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Death Of Tot? Speeds Down To 30kbps...office Told Me It Will Never Be Fixed ---

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My ADSL speed has suddenly dropped 40 fold 2 weeks ago.

Nothing to do with the excavator accident in Bangkok that cut the fiber optic lines, actually did that ever even "really" happen?

The very next day after the "excavator accident" my speed went from 400-500 kbps in the afternoon to 30-60 kbps...it's been like this since then like clockwork.

However, as "promised" by TOT my speed DID double from there "promotion" but only from 2 am to 9 am, totally useless since 99% of people are asleep at these times...

The staff at the office told me the real story. The management decided to suddenly ad 1 000 000 lines to the existing 400 000, so the ports are suddenly full and they haven't purchased the necessary equipement to get this mess working properly, apparently according to her there is no hope.

Pattaya TOT customers will be stuck with less than dial up ADSL speed for perpituity....

That would mean that I have to find a new room with TTandT or Cat Telecom, but I've been here for years and don't want to move!

Does anybody know if there is any hope that this fiasco will ever get resolved?

... from 2 am to 9 am, totally useless since 99% of people are asleep at these times...

99% asleep ? at 2am ? In Pattaya ? :o

ok. sorry. couldn't resist. :D

However, as "promised" by TOT my speed DID double from there "promotion" but only from 2 am to 9 am, totally useless since 99% of people are asleep at these times...

early bird catches the wo... ahmm... i mean TOT speed :o


i have had all the same problems that people have been discussing here. i am on maxnet Indy 1000 baht a month package in Pattaya. its been terrible, it actually took 1hour & 13 minutes to download 3 pop 3 emails yesterday from Yahoo.singapore!

the international websites would not connect and all the time i was displaying a download speed over over 2MB within Thailand and about 150-200KB outside. i have been using dial up when its been at its worst and even at only 45kbs on a modem its actually been faster than ADSL after 5 pm. i had noted my problems started a couple of weeks ago when i was told i was upgraded for free to twice the download speed. so today i went to Carrefour and switched to the PREMIER 1 Mb package and effectively halved my supposed official INDY download speed as Premier packages have not been upgraded yet. so now i am now back to a full fast effective interantional internet package with no problems at all with pop 3 mail or any connection problems at all. i was advised to do this by a maxnet technical engineer who said the problems were only associated with Indy accounts that had been upgraded for free. Premier and Biz accounts were unaffected by the problems that the INDY packages were having. the cost to get my service back to normal and as it was, if not slightly better than before? an extra 90 baht a month! now 1090 instead of 1000. i was in there this morning at 11am and they gave me new usernames, passwords etc and switched me over at 5pm. so i am a very happy chappy, my blood pressure has already gone down. i haven't explained it terribly well but i hope you get it.

good luck!


Speed test doesn't show routing, but it does highlight the nearest servers, usually Bangkok or Penang. Today it showed one in France as one of its recommended (yellow pyramid). I thought it was a bit odd so did a tracert from the command prompt to google.com and it routed from tot's servers direct to France. Then to google. I have reset my router since then and it won't repeat it, so maybe was just a glitch my end.


Yes, a TOT technician told me that TOT has old equipment which doesn't do the job sufficiently ... as opposed to True who uses new equipment.

I am more than satisfied with the current speed ..... 60-100 kbs is more than enough for the web. Downloads with Flashget (between 3 and 8 connections) are doubled and reach 224Kbs 24 hours a day ....

Yes, a TOT technician told me that TOT has old equipment which doesn't do the job sufficiently ... as opposed to True who uses new equipment.

I am more than satisfied with the current speed ..... 60-100 kbs is more than enough for the web. Downloads with Flashget (between 3 and 8 connections) are doubled and reach 224Kbs 24 hours a day ....

I read your posts about your fabulous speed results several times already.However I'm wondering if you actually download something.I have flashget and cfosspeed installed and I NEVER get those dreamspeeds you are talking about.I am already more then happy if I will get 100 KB and that will be only be possible between 2 am and 5 am.I am on TOT 2048/512


You probably use Flashget incorrectly. The power of these download managers appears if you download more files concurrently .... Let's say a movie is 7 parts x 100MB your total speed will be 200-224Kbs (the max of 2048/512). If you download it in one piece, then your speed will be likely much less (40-60Kbs).

The real download speed appears if you download 3-8 files at the same time .... 24 hours a day. The bigger downloads (like 40 parts = 4Gigs) I do at night. These will be done in about 5 hours (used to be 10 before the doubled speed).

See the attachment ...... If you really doubt if I ever download something, buddy, FYI I have 3 premium Rapidshare accounts in tandem.

PS The time of the screenshot fell off .... 8.26pm.



According to the (straightforward) technician .... no! At least not in the short run ....

As I said nothing to complain about here ... the web's a little slow, but for downloading files you got to have a strategy involving

download managers.

I've changed my strategy a bit:

- 3 files or more at the same time ... flashget

- 2 or less, IDM

Both download managers give me the full 2mbs speed ....


Well....unfortunately for me I'm not a hobbyist and don't use the internet to play games and download files...I own 70 websites and need to maintain them for business.

So what I do now is get up at 3 am and work until about 10 online, after that I work offline for the rest of the day.

A royal pain in the butt...I think I'll try Cat Telecom, is it any better?

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