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Whats Do The Thais Really Think Of Us Farangs

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Another self-conscious, touchy-feely, "what do they really think of us" introspection thread then? Great.

Does anyone really care what they think??? :D

I do, it keeps me awake at night .

Brit when are you back in Pattaya, lets get hammered with Roger in Soi 6, I love that Soi!!

Nov - Only if we drag Gary along..... :o

Don't he drink in Cheap Charlies at the end of the Soi ?

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it doesn't have to be like that, just want to know what we are up against, information is power....

C'mon Groover, it ain't that bad in Thailand.

I wasnt trying to imply its bad, just that preconceptions (good and bad) can be obstacles.

you seem to like misspelling my name, dont you ? :o

Another self-conscious, touchy-feely, "what do they really think of us" introspection thread then? Great.

Does anyone really care what they think??? :D

I do, it keeps me awake at night .

Brit when are you back in Pattaya, lets get hammered with Roger in Soi 6, I love that Soi!!

Nov - Only if we drag Gary along..... :D

Don't he drink in Cheap Charlies at the end of the Soi ?

Or Red Point. :o


May I remind you about the thread question(what do Thais really think of the sober Farangs?) not about the drunk ones......... :o

May I remind you about the thread question(what do Thais really think of the sober Farangs?) not about the drunk ones......... :o

....except you get the impression here, that very few of them ARE generally sober......... :D

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned what they are taught to think about us, as that is how the majority form their opinions before they have a chance to meet a Westerner, if they ever do, other than seeing one of us in a shopping mall or walking past us in the street.

It's overwhelmingly negative I'm afraid.

that might be, but who the EFF cares?

I live in Thailand so I care. :o

i too live in Thailand, have lived in half a dozen other countries and never cared what the locals were thinking of me. besides, what difference does it make to care or not? will it change the locals' thinking? definitely not! what really matters is how one tries to blend into society without sticking out in a negative way.

However, having traveled to Thailand since 1971 and having been married to a "upper middle class"

Thai Chinese woman for close to eight years, my conclusion is that i was we are nothing more than "back round music" for them.

Kind of like what you hear in an elevator. They couldn't be interested less in what i we say or think.

And yes they do think i'm most of us are smelly and generally loud and gross.

If they didn't think that i am we are nothing more than a walking wallets they would be lovely people.

These days I've only got one use for them and that doesn't even count right now because I've got a very nice girlfriend.

Don't kid yourself i'm we are simply canon fodder.

At best we are i'm cattle to be bled slowly then slaughtered. Hopefully in a quick fashion.

Among other Asian women Thai woman have the reputation of being the most mercenary to seek out and destroy their farang partners.

Hey I don't make this stuff up it's just what I've been told... :o

I have corrected your post for you.

Your welcome.

Does anyone really care what they think???

Yes :o ! Don't most people seek to undestand their social environment & its culture & the thoughts & feelings of those they are living amongst ??

Most Asians think that white people are generaly unclean, smell and are inferior to Asians.

LOL.... :o

ZukiSuzuki, the Japanese certainly feel that mainland Asians are inferior, but Farangs I dunno about that, I was talking to an Indian guy in Tokyo and he said he felt he was being looked down upon, yet if you're White, they treat you with respect.

Japanese are in many ways like the British, Brits feel apart from mainland Europeans, I get the same feeling from the Japanese, they feel Japanese, not Asian.

Living on an Island does that I guess.

Anyway, I agree, many Farangs do need to shower more.


Personally, I don’t give a rattus anus what they think of me. I’ve always thought the ‘face’ issue is superficial. If someone who is rich, but morally bankrupt, thinks any less of me, that’s his problem.

It’s how they treat me that is of great concern to me, and after 9 years here I have absolutely no complaints. And, during that 9 years I've come to the conclusion that 'face' rules in the east whereas 'balls' rule in the west. Cut off my balls, treat like less than a human being, and then we have a problem.

Most people haven’t earned the right to think’ - Jean Genest

It’s none of my business what people think of me’ - My grandmother

To thine own self be true’ - Shax


I wasnt going to bother posting on this thread tbh as I feel the question requires a complex answer, but the reading has been interesting and wish to add something to it.

