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German Has Enough Of Muslims Chanting


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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.
Bit like moses with his motorbike ! ".moses Triumph could be heard all over the valley ":D

I'm sure it could be heard all over the valley. Those Triumphs with straight pipes do bark VERY loud. :D

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

I used to tell the Southern Baptists and Jehovah Witnesses to get off my porch with equal fervor and ultimate rudeness.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

Yes, I work in North Africa and the things I hear coming from Muslims do not tally with the innocent, innocuous portrayal offered by the flower waving liberals in ThaiVisa and elsewhere. I have read the Quran and worked with many Muslims from all over the Islamic world, and their overall attitude is more than a little worrying. I am ready to accept the beliefs of anyone, no matter how ridiculous, just as long as I don't see those beliefs being a problem for those that don't follow them. Sadly I see the spread of Islam as a problem for everyone. However we won’t get anywhere arguing with each other about it here.

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The evidence is that in Thailand muslim thais are accepted to be as thai as buddhist thais. And this sentiment is shared across thai society.

Ya OK, that is why the Kraut was not locked up as if he would have been if he did anything of that nature to a Buddhist Temple.

Take off your rose colored glasses.

I pointed out some facts (which you omit to quote from my post). To me they are evidence of thais' acceptance of muslims as equal citizens. What do you see those facts as evidence of? (I could have cited more, similarly significant, facts.)

You make a conjecture. Conjectures cannot be evidence of anything.

Rose tinted glasses are less distorting than a jaundiced eye.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

Yes, I work in North Africa and the things I hear coming from Muslims do not tally with the innocent, innocuous portrayal offered by the flower waving liberals in ThaiVisa and elsewhere. I have read the Quran and worked with many Muslims from all over the Islamic world, and their overall attitude is more than a little worrying. I am ready to accept the beliefs of anyone, no matter how ridiculous, just as long as I don't see those beliefs being a problem for those that don't follow them. Sadly I see the spread of Islam as a problem for everyone. However we won’t get anywhere arguing with each other about it here.

I've lived and worked with Muslims all my life and the above is utter poop!

but why did he post it if as he says"However we won’t get anywhere arguing with each other about it here." because this kind of wildly inaccurate statement stirs up trouble? Is that the idea?

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Gary A$$ - I doubt if you could work it out!

As far as your way of thinking, I'm REAL sure I couldn't work it out. You are the type of person who is able to make excuses for everything. You are able to shut out the real world and substitute what you would like it to be and simply ignore the facts. Go back to sleep or open your eyes and look around. The best thing that could happen to you is to be on the bible thumpers list and for you to get daily visits. I can only hope you get new muslim neighbors who have a GREAT sound system.

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Good on the old guy for having a go. Probably had asked them to turn it down for months. About time muslims found out there are other people in the world apart from them. Intolerant people who use religion as an excuse to disturb the peace of others need to be taught a lesson.

What kind of a religion has to shame it's followers into coming to prayer by loudly and indiscriminately announcing to all and sundry that it's prayer time anyway.

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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :D It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

Then they will need to prepare for a big disappointment :o

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Good on the old guy for having a go. Probably had asked them to turn it down for months. About time muslims found out there are other people in the world apart from them. Intolerant people who use religion as an excuse to disturb the peace of others need to be taught a lesson.

What kind of a religion has to shame it's followers into coming to prayer by loudly and indiscriminately announcing to all and sundry that it's prayer time anyway.

Totally agree with you..

And WHY do they have to drag those of another religion with them and their rules. For example, a close family member has a Muslim boyfriend, she is christian, and she is NOT ALLOWED to eat Pork.

I have tried telling him, She is NOT a muslim, so do not try to rule her with Muslim rules, However, she is still not allowed to eat pork..

Is this normal with this religion?

Edited by Meg_ken2003
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I certainly don't know anything about the koran but I am curious if Mohammad told them they had to broadcast their praying over loud speakers and make sure everyone within four square kilometers could hear it. :o It must have been a VERY advanced society to have had amplified sound systems that long ago.

