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Khun Jean, you seem to be very convinced that it is a good idea, all i can say is......Be Careful.

If i had 1 Baht for every Farang that i know who has come to Thailand and made a good business, i would have enough money for a sandwich.

If i had 1 Baht for every Farang that had come to Thailand and lost money in some scheme that has been proposed by someone with no money, i would have enough Money for a Feast.

But as the Thai's say.............Up To you. Good luck anyway.

I just am wondering why the Thai guy don't get the money from the Bank himself.

Anyway i don't play golf either.

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Khun Jean,

I have just one question for you to ponder: Why does this thai guy want a farang partner/investor instead of a thai one?

Good luck,


I just am wondering why the Thai guy don't get the money from the Bank himself.

I asked him the same question. It is not only money he needs, he can get that from a bank indeed and there is a diving company waiting to take it over if he/we not renew the contract. He needs someone to supervise it and be able to do some farang oriented marketing and make a web presence.

It is a little of the beaten track so marketing is crucial, i have some small contacts in the travel industry i can use, but mainly i will do this by myself as i have enough time and energy to do it.

It will most of the time be a part of a package tourist can get from Bangkok or even at their homecountry (preferable). It is a stopover for the rest of the south but has enough attractions to spend a few days.

The main feature is its private beach with a spectacular view. The waters have 6 groups of dolphins which you can regulary see jumping out of the water. The sun/moon rises are awe inspiring. Have to be there to fully apreciate it.

My task will be to convince people of these features.

I have been in many places in Thailand and only the famous islands can beat this. On the mainland this is the spot for a relaxed holiday.

A good starting point for diving/snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing, fishing tour around the island of which 7 are within 5 kilometers.

I am careful and not naive. But i must admit doing business in Thailand is a lot more difficult, documents can be forged, people can be bought. It takes a lot of investigating and time before a final decision can be made. I have experience in businesses so i hope i can distinguish between a good and a bad deal.

I just am wondering why the Thai guy don't get the money from the Bank himself.

I asked him the same question. It is not only money he needs, he can get that from a bank indeed and there is a diving company waiting to take it over if he/we not renew the contract. He needs someone to supervise it and be able to do some farang oriented marketing and make a web presence.

It is a little of the beaten track so marketing is crucial, i have some small contacts in the travel industry i can use, but mainly i will do this by myself as i have enough time and energy to do it.

It will most of the time be a part of a package tourist can get from Bangkok or even at their homecountry (preferable). It is a stopover for the rest of the south but has enough attractions to spend a few days.

The main feature is its private beach with a spectacular view. The waters have 6 groups of dolphins which you can regulary see jumping out of the water. The sun/moon rises are awe inspiring. Have to be there to fully apreciate it.

My task will be to convince people of these features.

I have been in many places in Thailand and only the famous islands can beat this. On the mainland this is the spot for a relaxed holiday.

A good starting point for diving/snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing, fishing tour around the island of which 7 are within 5 kilometers.

I am careful and not naive. But i must admit doing business in Thailand is a lot more difficult, documents can be forged, people can be bought. It takes a lot of investigating and time before a final decision can be made. I have experience in businesses so i hope i can distinguish between a good and a bad deal.

Given the risk involved I doubt very much you'll get anyone to loan you the cash at 12%.

From your point of view its great-you get 50%, a place to live on the beach, and 1 mil of someone elses money to spend.

Maybe one of us should just contact your partner and take the 50% ourselves.

Given the risk involved I doubt very much you'll get anyone to loan you the cash at 12%.

From your point of view its great-you get 50%, a place to live on the beach, and 1 mil of someone elses money to spend.

Maybe one of us should just contact your partner and take the 50% ourselves

I agree. It is in my opinion a good investment.

But just a little short on cash. The banks are for a farang not easy but i thought of another route just a few minutes ago. If the thai partner can be a guarantor (sp) for the loan i should be able to get it.

It is an obvious way to do it but it was probably too obvious to think about it at the start. :o

From your point of view its great-you get 50%, a place to live on the beach, and 1 mil of someone elses money to spend.

Maybe Khun Jean is smarter than i thought! :o


From your point of view its great-you get 50%, a place to live on the beach, and 1 mil of someone elses money to spend.

Maybe Khun Jean is smarter than i thought! :D

555555555555555555555555555555555 :o

From your point of view its great-you get 50%, a place to live on the beach, and 1 mil of someone elses money to spend.

I thought 12% was already a good deal. And yes my deal is better. :o

Maybe i should throw in lifetime free lodging for the one who is adventurous enough to loan me the money.

But really the idea i had about the thai partner being a guarantor (maybe together with my wife) is much better. Thai banks like to have a thai they can go after when the loan goes bad.

Anyone experience with this?

It will put pressure on him to do his part of the deal, and spreads the risks more evenly.