Generally, in my humble experience, i have noted that in all countries if you dress decently, have self-respect and decorum, are aware of major faux pas, this will be recognised and you will be respected. Its a combination of dress plus attitude. If you dress like a tramp but talk like a King it really will not make much difference. You are viewed as a pompous tramp. If you dress like you are monied, but are rude, you are just a jumped-up rich ignoramus. Even just being dressed in a smart casual manner with the right attitude will earn more respect than someone toting around with genuine Gucci and a stinking attitude. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the wrong kinds of attitude/dress sense thus farang in Asia often have a bad reputation.

Personally, I dont think about it, preferring to keep a good attitude and get on with life. If I am judged harshly because of a pre-conceived idea of what i am/represent, that is the observers problem, not mine.

They like us but have no respect for the whore mongers amongst us. as far as the women are concerned grabbing a farang husband gives her some social standing.

I believe this to be a general misconception. Maybe for certain a social class of Thai, "grabbing a farang husband", may give her social status, but to my knowledge, in higher social Asian circles, having a farang husband is not a good thing. Maybe if the farang has a high social standing himself, it may ease the families mind, but it is preferred within High Class Asian families that their daughters/sons marry someone of equal social standing within their own culture/race.

Yeah, well, let's face it -- if most of us were born in Thailand instead of in our respective countries, how well would we do? In farangland, it's easy to live off the "fat of the land" -- there is so much, if you make a modicum of effort, you'll do ok. If you come from a country with any kind of social security, by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you are already better off than most of the world's population, and things can only improve if you work, invest, are clever. It's much harder to succeed in a poor country with little infrastructure, bad education, corruption, etc.

I drive on safe roads that I've never built, I have free medical care that I've never fought for, I can vote, get abortions, go to good schools, I have political and personal rights, there's currently no war in my backyard -- really, none of these have anything to do with my personal merits.

Not to take away from anyone's success, but I have no illusions that so much of what I have is simply by virtue of winning a genetic lottery this time around. I don't blame people for thinking this is unfair -- it is. Of course, people improve or worsen their situation by working hard, being smart, being strategic, innovative -- whatever, but this is ever so easier if you're starting with five million dollars, figuratively speaking, than with five cents.

I do struggle personally with the concept of "fair" and "unfair" and also with "right and wrong" (and now and again with "Left and Right" :o )........but I accept your point that the reason I am sitting here in Farangland typing into cyberspace and not digging a ditch or greasing a pole in Thailand is mainly down to chance as to where I popped out the womb :bah:

But my forefathers fought (and died) for what I now enjoy, and woe betide anyone or Govt who tries to take away from me and mine..........but that is another thread :o

Although you may not have paid your CAD5 / USD4 ( :D ) Million in advance, on average folk will end up paying......I am personally happy to pay (albeit not when I am physically writing the cheques :D:D ) cos' someone paid for me I am happy to pay for someone else.

Of course even in farangland views vary.

It's not about feeling guilty, guilt doesn't help anyone. But I can't help but think that farang in Thailand could benefit from adopting, perhaps not a noblesse oblige attitude, but at least a certain graciousness, compassion and generosity that befits those more fortunate.

Yeah, I think it is called being civilised - but possibly a concept whose meaning is becoming less well understood.......plus of course giving the Farang lower orders passports :D ..........rather than a Bayonet and a Burial in the corner of a Foreign Field as per Temps Passé :bah:

Isn't it smug to contemplate your free health care, which you had to do absolutely nothing for.In my country(USA) this is not available,even for us who did military service.

I think this says more about Education than the Health Care system...........

Most Asians think that white people are generaly unclean, smell and are inferior to Asians.

LOL.... :D

ZukiSuzuki, the Japanese certainly feel that mainland Asians are inferior, but Farangs I dunno about that

Japanese women certainly don't find us inferior! :o

I think their is often a feeling that it is unfair that a farang can have more money than them for doing so little except being Farang (no matter how nice / stupid / clever / clean! he or she is) - even for those who do realise that Mr Rich Tourist only appears rich in Thailand and back home is a peasant........

My proof?.........IME a Thai does tend to enjoy a Farang landing on his (or her) a#se......a bit TOO much........kinda like the Canadians and the Yanks (before the Yanks became the poorer of the 2 :o ).

