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What annoys me the most? No taxi meters in Pattaya. Waiters who hand you a 20 page menu and stand there as though you know what to order instantly.

Even worse, they remove the sugar and milk with a newly brought to the drink of tea or coffee, and attempt to immediately remove them grrrr


People who are so together and satisfied with their lives, that they are unable to understand that a person can be having a bad day, and is looking for a means of expression.

What a load of crap! So if you live in a different country to your homeland you are supposed to keep stum, say nothing and cannot complain about anything otherwise you should go home?!?!?

Some people take it to the excess I agree - if some people complain as much and as loudly as some do they you do have to wonder why they stay - but according to you people aren't even allowed to have annoyances!

The one thing that tuk-tuks do what do annoy the hel_l out of me here in Laos is when I am trying to cross the road - they'll slow down in front of me asking of I want a tuk-tuk! To which my response is 'no but I want you move your bloody tuk tuk so I can cross over!' it reet p*sses me off!


chill... :o

But then there are those tuk-tuk drivers who pull in front of me and interrupt my arrogant passage from point A to point B for a few seconds.. :o

My arrogant passage . . . amusing - however if you had the slightest inkling of knowledge in your judgement of me and my life here in Laos you would fully understand that I am as equally as comfortable here as in my home country. Of couldn't your judgement on that my adaption to life couldn't of been positive based on my only main pet peeve is something this minor - of course not that wouldn't inflate your ego sufficiently.

I guess in your '50+ year living in 30 countries' you must of been walking around with your eyes shut. But then again on the basis of 'living' in 30 countries in 50 or so years you've spent on average only 1.6 years in each, obviously you've left most before you got fully aquainted with local everyday life to have a full understanding of these countries.

As would be said 'Judge not lest ye be judged yourself'.


This thread has stayed alive much longer than I ever expected consequently today I have the time and I am in the mood to vent. Let me start by saying that Thailand is my home I choose to live here and I have lived here full time for some time longer than many and not as long as others. I live in an area that’s primary industry is tourism and my businesses over the years have put me in the firing line of new arrivals. So here I am meeting people fresh off the boat, many of them repeat tourist and some 1st time travelers. Peeve number 1. They drive me crazy with the vast amount of knowledge they have about the Thai way, Thai people and Thailand within 2 weeks. Typically these men meet their loves in the bar BUT the girls were either fresh from the farm, did not like working in the bar or were cashiers. This is fine with me I have no peeve with this it’s just amusing how they all fit the profile. Please keep in mind that it is in my best interest to chat these people up at pool side so I have relived this scene hundreds of times. Here is my point somewhere along the line say week 3 they tell me they have a “Thai friend” who is getting them some deal from which they typically loose their money and second as if it is some sort of right of passage they begin speaking to me in the third person calling themselves “Farang”or “Falong” and speaking thainglish(sp). The cream of the cake is that they spend most of their time intoxicated, come from some small socialized countries that’s greatest contribution to man kind is exporting these sods and begin telling me how America is evil. Which bring me to my final peeve and that is Americans who talk s—t about America who have never been to the north west, the north east, southwest, rocky mountains, grand Teton, Niagara falls, Yellowstone, Seattle, San Francisco, the grand canyon and all the little towns along they way, where people live peaceful full lives without ever a second thought about what others think of them. DONE.

That is my longest post to date and probably the most honest I have been as well. Flame away.


What REALLY gets under my skin the most in the Land of Smile...

is the lack of oven fresh Laugenbrezel for breakfast. they are always a day or two old. and don't tell me that's the fault of a xenophobic junta. the supply was not better when Thaksin was still in power.

WHAT?! you don't know what Laugenbrezel are? serves you right! go on and spread vege_mar_what_ever_mite on that rubbery thing you call bread, shove it down your throat without chewing and be happy.


The cream of the cake is that they spend most of their time intoxicated, come from some small socialized countries that’s greatest contribution to man kind is exporting these sods and begin telling me how America is evil. Which bring me to my final peeve and that is Americans who talk s—t about America

I agree, but I just laugh at them.

The America-haters are mostly mentally-challenged misfits who have never had an original thought in their whole lives. Who cares what they think? :o


Sometimes getting off of a bus after a 12hr journey with no sleep to be greeted at the bus station by, "where you go?",then another, "where you go?",then someone else, "where you go?".

"ahhhhhhhhh!,why does it matter where i'm going,i dont want a f#####g taxi or tuk tuk".

Not having a solid c##p often enough.Maybe its the ice in the fruit shakes.

Hi-so thais,(& farang) that are only really talking to me to show me how important or successful they are,rather than being freindly.

<br />Foreigners constantly complaining about Thailand and the people.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Zuki Suzuki constantly complaining about froeigners complaining about Thailand and Thai people.

xyborg's inability to use the quote function correctly.