Doesn't have to be a sound system - but we have one busybody in our office who comes around knocking on every door, whether the guys inside be muslim, Hindu, Christion or whatever - five minutes before every prayer time (three fall during working hours in the winter) just to tell us it's prayer time.

In the permanent Aramco offices - fully wired - the prayer call comes over every computer, whether you want it or not. I now have no sound system on my computer, nor any other in my office.

I have had many years to get used to it, but believe me - it is getting more obtrusive every year. It is no good closing your eyes and ears, there is far more strength and purpose coming out of the Middle East than before. These people know that they are meant to dominate the world, and are about to take their place above all others.

I used to tell the Southern Baptists and Jehovah Witnesses to get off my porch with equal fervor and ultimate rudeness.

I was asked if i would like to be a jehovahs witness,. i said " im sorry ,i didnt see anytrhing '
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Is religion normal behavior ?
I see any form of excessive religious practising /fanatacism as a form of mental ilness, i saw it everywhere in america when i lived there,although they ( the evangalist types ) dont seem to go around killing innocent victims,.a good friend of mine told me years ago his view on religion was that it was invented ! years ago to kep the uneducated /masses from killing each other and to generally behave or they would end up in hel,.those that behaved would go to heaven,.i think its about need, i dont need it,. i consider i am a good person generally and dont go around commiting bad to others as i wouldnt like it done to me,.ill never understand the need to kill people just because they dont agree with me and my preffered god,,How can any parent allow and encourage their child to become a suicide bomber, it is truly beyond my comprehension,.
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Gary A$$ - I doubt if you could work it out!

As far as your way of thinking, I'm REAL sure I couldn't work it out. You are the type of person who is able to make excuses for everything. You are able to shut out the real world and substitute what you would like it to be and simply ignore the facts. Go back to sleep or open your eyes and look around. The best thing that could happen to you is to be on the bible thumpers list and for you to get daily visits. I can only hope you get new muslim neighbors who have a GREAT sound system.

Thank you a wonderful collection of assumptions that underlines your minimal powers of understanding and tolerance. - now go a stew in a vat of your own prejudices

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Drunken German attacks Muslim Worship Hall.

Police Major Natapon from Banglamung Police Station was called to the Mike Orchid Village 1 in Soi Kow Noi on Friday Night to deal with a case involving a drunken German Resident and a group of Muslim Worshipers. Police arrived and were met by an angry group of Muslims whose prayer session was interrupted by a German Resident who entered their prayer room allegedly shouting racist profanities before an attempt was made to destroy the prayer room. Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day and this, in combination with a night of heavy drinking, led him to confront the worshippers. Police charged the German national with causing a public disturbance and he was later released and told to respect the worshippers in the future.



Oh oh,.its getting deeeeeeeep
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I previously lived in a compound in Saudi. I realised that while I was there it was important to either respect the culture or leave.

In Saudi you don't really have a choice, do you? I have a friend who was beaten for arriving with a cross, very tolerant people there.

Why did this saucehead move near a mosque if he couldn't take the chanting? Like people who move near airports who protest the noise. Silly.

Bit like moving to pattaya then complaining there are too many bars ! :o

Or moving to Pattaya and complaining about Baht Buses! :D

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Is religion normal behavior ?

Organized religion is the biggest threat mankind has ever faced.

This argument was put forward be such humanatarians as;


Pol Pot

Mao tse

Bigots and racists are the biggest threat mankind has ever faced.

Edited by garro
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Most of this thread is religious slur.....now how about some Christian fundamentalism - the most dangerous sect in the world as they DO rule AND they've got the bomb!
I personally dont have any particular view on any particular religion..i know its only a tiny fragment of a normally rational religion that goes around blowing up train stations and buildings to try and get their point across, i dont care if its the religious sect for birdwatching i just find it a tad extreme, im funny like that,.
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Most of this thread is religious slur.....now how about some Christian fundamentalism - the most dangerous sect in the world as they DO rule AND they've got the bomb!

Shouldn't this be in the Joke Room?

Well considering that the most powerful man in the Westen world invades countries because his God told him to means it is beyond a joke.

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