book.

I was thinking along the lines of basic introductions.. and on later times discussing things like what you ate last night etc. Although of course it may be hard because of tones but i am not suggesting this in place of proper study/lessons. I was thinking more for a group for people who are either studying beginners thai, or have some basic knowlege and wish to be able to try out conversations amongst others who are in similar situation. The aim being to try have more fluid conversation and building confidence.

Initially, if anyone is interested, (and esp if its more than one person) i propose we have a set time period to talk about ourselves (or pre-planned topic) uninterrupted, without the use of text. So pre-study would be required. The rest of us would listen and try to understand, write down key words, things we did not understand, and formulate questions to ask later. After each of us have had our time to talk, we compare notes and understanding (or lack of), find out what we missed and write that down for further study later. Then using the questions formulated during our listening time we can pair up and try to discuss further/ask questions. If there is key words we do not know, we can look them up..or write down for asking our thai teachers/friends/partners later.

If preferred we can even stick to the same topic every time..trying to perfect it, adding in more words, building from it. The result hopefully being that repetition helps the words stick in our minds and helps any stilted conversation to become more natural. I believe in the concept that less is more and prefer to keep things simple building slowly from it...so this may be the best approach for us.

Oh also im a lazy so and so.. so would be great to meet up near Huay Kaew Road ..maybe Starbucks outside Central. But if there is a more convienent location for us all..ill get my ass...bum there.

Also..although a casual concept...i wish to stress that this get together does have an aim so please only decide to come if you really wish to practice thai and not get side-tracked talking English. Of course..after the hour is up..thats different..but respect that this will be a thai practice gathering and not just a social gathering.

Well..ill leave that concept with you and if interested we can arrange a suitable time.

One person is all i need really..but any amount is most welcome.

Im sure as long as we respect each others talk time and stick to an organised plan we should hopefully have a useful and enjoyable hour.


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It's not a bad idea to get together a group of people largely on the same level to practice, but the part I'd discourage is the 'beginners teaching beginners' approach.

You're very likely to end up copying incorrect pronunciations and speech patterns from each other unless you have a Thai teacher to set you straight.

If I were you I'd get in touch with a language school or other Thai teacher to mediate once you have a group of 3-6 people, and then negotiate a deal with a teacher who could oversee these exercises.

Just my two satang. Good luck with your studies!

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u have a good point mead. I was considering just that during typing and umed and ahhed about whether i should post the thread anyway.

As i said..its more for people already studying thai..who just want practice time with other students..however,if not at the same class and studying on the same level, it may indeed be too difficult a task.

I have two train of thoughts going through my head: one (the positive) that i meet others who are attuned and on my level of thai and have great success. Two: that we are at different levels and flounder about..blind leading the blind.

Maybe would be worth adapting this concept by adding in a private tutor...if there are others willing to split the cost of hiring one. Hmm..... then it becomes more like a study class..and possibly just best to sticking with official pre-stuctured thai class in that case. Heck..i really dont know!

Edited by meadish_sweetball
Post reinstated. :)
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I think this might work and I'd be keen to give it a shot.

I'd also be fine to split the cost of someone to come and kind of oversee/mediate (200b-ish split betw 3-5 or so would not be an issue and could be a real help). If they are just mediating, we wouldn't need someone uberly expensive.

Some possibilities (just to throw something out there)

There is a chance that after a while, more people might be interested, and we may be able to split into groups where people are at a closer level to each other.

If that does happen and we are in groups that are similar in level, we could even hire someone once or twice a week to teach, and meet up another couple of times to practice it and chat as well.

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I used to to get frequent massages and talk to the young lady most of the time to practise my Thai. They are quite happy to do this and can help you with words that you don't know.

If you like massage, it is a good way to get one and a language lesson with a native speaker of Thai all for the same price!

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I used to to get frequent massages and talk to the young lady most of the time to practise my Thai. They are quite happy to do this and can help you with words that you don't know.

If you like massage, it is a good way to get one and a language lesson with a native speaker of Thai all for the same price!

Ewe Gee you should know that it's rude to ask a person to speak when their mouth is full.

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I used to to get frequent massages and talk to the young lady most of the time to practise my Thai. They are quite happy to do this and can help you with words that you don't know.

If you like massage, it is a good way to get one and a language lesson with a native speaker of Thai all for the same price!

Ewe Gee you should know that it's rude to ask a person to speak when their mouth is full.

either the lady's mouth is big enough or..........


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Free weekly English/Thai conversation group

Details: Talkarama is an open, free of charge, and bilingual conversation group where people can practice their language skills in English and Thai, and socialize with locals and travelers. The group meet weekly every Saturday from 7:30 to 9 pm in Wawee Coffee, 2 soi 9. Nimmanhaeminda Road, Suthep, Muang, Chiang Mai 50100. If you come from Rincome intersection, turn to the left from Powerhouse Gym-sign, and after 20 meters the caf้ will be on the right hand side.

