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Thai Motor Car Driver


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Thailand, the Land of Smiles and Wais, the country where the most courteous an respectful people live, where "Greng Jai" is a basic way of life, has completely and totally changed with the automobile.

I have seldom seen more selfish, more inconsiderate or downright rude car drivers than here in Thailand. They would rather die than let you pass, they prefer to crash or at least threaten you with death and keep speeding at you than give way.

Take this situation: I am driving on a 4 lane street in the second from right lane. I blink right to change lane to the right for the upcoming U-turn. A car, quite far behind, flashes at me, even horns and passes me at high speed only to change lanes to the left right in front of me.

A bit further down the road, a huge intersection with 2 lanes to go straight and 2 lanes to turn right. Many cars line up on the two right lanes. A pick-up truck drives on the middle lane only to stop at the red light and turn on his right blinker. I am right behind him and wish to go straight. But he would not move, not even when I horn him, no sir! In effect, the traffic going straight is reduced to one lane and on this lane, the buses drive and stop. I only wonder why there is always such a big traffic jam at this intersection.

Next situation: A U-turn. A car coming from the opposite direction is standing still half way into the turn, blocking 2 lanes and waiting for the 3rd lane to clear to finish his turn. While the two lanes are full with dozens of cars waiting patiently, the situation in the left most lane is different. Car flashing and arriving at high speed rush through. They have no intention to stop, not even for 5 seconds to let the car finish his U-turn. Would it kill him to give way?

There are many more situations like this, we all know them.

Now take the situation, where you have had such a "war situation" on the road, then you stop the car next to another "warrior" and out comes a person you know. He "wais" you and cannot be more polite and respectful, yet it is the same person who just minutes ago would rather kill you, but then he was behind the wheel and now he is not.

What happens to Thai people when they are behind the steering wheel? Is there some magic potion in their car, which turns them into Mr Hide?

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I think some of the people driving here do so like they might play a video game. Because they don't have to make eye contact or grovel like they normally do in social interractions, whilst driving, they become their real selves.

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It patently obviously the one rule of the road is - NEVER give way regardless!

This is the one trait of both Lao and Thai driving that does my box in! No one can ever stop for even 2 seconds to allow another car to get out the way (U Turn example). As for roundabouts .. . aarrgggghhh - I often feel like stopping the car by one and do a traffic police job and force people to give way to the left (when in Lao . . . right in Thailand), they all just sit blocking the bastard road and no one gives way to no one! Absolutely no effin' idea! :o

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How about when the only way to turn right at a T junction is to slowly push out so the traffic on your right will stop and you can eventually make your turn. Everyone knows this is the way to get out onto the street so it is normal.

Try and do that in the west without getting your head punched in...

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<br />this topic has been done to death..................<br />
<br /><br /><br />

It may have been done to death but new members arrive every day and some leave if all the old left what would they talk about. Just dont reply or read if you're not interetsed.

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<br />if you are in Rome, live like a Roman.....<br />so, if you are in Thailand, drive like a thai <img src="style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

If they all drive off a cliff will you follow too??

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How about when the only way to turn right at a T junction is to slowly push out so the traffic on your right will stop and you can eventually make your turn. Everyone knows this is the way to get out onto the street so it is normal.

Try and do that in the west without getting your head punched in...

The main trick here which thoroughly pisses me off is the I cannot wait til the road is clear in both directions to pull out trick. So what they do is when the nearside is clear enough to cross the pull to the centre of the road and drive on the wrong side/centre of the road whilst then slowly crossing on the correct side!

This is normally done without even considering that they are one, driving into oncoming traffic and two, haven't even bothered to look in there mirrors to see if a car is coming on the farside. So do they not only cause the oncoming traffic to swerve they in general believe they can just cut across anyone to get on the road! :o:D

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Thailand, the Land of Smiles and Wais, the country where the most courteous an respectful people live, where "Greng Jai" is a basic way of life, has completely and totally changed with the automobile.

I have seldom seen more selfish, more inconsiderate or downright rude car drivers than here in Thailand. They would rather die than let you pass, they prefer to crash or at least threaten you with death and keep speeding at you than give way.

Take this situation: I am driving on a 4 lane street in the second from right lane. I blink right to change lane to the right for the upcoming U-turn. A car, quite far behind, flashes at me, even horns and passes me at high speed only to change lanes to the left right in front of me.

A bit further down the road, a huge intersection with 2 lanes to go straight and 2 lanes to turn right. Many cars line up on the two right lanes. A pick-up truck drives on the middle lane only to stop at the red light and turn on his right blinker. I am right behind him and wish to go straight. But he would not move, not even when I horn him, no sir! In effect, the traffic going straight is reduced to one lane and on this lane, the buses drive and stop. I only wonder why there is always such a big traffic jam at this intersection.

