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Hello there!

I have a question that bothers me and my friends for long time: why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends/clients? We often see Thai girls walking on the streets, while holding hands with their farang, sometimes they wouldn't even let go while walking down or up the stairs or entering BTS etc. Is that included in the price?

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why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends

Is that included in the price?


Lets rephrase your post and say that all thai girls that are seen holding a farangs hand are hookers. What is so wrong with holding the hand of the woman/man you love?

Is that included in the price?

Depends where you see them walking. In lower sukhumvit, cowboy and patpong it's included in the price. Anywhere else they're still looking for a tip :o


I hold hands with my wife, whats wrong with that.

I have even seen English girls hold hands with their partners.

I dont see what the problem is.

why dont you just concentrate on your relationship and let others concentrate on theres.


I see farangs or anybody holding hands expressing their TLC. I don't see what's wrong with it. Don't you think when you say 'why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends/clients?' I guess you have not seen others holding hands but Thai. What a shame! It could and would have been better question/thread when you didn't put it as THAI girls.


I just think that as long as foreigners try adapting to the thai culture, the same are some of the thais trying to adapt to the western one. It's that easy. As for the hookers and gold diggers...that's another story

Hello there!

I have a question that bothers me and my friends for long time: why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends/clients? We often see Thai girls walking on the streets, while holding hands with their farang, sometimes they wouldn't even let go while walking down or up the stairs or entering BTS etc. Is that included in the price?

Strange question? I never really noticed it, but that would be because I find it natural that a man and woman walking together that are romantically involved would hold hands. I always found it disconcerting when Thai Senior Officers wanted to hold my hand as we walked through their military base but apparently it's quite natural for men to hold hands in Thailand?

why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends

Is that included in the price?


Lets rephrase your post and say that all thai girls that are seen holding a farangs hand are hookers. What is so wrong with holding the hand of the woman/man you love?



:o THis immediately elicited a <deleted>? (yea out loud no less). Dude, are you serious?! Or are you *only* referring to a specific set of girls that you're dying of curiosity about (even then I don't see it's any of your biz, unless you're asking coz you have a vested personal interest ?) and not other non-working girls? Let me put your mind at ease. This phenomenon? THis hand-holding <deleted> that has you all flustered? It's natural and universal, yo. Regardless of race, language, religion, nationality, gender, career choice, status, political beliefs and your skewed perception, hand-holding is NORMAL and takes place EVERYWHERE in the world. Hand-holding is a good thing. Haven't you ever liked a person SO much that you're grateful just to be able to hold her hand while walking down the street? Probably not.

In fact, what baffles me are couples who do not hold hands. IMHO there is not enough hand-holding going around. We should all start holding hands more with the people we love. And since I've no one who loves me, I'll just stick 'em in my pockets to prevent hand Envy.



Regardless of race, language, religion, nationality, gender (...) , hand-holding is NORMAL and takes place EVERYWHERE in the world.
That's wrong.
Why do Thai girls hold hands with their girlfriends but not their Thai boyfriends ?
Good question. Culture ?
Why do Thai girls hold hands with their Falang boyfriends but not with their Thai boyfriends ?
THAT is an other good question :o



Haha, I get where you're coming from but I was only trying to make a point that hand-holding is not only unique to *Thai* girls. :o I'm certainly not Thai but I've never questioned holding the SO's hand in my life. All I'm sayin is that it's a very natural part of a relationship and I don't see anything curious about it. And of course I'm not talking about extremely religious or traditional societies/culture where even looking at a woman who's not your wife is courting certain death.


Unfortunately, I think not many people here understood exactly what I meant. Don't I hold hands sometimes with my foreign husband? Of course I do! But having a grip of a hungry leopard, trying to keep his pray for himself, is something else.. Also, I have noticed, that this grip usually belongs to a lower class girl (either small town hooker, "weekly or monthly rental" or similar), but the more sofisticated girls, who have farang boyfriend/husband of course do hold hands sometimes, but since they don't need to show off that they are dating farang, and don't need to prove anything, they have other ways of showing interest and attraction to each other. I think I found the answer to this question myself: it just to make the client feel desired, give him extra service (maybe one day he will come back... :o ).


..good grief. TV posts certainly have taking a turn for the worse recently. :o

I'm beginning to wonder what delights are round the next TV corner. I could always not click..but I seem to have no will power with this forum at times.

RO, please dont take offense..but what does this matter really? If its not affecting your life and the couples you are viewing are happy then let it be. I must navel-gaze wayyy too much because it hasnt really occurred to me what others are doing in the hand-holding department. Even if im sitting in a coffee shop people watching its not something ive particularly noticed tbh. I also try not to pigeon-hole people or label them (deciding who is a bar-girl etc), in fact, if i ever catch myself doing this i will mentally scold myself for I am most certainly not perfect (although near as dammit :D :D) If something is causing no harm then i prefer to not waste too much energy on it.

Is that included in the price?

Depends where you see them walking. In lower sukhumvit, cowboy and patpong it's included in the price. Anywhere else they're still looking for a tip :D

My wife will at odd times hold my hand and I know she is not looking for a tip, so you got that well wrong. Or is that the only experience you have had here in Thailand very sad for you if it is. :o


We seem to be truly blessed of late with the number of people with the highest moral standards, that are on the look out for those poor mortals who are in need of guidance and lack the moral turpitude of these, the great and good.