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Anyone up for simple thai conversation coffee break get togethers?

I speak basic Thaiglish..and although i can say some key things I cannot hold a sensible conversation (and my nerves/embarrassment get the better of me if i try). I wonder if there are others in the same boat who like the idea of maybe meeting up for an hour over coffee once or twice a week with a specific themed conversation in mind and practicing? Being patient with one another and helping each other fill in the gaps via either knowledge or looking up thai dictionary or language book.

I was thinking along the lines of basic introductions.. and on later times discussing things like what you ate last night etc. Although of course it may be hard because of tones but i am not suggesting this in place of proper study/lessons. I was thinking more for a group for people who are either studying beginners thai, or have some basic knowlege and wish to be able to try out conversations amongst others who are in similar situation. The aim being to try have more fluid conversation and building confidence.

Initially, if anyone is interested, (and esp if its more than one person) i propose we have a set time period to talk about ourselves (or pre-planned topic) uninterrupted, without the use of text. So pre-study would be required. The rest of us would listen and try to understand, write down key words, things we did not understand, and formulate questions to ask later. After each of us have had our time to talk, we compare notes and understanding (or lack of), find out what we missed and write that down for further study later. Then using the questions formulated during our listening time we can pair up and try to discuss further/ask questions. If there is key words we do not know, we can look them up..or write down for asking our thai teachers/friends/partners later.

If preferred we can even stick to the same topic every time..trying to perfect it, adding in more words, building from it. The result hopefully being that repetition helps the words stick in our minds and helps any stilted conversation to become more natural. I believe in the concept that less is more and prefer to keep things simple building slowly from it...so this may be the best approach for us.

Oh also im a lazy so and so.. so would be great to meet up near Huay Kaew Road ..maybe Starbucks outside Central. But if there is a more convienent location for us all..ill get my ass...bum there.

Also..although a casual concept...i wish to stress that this get together does have an aim so please only decide to come if you really wish to practice thai and not get side-tracked talking English. Of course..after the hour is up..thats different..but respect that this will be a thai practice gathering and not just a social gathering.

Well..ill leave that concept with you and if interested we can arrange a suitable time.

One person is all i need really..but any amount is most welcome.

Im sure as long as we respect each others talk time and stick to an organised plan we should hopefully have a useful and enjoyable hour


There are at least a couple of groups in existence: We have a Thai teacher to correct us and we just sit around and try to talk and the teacher corrects us, answers question (in Eng) and asks us questions in Thai. We have several levels and I find I get more out of it if there are about 4 people. At this time we meet at my home (I never miss a meeting) near Wat U Mong on Mon and Wed at 5:30PM The teacher needs at least 200 B per hour, but if there are more than 3 of us then it is only 50 B. It is at my home becasue I have space, it is close to the teacher's home and it is quiet. Let me know if you would like to join us.

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I used to to get frequent massages and talk to the young lady most of the time to practise my Thai. They are quite happy to do this and can help you with words that you don't know.

If you like massage, it is a good way to get one and a language lesson with a native speaker of Thai all for the same price!

Ewe Gee you should know that it's rude to ask a person to speak when their mouth is full.

either the lady's mouth is big enough or..........


I'm talking about a traditional massage for the purpose of practicing the Thai language.

If you know of traditional massage ladies who are willing to devote more than 20-30 minutes of a two hour massage to extra-curricular activities, please don't keep it a secret. :D

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I used to to get frequent massages and talk to the young lady most of the time to practise my Thai. They are quite happy to do this and can help you with words that you don't know.

If you like massage, it is a good way to get one and a language lesson with a native speaker of Thai all for the same price!

Ewe Gee you should know that it's rude to ask a person to speak when their mouth is full.

It's always the same wankrs who ruin threads to the point of people leaving thaivisa in droves

I wonder why thaivisa doesn't have mods who see this and initially give warnings for it, followed by bans for increasing numbers of days until compliance so these threads don't all end up completely useless.

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Wow guys that great, ty!

You know..i was mulling over the concept..concerned that i may be trying to arrange something that would end up being a huge flop :o But, im glad i posted this otherwise i would not have known about those options. I will pop along to get a 'feel' for the groups and see how i get on.

Thanks again :D

Edit: thus to clarify that i am not arranging a coffee/thai get-together after all. sorry. At least not at this time. =]

edit2: I understand what you mean UG, and in the past i did use to strike up conversations whilst having a massage. Problem is its generally the same kind of conversation which then 90% of the time leads up to my masseuse trying to hook me up with their thai friend/brother/son/ etc :D. Then I become a bit embarrassed and have to make silly excuses about not wanting to be match-made on a blind date. "MAI OW FAN KA!" I want my massage to be stress-free..not coming out feeling more stressed than when i went in! So...gen i just phuut nit noy, close my eyes, relax and then can really enjoy the massage itself.

Edited by eek
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