Yeah, well, let's face it -- if most of us were born in Thailand instead of in our respective countries, how well would we do? In farangland, it's easy to live off the "fat of the land" -- there is so much, if you make a modicum of effort, you'll do ok. If you come from a country with any kind of social security, by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you are already better off than most of the world's population, and things can only improve if you work, invest, are clever. It's much harder to succeed in a poor country with little infrastructure, bad education, corruption, etc.

I drive on safe roads that I've never built, I have free medical care that I've never fought for, I can vote, get abortions, go to good schools, I have political and personal rights, there's currently no war in my backyard -- really, none of these have anything to do with my personal merits.

Not to take away from anyone's success, but I have no illusions that so much of what I have is simply by virtue of winning a genetic lottery this time around. I don't blame people for thinking this is unfair -- it is. Of course, people improve or worsen their situation by working hard, being smart, being strategic, innovative -- whatever, but this is ever so easier if you're starting with five million dollars, figuratively speaking, than with five cents.

It's not about feeling guilty, guilt doesn't help anyone. But I can't help but think that farang in Thailand could benefit from adopting, perhaps not a noblesse oblige attitude, but at least a certain graciousness, compassion and generosity that befits those more fortunate.

I am very happy for you CC,for having been able to live off the "Fat of the Land",having made a modicom effort,and are now doing OK.I agree its harder in a poor country, where the population does not fight to better their lot.This is not a Farang problem.Maybe you should of made a greater effort in your own country by giving it service,in joining the military for a few years instead of taking everything for granted.Maybe you should to have had a job as a laborer to help to pay for your schooling,as I did.Isn't it smug to contemplate your free health care, which you had to do absolutely nothing for.In my country(USA) this is not available,even for us who did military service.It must also be wonderful to get a start in life with 5 million,figuratively speaking of course.Unfortunately I didn't have the 5 cents your speaking of.As a young man, I thought many times that such a thing is unfair,then I grew up.You should by all means feel guilty,and adopt a noble and obliging attitude,with a compassionate and gracious generosity,which will benefit those less fortunate than you.Please get back to us and let us know how your doing,with these new goals in your life.

I'm sorry if your country doesn't have free health care; the lack of it in the US is a disgrace, in my opinion. However, I'm not the right target for your anger.

As for serving my country, I personally don't feel that my country is served by my joining its military. You might feel differently about yours. But one of the tragedies of war, in my humble opinion, is how the dreams and pride of young men are twisted into serving the interests of the rich and powerful. As they say "old men declare war, but young men have to fight it." I am sorry for the loss that you feel, and the disrespect that your country does you by not recognizing your sacrifice.

What do you know about what I've done to pay for my schooling? Nothing. I assure you my life has not been easy, and I have had to struggle for many things, but I still recognize that I have still had many advantages compared to people who were born in poorer countries. Surely, as someone who has struggled towards a better life, you must have some compassion and understanding for them?

believe this to be a general misconception. Maybe for certain a social class of Thai, "grabbing a farang husband", may give her social status, but to my knowledge, in higher social Asian circles, having a farang husband is not a good thing. Maybe if the farang has a high social standing himself, it may ease the families mind, but it is preferred within High Class Asian families that their daughters/sons marry someone of equal social standing within their own culture/race.

Spot On..!!

Totally Agree..!! :o

I wasnt going to bother posting on this thread tbh as I feel the question requires a complex answer, but the reading has been interesting and wish to add something to it.

Generally, in my humble experience, i have noted that in all countries if you dress decently, have self-respect and decorum, are aware of major faux pas, this will be recognised and you will be respected. Its a combination of dress plus attitude. If you dress like a tramp but talk like a King it really will not make much difference. You are viewed as a pompous tramp. If you dress like you are monied, but are rude, you are just a jumped-up rich ignoramus. Even just being dressed in a smart casual manner with the right attitude will earn more respect than someone toting around with genuine Gucci and a stinking attitude. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the wrong kinds of attitude/dress sense thus farang in Asia often have a bad reputation.

Personally, I dont think about it, preferring to keep a good attitude and get on with life. If I am judged harshly because of a pre-conceived idea of what i am/represent, that is the observers problem, not mine.

They like us but have no respect for the whore mongers amongst us. as far as the women are concerned grabbing a farang husband gives her some social standing.