Next situation: A U-turn. A car coming from the opposite direction is standing still half way into the turn, blocking 2 lanes and waiting for the 3rd lane to clear to finish his turn. While the two lanes are full with dozens of cars waiting patiently, the situation in the left most lane is different. Car flashing and arriving at high speed rush through. They have no intention to stop, not even for 5 seconds to let the car finish his U-turn. Would it kill him to give way?

There are many more situations like this, we all know them.

Now take the situation, where you have had such a "war situation" on the road, then you stop the car next to another "warrior" and out comes a person you know. He "wais" you and cannot be more polite and respectful, yet it is the same person who just minutes ago would rather kill you, but then he was behind the wheel and now he is not.

What happens to Thai people when they are behind the steering wheel? Is there some magic potion in their car, which turns them into Mr Hide?

You have to remember, the thais have had no driver education, they are thinking about their next meal whilst driving and only look 15 feet ahead, dont take it personal ! :o
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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

I have a friend in the uk police on traffic, id love to see his face if he came here and saw some of the thai ways ! :oUK_Police_Esprit.jpg Edited by mikethevigoman
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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

wow, a real traffic cop. cool. and he's afraid to go out at night.

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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

wow, a real traffic cop. cool. and he's afraid to go out at night.

Do you think hes lost his flashlight maybe ? :o
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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

I have a friend in the uk police on traffic, id love to see his face if he came here and saw some of the thai ways ! :oUK_Police_Esprit.jpg

Thailand is not the worst...... I vote for Bangladesh try the Dhaka drive experience! or for the next level up Drive from Chittagong to Dhaka , early evening time during Ramandan now that is scary . Point of interest the value of a human life (young male breadwinner) in B/Desh is $1800 to $2000 and that is from a generous company covering employees with life insurance ,backed up from the a case where the company I worked for had to pay for several industrial accident deaths .

UK has the Highway code....Thailand has the Thaiway code or in rural areas the Myway code . Learn defensive driving or learn to shut your eyes and pray ..

.oh and beware the Temporary Thais ...to join this elite group.... wait until dark , dress in black , drink half a bottle of thai whisky , borrow a honda with no lights ,drive up the wrong side of the road whilst talking to your friend ...oh nearly forgot obligitory condition is no helmet, brakes or insurance . It is a great club membership is free ( the kids left behind always pay ) and is always open two of our old nieghbours recently vacated their places in the Temporary Thai club both with young wives and kids ...no insurance plus the mortgage not covered so the wife ,grandma kids and were out on the street in two months .

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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

I have a friend in the uk police on traffic, id love to see his face if he came here and saw some of the thai ways ! :DUK_Police_Esprit.jpg

Thailand is not the worst...... I vote for Bangladesh try the Dhaka drive experience! or for the next level up Drive from Chittagong to Dhaka , early evening time during Ramandan now that is scary . Point of interest the value of a human life (young male breadwinner) in B/Desh is $1800 to $2000 and that is from a generous company covering employees with life insurance ,backed up from the a case where the company I worked for had to pay for several industrial accident deaths .

UK has the Highway code....Thailand has the Thaiway code or in rural areas the Myway code . Learn defensive driving or learn to shut your eyes and pray ..

.oh and beware the Temporary Thais ...to join this elite group.... wait until dark , dress in black , drink half a bottle of thai whisky , borrow a honda with no lights ,drive up the wrong side of the road whilst talking to your friend ...oh nearly forgot obligitory condition is no helmet, brakes or insurance . It is a great club membership is free ( the kids left behind always pay ) and is always open two of our old nieghbours recently vacated their places in the Temporary Thai club both with young wives and kids ...no insurance plus the mortgage not covered so the wife ,grandma kids and were out on the street in two months .

Very well put,. phnom penh at rush hour is like a computer game where you have to be 100 per cent focused or die !, i have ridden bikes all over thailand and seen some really scary driving like a slow pick up passing a big truck up a mountain road on a blind bend i kid you not,i use anywhere thats got a clear view to pass inside /outside over the top i dont care, i want all forms of possible problems behind me asap ! :o
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Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

Unless you were saying that in reference to how some other countires driving is much worse..... then it was a silly thing to say. Driving here is horrible and extremely dangerous.

In defence of Thai drviers.... my mother back in Canada would turn into a raving mad spitting fist shaking a-hole behind the wheel.... don't know why some people get very aggressive and easily angered when hiding in a steel box for protection.