<br />
<br />Foreigners constantly complaining about Thailand and the people.<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Zuki Suzuki constantly complaining about froeigners complaining about Thailand and Thai people.<br />
<br /><br />xyborg's inability to use the quote function correctly.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Zuki Suzukis slow response , your turn xxxxxxxxx

Seeing farangs that look like fat slobs or dressed like bums.
Afriend and i were sat eating in foodland today then in walks 3 big (read fat ) russian men in their 50-60s ,1 was like a gorilla with no shirt on and one of the others had a vest on with a hole in it ! ,.then sat at the counter to eat, i couldnt beleive it, f@cking slobs,. how can people be so ignorant ?

The farangs here in Pattaya who refuse to learn Thai (shouldn't Thais learn English?), eat only farang food, watch Fox news or CNN, drink their Starbucks while reading the International Herald Tribune, shop for American products at Villa Market or Friendship Market, spend Sunday mornings at ex-pat meetings, and on and on and on. Is this Thailand or still America?

<br />Still xyborg's inability to use the quote function correctly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Zukis inability to notice it was done deliberately!!

The farangs here in Pattaya who refuse to learn Thai (shouldn't Thais learn English?), eat only farang food, watch Fox news or CNN, drink their Starbucks while reading the International Herald Tribune, shop for American products at Villa Market or Friendship Market, spend Sunday mornings at ex-pat meetings, and on and on and on. Is this Thailand or still America?

It's a place to do what you want to do, rather than what others think you should do. :D

Parking the car, and then as soon as you get out a tuk tuk driver saying "you want tuk-tuk?".

LOL.... exasperating sometimes isn't it? :D

<br />Still xyborg's inability to use the quote function correctly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Zukis inability to notice it was done deliberately!!

You guys please wake the rest of us up when your hen fight is over? :o

<br />
The farangs here in Pattaya who refuse to learn Thai (shouldn't Thais learn English?), eat only farang food, watch Fox news or CNN, drink their Starbucks while reading the International Herald Tribune, shop for American products at Villa Market or Friendship Market, spend Sunday mornings at ex-pat meetings, and on and on and on. Is this Thailand or still America?
<br /><br />It's a place to do what you want to do, rather than what others think you should do. <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />
Parking the car, and then as soon as you get out a tuk tuk driver saying "you want tuk-tuk?".
<br /><br />LOL.... exasperating sometimes isn't it? <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />
<br />Still xyborg's inability to use the quote function correctly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Zukis inability to notice it was done deliberately!!<br />
<br /><br />You guys please wake the rest of us up when your hen fight is over? <img src="style_emoticons/default/coffee1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="coffee1.gif" /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

BWOK BWOK BWOK Just a bit of fun matey. Heres somethng for Zuki to gaze over me old bike


Seeing farangs that look like fat slobs or dressed like bums.

Then you're much better off in Bangkok than you are in Dallas, London, Toronto, or Melbourne. :D

I guess when you're only a visitor of Thailand there is more of a contrast between the fat sloppy farang guys and the Thai environment. It is a most unsavory sight indeed. :o At least they could make themselves more presentable!


"Pet Peeves!, What pi$$e$ U off the most in LOS?" ...... two things spring to mind:

1. Taxi drivers in BKK, especially those circling like vultures in tourist areas

2. Farang residents fauna found in Chiang Mai; looking like failed over aged, left-wing teachers living in a time warp

Seeing farangs that look like fat slobs or dressed like bums.

Then you're much better off in Bangkok than you are in Dallas, London, Toronto, or Melbourne. :D

I guess when you're only a visitor of Thailand there is more of a contrast between the fat sloppy farang guys and the Thai environment. It is a most unsavory sight indeed. :o At least they could make themselves more presentable!



What REALLY gets under your skin the most in the LOS? My particular pet peeve is in regards to Samlors. Trying to drive down-town where Samlors are STILL used can be MOST infuriating, and quite dangerous for the Samlor-drivers too. I've often wondered why these 3-wheeled obstructions are astill allowed on the roads? BTW, I live in the provinces!

Anyone else? :o

people on this forum that don't know the difference between "lose" and "loose"

What REALLY gets under your skin the most in the LOS? My particular pet peeve is in regards to Samlors. Trying to drive down-town where Samlors are STILL used can be MOST infuriating, and quite dangerous for the Samlor-drivers too. I've often wondered why these 3-wheeled obstructions are astill allowed on the roads? BTW, I live in the provinces!

Anyone else? :o

people on this forum that don't know the difference between "lose" and "loose"

both are things you will encounter with a thai bg ,. lose money, loose woman :D

Normally I'm fairly placid and it takes a lot to piss me off, but the 7-11's in Thailand despite their convenience are a big source of frustration.

I have not yet seen a convenience store as disorganized as this.

There's a 20' x 20' store, 4 employees, 10 customers in line and only one register working out of the two.

The other one you ask? ($#%@$#!!!!!) (A green sign saying pl. use next register).

The staff behind that counter is usually doing something extremely stupid and not so time-consuming (accounting or some other menial chore).

Whatever happened to multi-tasking?

They overstaff the 7-11's yet can't maintain a smooth flow of the queue.

Apparently, this is not the case for all 7-11's contrary to what I thought earlier.

Rant over.

I must agree.

Almost every 7-11 has a bunch of employees doing nothing and yet only one register is open. What's up with that? :o

Tesco Lotus is even worse :D

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