I think this is the best way to do it.

What do you guys think about this idea?

Thanks for keeping me sharp.


""But really the idea i had about the thai partner being a guarantor (maybe together with my wife) is much better. Thai banks like to have a thai they can go after when the loan goes bad.""

I thought this was 100% risk free? Surely the banks are smart enough to see that as well.

What happened to "Ive really thought this out"?

This is getting real pathetic

You're heading towards troll status


It will put pressure on him to do his part of the deal, and spreads the risks more evenly.

Between him, and the guy that lends you the money, how about your risk?

I thought this was 100% risk free?

My God,

Do you guys need glasses or are you reading something i did not write.

100% risk free in business, please give me a break.

Between him, and the guy that lends you the money, how about your risk?
Well being stuck with a loan i have to pay back without the resort making any money. The monthly payments i have to do, the time i spend the costs i make for promotion etc..I would call that a risk.

But i guess when YOU borrow money you just run away and hide.

What happened to "Ive really thought this out"?

Where did you get that line?

Yeah like i can predict the future flawlessly. I know how to reduce risk, and i am still investigating. Information/documents are still being studied.

But it is enough.

I thought this forum was a serious forum that is why i posted here. But seeing all your responses it just confirms my believe about the most farang in Thailand.

Have a happy live.

I will do my best to avoid you.

And if we ever do meet.

At least i am the one looking down on you.

I think you should call it quits on this board Jean, I wish you all the best in your new venture though.

Thanx terdsak_12,

I got a little tired of the responses. Seems like these guys meet only the wrong people and have a really twisted view of the world.

If i succeed, you are invited for a free stay.

Also for all the posters and especially the ones who send e-mails.

I think you should call it quits on this board Jean, I wish you all the best in your new venture though.

Terdsak, you wanna make a little investment? :o

I thought this was 100% risk free?

My God,

Do you guys need glasses or are you reading something i did not write.

100% risk free in business, please give me a break.

Between him, and the guy that lends you the money, how about your risk?
Well being stuck with a loan i have to pay back without the resort making any money. The monthly payments i have to do, the time i spend the costs i make for promotion etc..I would call that a risk.

But i guess when YOU borrow money you just run away and hide.

What happened to "Ive really thought this out"?

Where did you get that line?

Yeah like i can predict the future flawlessly. I know how to reduce risk, and i am still investigating. Information/documents are still being studied.

But it is enough.

I thought this forum was a serious forum that is why i posted here. But seeing all your responses it just confirms my believe about the most farang in Thailand.

Have a happy live.

I will do my best to avoid you.

And if we ever do meet.

At least i am the one looking down on you.

You said "Or do you have a secret for a 100% safe investment with 12% return."

Implying that there was no risk

Now youre saying that if you borrow the money and the bussiness fails that you will pay the lender back from your modest monthly income. Plus interest How long will that take??--

If i succeed, you are invited for a free stay.

Also for all the posters and especially the ones who send e-mails.

ok, so if 26 people send you e-mails, they get to stay for free, thats all the accomodation taken already, how you gonna make money.

Can my brother in England send you an e-mail, he needs a free accomodation holiday also...........................................free transfer from the airport for all those that send 2 e-mails. :o


Why are there so many Haters?

Jean, I admire your since of adventure.

The posters here, would have told Bill Gates he was a stupid dreamer.

How many of the posters have MBA's? OK how about a Bachelors in Business????

OK OK lets even try an associates in Business????

None???? But they are autimatically able to make prophetic statements about Jean's possible business venture???!!! Seems a little odd to me.

So here is my prophetic statments to the Haters... First, you do not have a business degree, secondly you never will, third you couldn't turn a profit if you life depended on it

How can I say all of this, without knowing the haters? Truth is, I can't.... just as the Haters can not predict the future of Jeans plan....

The best of luck to you jean


I'm getting this sort of stuff from people here due to my telling them I was thinking of trying my luck in LOS. Those who've been there said "Go for it"; those who haven't took the piss.

You're not being singled out. :o

Why are there so many Haters?

Jean, I admire your since of adventure.

The posters here, would have told Bill Gates he was a stupid dreamer.

How many of the posters have MBA's? OK how about a Bachelors in Business????

OK OK lets even try an associates in Business????

None???? But they are autimatically able to make prophetic statements about Jean's possible business venture???!!! Seems a little odd to me.

So here is my prophetic statments to the Haters... First, you do not have a business degree, secondly you never will, third you couldn't turn a profit if you life depended on it

How can I say all of this, without knowing the haters? Truth is, I can't.... just as the Haters can not predict the future of Jeans plan....

The best of luck to you jean

Good post, too many people here to shout you down!

There are two types of people here, employees and employers, I'm sure most are the former!

Good post, too many people here to shout you down!

There are two types of people here, employees and employers, I'm sure most are the former!