Bless you for coming and showing us how many are fallen by the wayside, thank you for appointing yourselves the guardians of the weak. If only all could achieve your high level of integrity, what a wonderful world it would be. To be able to give so much of your time to sit in judgement on others shows true charity. Thank you, I realise I am not worthy, but I will try to aspire to be more like you in every aspect of my life.


Agree with one poster whom said it was a signal for "he/she is mine, so back off".

Then again, this is not always the case, as some people do it out of passion and love for each other.

I do not hold hands with my wife when we walk around.

Nothing wrong with it, of course, but It is just not me.

I find it sometimes not practical.

After many years, I still have not seen any of my Thai friends (couples) holding hands in public.

Hello there!

I have a question that bothers me and my friends for long time: why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends/clients? We often see Thai girls walking on the streets, while holding hands with their farang, sometimes they wouldn't even let go while walking down or up the stairs or entering BTS etc. Is that included in the price?

I still drag mine by the hair,club in the other hand, ! yawn, :o
I see farangs or anybody holding hands expressing their TLC. I don't see what's wrong with it. Don't you think when you say 'why do Thai girls always hold hands with their farang boyfriends/clients?' I guess you have not seen others holding hands but Thai. What a shame! It could and would have been better question/thread when you didn't put it as THAI girls.
Its a Troll dont you know :o
:o THis immediately elicited a <deleted>? (yea out loud no less). Dude, are you serious?! Or are you *only* referring to a specific set of girls that you're dying of curiosity about (even then I don't see it's any of your biz, unless you're asking coz you have a vested personal interest ?) and not other non-working girls? Let me put your mind at ease. This phenomenon? THis hand-holding <deleted> that has you all flustered? It's natural and universal, yo. Regardless of race, language, religion, nationality, gender, career choice, status, political beliefs and your skewed perception, hand-holding is NORMAL and takes place EVERYWHERE in the world. Hand-holding is a good thing. Haven't you ever liked a person SO much that you're grateful just to be able to hold her hand while walking down the street? Probably not.

In fact, what baffles me are couples who do not hold hands. IMHO there is not enough hand-holding going around. We should all start holding hands more with the people we love. And since I've no one who loves me, I'll just stick 'em in my pockets to prevent hand Envy.

Dont bite, hes a Troll,or hes 7 years old :D,,ps ill hold you hand !
..good grief. TV posts certainly have taking a turn for the worse recently. :o

I'm beginning to wonder what delights are round the next TV corner. I could always not click..but I seem to have no will power with this forum at times.

RO, please dont take offense..but what does this matter really? If its not affecting your life and the couples you are viewing are happy then let it be. I must navel-gaze wayyy too much because it hasnt really occurred to me what others are doing in the hand-holding department. Even if im sitting in a coffee shop people watching its not something ive particularly noticed tbh. I also try not to pigeon-hole people or label them (deciding who is a bar-girl etc), in fact, if i ever catch myself doing this i will mentally scold myself for I am most certainly not perfect (although near as dammit :D:D ) If something is causing no harm then i prefer to not waste too much energy on it.

can I hold your hand?

We seem to be truly blessed of late with the number of people with the highest moral standards, that are on the look out for those poor mortals who are in need of guidance and lack the moral turpitude of these, the great and good.

Bless you for coming and showing us how many are fallen by the wayside, thank you for appointing yourselves the guardians of the weak. If only all could achieve your high level of integrity, what a wonderful world it would be. To be able to give so much of your time to sit in judgement on others shows true charity. Thank you, I realise I am not worthy, but I will try to aspire to be more like you in every aspect of my life.

can I hold both of your hands?


From..."Why hold hands", to.."Also, I have noticed, that this grip usually belongs to a lower class girl (either small town hooker, "weekly or monthly rental" or similar)" marvellous, well done...please appoint yourself judge and moralise some more, I am sure so many would welcome your guidance.

We seem to be truly blessed of late with the number of people with the highest moral standards, that are on the look out for those poor mortals who are in need of guidance and lack the moral turpitude of these, the great and good.

Bless you for coming and showing us how many are fallen by the wayside, thank you for appointing yourselves the guardians of the weak. If only all could achieve your high level of integrity, what a wonderful world it would be. To be able to give so much of your time to sit in judgement on others shows true charity. Thank you, I realise I am not worthy, but I will try to aspire to be more like you in every aspect of my life.

can I hold both of your hands?

Depends how much you charge


Me and my wife always seem to hold hands when we are out walking. Quite natural for us, and I have seen plenty of Thais doing the same. I even dragged my black skinned, flat nosed, little Isaan girl to the Emporium last time we we unfortunate enough to have to spend a few days in Bangkok. We held hands trough the whole place, even in the escalator. And I dont feel the least sorry for being there and doing that. :o

As for the OPs little comment about low class. Well, that comment only shows how low class you are. This looking down the nose at people that have less than themselves is one of the less than desirable sides of Thailand, among Thai and westerners alike. But luckily I dont have to mingle with that sort of narrow minded <deleted>. (I choose to call them that becouse thats what they are). :D

End of the day. I refuse to excuse myself or my wife for existing. So the so called hi-so (wannabees included) can kiss my shiny hiney! :D

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