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Why Change A Winning Formula?


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Admins have suddenly become very millitant, and are closing threads and banning people (and banning people talking about people being banned or banning people asking why people are being banned). :D

It seems to me that this is being done in a bit af a haphazard manor, especially when the TOS is thrown in.

Right at the top of the TOS is "No flaming", yet it seems to be ignored all the time (I was called a w*nker for having the audacity to be in the IT business!) , but things that are considered not relating directly to Thailand are canned. This is very subjective, especially when in the General Topics forum. Somethings are relevent to expats, but not necessarily directly to LOS. Can we not speak about this? :o

What's going on, Admins? You have attracted a massive following by being the site you are, why change a winning formula? :D

PS: Please don't ban me :D

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... (and banning people talking about people being banned or banning people asking why people are being banned).  :D

.. banned if you are, banned if you ain't ...

the problem of course is you've used your quota of "ban's" in a run-on sentence ... couldn't resist but I hear you Wolf.

Actually I find the admins and mods of late to be more lenient and grant a fair degree of latitude. On one of my recent posts I made some extraneous comments that weren't warranted or on topic. I later regretted being so quick on the keys ( coffee, it's a horrible drug ...), but have yet to be edited, censored or banned, (but the day ain't over yet ...) :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

'They' want to change the forum into a better quality thing, fair enough. But a number of people like it the way it is, including myself. I am really pissed members are still getting banned or suspended without receiving an explanation, it is the least one can expect after spending one's time and efforts on this site.

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'They' want to change the forum into a better quality thing, fair enough. But a number of people like it the way it is, including myself. I am really pissed members are still getting banned or suspended without receiving an explanation, it is the least one can expect after spending one's time and efforts on this site.

Actually I have found other boards policies even more restrictive. In all cases it amounts to censuring opinions until the desired result is obtained.

You really do not get an objective look at the "Real Thailand" on any board as most negative posters are often banned.

Now you know how people lived when free speech was a punishable offense.

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