I believe this to be a general misconception. Maybe for certain a social class of Thai, "grabbing a farang husband", may give her social status, but to my knowledge, in higher social Asian circles, having a farang husband is not a good thing. Maybe if the farang has a high social standing himself, it may ease the families mind, but it is preferred within High Class Asian families that their daughters/sons marry someone of equal social standing within their own culture/race.

Right; I guess that is what matters most .



The well educated ones are very jealous of what we have.

Money. They just can't stand it, it eats them up.

If some old, fat, bald, ugly Farang has a load of cash,

it does them in. they think you don't deserve it, even if you have worked twice

As hard and twice as long as they ever will.

Take the money issue out of the equation and the Thais are lovely people


I personally like this evaluation the best.

However, having traveled to Thailand since 1971 and having been married to a "upper middle class"

Thai Chinese woman for close to eight years, my conclusion is that we are nothing more than "back round music" for them.

Kind of like what you hear in an elevator. They couldn't be interested less in what we say or think.

And yes they do think most of us are smelly and generally loud and gross.

If they didn't think that we are nothing more than walking wallets they would be lovely people.

These days I've only got one use for them and that doesn't even count right now because I've got a very nice girlfriend.

Don't kid yourself we are simply canon fodder.

At best we are cattle to be bled slowly then slaughtered. Hopefully in a quick fashion.

Among other Asian women Thai woman have the reputation of being the most mercenary to seek out and destroy their farang partners.

Hey I don't make this stuff up it's just what I've been told... :D

perfect answer


2 very good answers.

Wonder how many times I have told my friends (as well as and my wife's friends) that most farangs are only "rich" when they are in Thailand, and that they normally work hard, and save money for many months, before they can visit Thailand.

I notice many state they do not care what the Thais think of us.

Well they SHOULD!

In the end of the day we are still the visitors here.

Some longer then others, but still.

I drive on safe roads that I've never built, I have free medical care

free medical care that takes approx 20% of your taxes and you have to wait indefinitely for surgery

Not to take away from anyone's success, but I have no illusions that so much of what I have is simply by virtue of winning a genetic lottery this time around. I don't blame people for thinking this is unfair -- it is. You reap what you sow...they keep electing idiots

It's not about feeling guilty, guilt doesn't help anyone. But I can't help but think that farang in Thailand could benefit from adopting, perhaps not a noblesse oblige attitude, but at least a certain graciousness, compassion and generosity that befits those more fortunate.

This part I agree with you

As a fellow Canuck I agree with 99% of your posts (same outlook and upbringing in a pretty good country) but you missed the boat (just by a few minutes though) on this post.


Another self-conscious, touchy-feely, "what do they really think of us" introspection thread then? Great.

Does anyone really care what they think??? :o


What sort of genius does it take to sit around and post such inane, meaningless and puerile questions?


Possible sample thoughts to help lead you on the path to enlightenment (conveniently translated into English): "Hmm Farang" "Gosh shes tall" "Hehe hes got sunburn" "Ooo wuttabigbelly" "aww sweet old couple, how cute" "Rich flash %@#$*@" "......." "Young enough to be his daughter!" "Handsome!" "Wonder why they suntan?" "Wow, beautiful" "Wunderwutsfirdinnertonight" "bounce bounce bounce bounce, bounce bounce bounce bounce" "Gettroutofmyway!" "White likaghosty woooo" "they got different shaped eyes" "eww take a bath" "Who ate all the pies?" "I want dat handbag too :o"


I'm sorry if your country doesn't have free health care; the lack of it in the US is a disgrace, in my opinion. However, I'm not the right target for your anger.

I agreed with your other post, but this point is kind of lame.. First of all, your health care isn't "free". Secondly, the rest of the world owes a big gigantic thank you to America for all of the breakthroughs in healthcare that come from our system.

Back to the thread.. If you think about it, the Thais really aren't kind to one another.. Look at how they treat someone who is of darker skin, a lower social standing, not beautiful, etc..

I think its funny that they have no problem stealing American's medical patents, software, books, movies, and any other intellectual property that they don't have the creativity to make on their own, but have no problem giving us a hassle over a visa.

The rest of the world owes a big gigantic thank you to America for all of the breakthroughs in healthcare that come from our system.


The Cheque is in the post :o

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