Terdsak, are you willing to lend Jean the money?



Good post, too many people here to shout you down!

There are two types of people here, employees and employers, I'm sure most are the former!

Terdsak, are you willing to lend Jean the money?


5555555555555555 :o:D:D


Khun Jean

If it is all that wonderful and your partner is Thai go to a Thai bank with the deal and offer to guarantee the loan repayments from the income overseas if it all goes wrong.

They will tell you if it is a great deal or not...Usually very fast! :o


Just an update.

Got the "official" administration about a week ago.

Occupancy rates was of course the biggest problem but after studying the numbers i decided to not go through with this.

Even at a 50-60% occupancy the projected results (over 10 years) are under my desired ROI.

Caused by the remote location, costs for electricity and water, etc are very high.

And you can't change a 1-2 star resort into a 5 star resort overnight.

Having to work very hard to promote and market the place the return is not interesting enough.

I did manage to get a 30 year lease instead of the rolling 3 years. So the current owner is very happy with that and for me it was a good experience that can be put to use later.

If you keep your eyes open and are able to spot the good ones, thailand is a good place to be an entrepeneur.

And you both right Tersak and Dakhar.

You need a different mindset to be willing to take a risk.

I think it is better to split this forum into 2.

Jobs, job search


Economy, banking, business and investment in Thailand.

It is obvious the 2 don't mix and the negativity is not good for keeping posters coming back.

I thank the posters who actually made a contribution.

Khun Jean

If it is all that wonderful and your partner is Thai go to a Thai bank with the deal and offer to guarantee the loan repayments from the income overseas if it all goes wrong.

They will tell you if it is a great deal or not...Usually very fast! :o

If you are a real thai girl, you won't have the same problems for getting a loan from a Thai bank, if you have a good paying job.

For a foreigner (who can run to his homecountry easy) it is almost impossible to get a loan.

Overseas income doesn't count!

But i confess i have not visited all branches of banks, i hear you can get lucky with some branches when the bank's representative is in a good mood, but it is not a real basis to do business.

Should i go on monday (for the ones who are happy to go to work again after a tiring weekend) or friday (for the ones who are happy to start a weekend after a tiring week) to have better odds of meeting one with a good mood?

And about people who work at a bank.... well most of them have no clue if something is an interesting deal or not.

Just an update.

Got the "official" administration about a week ago.

Occupancy rates was of course the biggest problem but after studying the numbers i decided to not go through with this.

Even at a 50-60% occupancy the projected results (over 10 years) are under my desired ROI.

Caused by the remote location, costs for electricity and water, etc are very high.

And you can't change a 1-2 star resort into a 5 star resort overnight.

Having to work very hard to promote and market the place the return is not interesting enough.

I did manage to get a 30 year lease instead of the rolling 3 years. So the current owner is very happy with that and for me it was a good experience that can be put to use later.

If you keep your eyes open and are able to spot the good ones, thailand is a good place to be an entrepeneur.

And you both right Tersak and Dakhar.

You need a different mindset to be willing to take a risk.

I think it is better to split this forum into 2.

Jobs, job search


Economy, banking, business and investment in Thailand.

It is obvious the 2 don't mix and the negativity is not good for keeping posters coming back.

I thank the posters who actually made a contribution.

I dont get it. You have calculated that this business will not provide you the requred ROI. Yet you are proud to have extened the lease to 30 years.

Why would you want to extend the lease for a business you deem unworthy?

I dont get it. You have calculated that this business will not provide you the requred ROI. Yet you are proud to have extened the lease to 30 years.

Why would you want to extend the lease for a business you deem unworthy?

It was one of the main concerns i had even before i analyzed all the data. The thai "partner" assured me it could be extended so i just asked him we settle this before other talkings would proceed. My guess he was ok with his 3+3 year contract and never had the intention to change it. I feel a lot more comfortable with a long lease term. When that was settled i waited for the datailed financial data. Until that time i had only access to less detailed occupancy and profit/loss data.

50% share didn't give a good enough return.

When comparing to other options it just wasn't good enough.


Hi Jean,

I want to mark a few things to that disussion:

If you think this project to be worth an investment then look for somebody in your personal circle of aquaintances.

As long the lease is not extended to a longer term I really doubt that you can find anybody who is willed taking the risk.

To pick up a loan (dedicated to this purpose) on your name is almost impossible, I dare to claim. (Even if a Thai garantuees - by the way, not out of cynicism but out of experience I tell you that generally the Thai will never trust the Farang. If he does, then you can be sure to work together with the right guy!).

Beyond I think that you need to offer more than a fictive percentage of interest on the borrowed money. The Thaibaht is not predictable for a 3 to 5 year time frame but sure it will not be at a similar value than now!

Anyway you should stick with your plan if you are really convinced and don´t listen or reply to comments of people who just want to show off somehow because they are bored.



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