Damian Mavis

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<br />
Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.
<br /><br />I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.<br />Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.<br />
I have a friend in the uk police on traffic, id love to see his face if he came here and saw some of the thai ways ! <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> <img src="http://www.lotusespritworld.com/images/misc/UK_Police_Esprit.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br />Thailand is not the worst...... I vote for Bangladesh try the Dhaka drive experience! or for the next level up Drive from Chittagong to Dhaka , early evening time during Ramandan now that is scary . Point of interest the value of a human life (young male breadwinner) in B/Desh is $1800 to $2000 and that is from a generous company covering employees with life insurance ,backed up from the a case where the company I worked for had to pay for several industrial accident deaths . <br /><br /><br />UK has the Highway code....Thailand has the Thaiway code or in rural areas the Myway code . Learn defensive driving or learn to shut your eyes and pray ..<br /><br />.oh and beware the Temporary Thais ...to join this elite group.... wait until dark , dress in black , drink half a bottle of thai whisky , borrow a honda with no lights ,drive up the wrong side of the road whilst talking to your friend ...oh nearly forgot obligitory condition is no helmet, brakes or insurance . It is a great club membership is free ( the kids left behind always pay ) and is always open two of our old nieghbours recently vacated their places in the Temporary Thai club both with young wives and kids ...no insurance plus the mortgage not covered so the wife ,grandma kids and were out on the street in two months .<br />

Can only hope he was squished under a Mercedes then so at least he saved face .

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this topic has been done to death..................

And yet, death's daily workload is on a steady rise.

if you are in Rome, live like a Roman.....

so, if you are in Thailand, drive like a thai :o

And die like a Thai. Jaws of life anyone?

Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.

I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.

Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.

wow, a real traffic cop. cool. and he's afraid to go out at night.

If only you realized how many drivers are drunk at night... The police are nowhere to be seen, until there is an accident. Every evening, the sirens start wailing like clockwork a couple hours after the factory workers have hit the bars around here.

Wife and I were discussing road deaths last evening after some idiot pulled some useless crazy maneuver only to get to the obvious already red light. I mentioned 52 motorcycle deaths per day, she corrected me saying it was well over a hundred or two hundred, more than one per province per day.

A miserable failure.

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<br />this topic has been done to death..................<br />
<br /><br /><br />

It may have been done to death but new members arrive every day and some leave if all the old left what would they talk about. Just dont reply or read if you're not interetsed.

But the OP isn't a new member ............

so your point is?

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<br />
Driving here is not that bad at all. Get used to it or take the train.
<br /><br />I don't know what planet you are on. Driving here in Thailand is, in one word, atrocious. I spent 25 years in law enforcement, the majority on the Highway Patrol and I would descibe the driving of quite a lot of Thai's as a 'pursuit gone crazy' particularly their driving after dark. I have lost count of the number of stupid and dangerous things I have encountered on the roads here, so much so that it is with trepidation that we ever venture out after midnight.<br />Whilst there are some courteous Thai drivers with reasonable ability to control a motor vehicle, unfortunately they are in the minority.<br />
I have a friend in the uk police on traffic, id love to see his face if he came here and saw some of the thai ways ! <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> <img src="http://www.lotusespritworld.com/images/misc/UK_Police_Esprit.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br />Thailand is not the worst...... I vote for Bangladesh try the Dhaka drive experience! or for the next level up Drive from Chittagong to Dhaka , early evening time during Ramandan now that is scary . Point of interest the value of a human life (young male breadwinner) in B/Desh is $1800 to $2000 and that is from a generous company covering employees with life insurance ,backed up from the a case where the company I worked for had to pay for several industrial accident deaths . <br /><br /><br />UK has the Highway code....Thailand has the Thaiway code or in rural areas the Myway code . Learn defensive driving or learn to shut your eyes and pray ..<br /><br />.oh and beware the Temporary Thais ...to join this elite group.... wait until dark , dress in black , drink half a bottle of thai whisky , borrow a honda with no lights ,drive up the wrong side of the road whilst talking to your friend ...oh nearly forgot obligitory condition is no helmet, brakes or insurance . It is a great club membership is free ( the kids left behind always pay ) and is always open two of our old nieghbours recently vacated their places in the Temporary Thai club both with young wives and kids ...no insurance plus the mortgage not covered so the wife ,grandma kids and were out on the street in two months .<br />

Can only hope he was squished under a Mercedes then so at least he saved face .

Actually he was hit by another bike unexpectedly on the right side of the road, vered of into traffic hit by a taxi overtaking the previously mentioned bike on the correct side of the road , after he was hit by the taxi he was flung across the road to be hit by a coach travelling the other way this sent his body back to the original side of the road where he had his head finaly crushed by a Merc ...so yes he did achieve serious loss of face ...the actual trail of events was witness by a friend of ours he was driving the second Honda on the correct side of the road on his way from work .... just going to the bar ...

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