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Kasikorn Internet Banking Nightmare

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So I opened a new Kasikorn bank account a few weeks ago and got their Internet Banking service, which I must say looks great. Now, I spent about 2 weeks trying to get my bank account number from Kasikorn added to my overseas bank's internet banking system, so I can make transfers without having to call or send a fax request.

That was finally done and I tried to log into my Kasikorn internet banking. Guess what, first try, wrong password. Second and third try, wrong password and the internet banking was locked. I did actually, for the first time in a long time, forget my password. No big problem, I just called Kasikorn to have them re-send the password at around 10pm. They said it would arrive in a few minutes. I spent until 2am waiting, no email arrived. Went to bed and called in the morning again. They sent the password again and nothing arrived. Did it a third time and yet again no password. So I'm thinking it must be getting caught somewhere in a spam filter or is being rejected.

I call Kasikorn to have my email address changed and after I give them everything from my passport number over my address to my birth date, they tell me they cannot do it over the phone and I would need to visit the branch. So I go to the branch the next day and they make me fill out a form to request an email address change. I also needed to give them a signed copy of my passport as always. The lady said thank you and took the next customer. I asked her what would be the next thing to do, if I received my password automatically or if I would need to call again. She then tells me that usually they cannot change the email address on an account and if I wanted to use a different email address, I would need to open another account.

Whaaaatt??! First of all, why can't you change an email address on an account? I won't be using the same email address for the rest of my life. And second, why make me come to the branch and make me fill out all the forms if it can't be done anyways?

Right now I'm changing hosting providers for my email address, so if the new password email gets rejected because of some spam filters, I can now finally get my new password. If not, I'll need to open a new bank account and wait another 2 weeks to have my bank information added to my overseas bank.


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due to my general skepticism of the level of expertise when it comes to security and the internet in thailand (as well as communication problems if one has limited Thai language skills), I would be extremely reluctant to sign-up for any internet banking services in Thailand. Your experience only confirms my feelings. Besides, what is the advantage in your case. If you are using it to transfer funds between accounts, will you save money over a bank to bank SWIFT transfer. For me, I do all my major banking and brokerage operations using the internet BUT only with my USA based banks/accounts. I have Thai bank accounts but just use wire-transfers to fund them.

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do you ever get anything done financially eazily.

always drama with your dealings.

bnk of am. transfer to bkk bank cost 3$ for 1000. better than wire transfer, i dont get it, why use wire.

How does that work ? Do you receive US$ at bangkok bank ? How is it different from a wire transfer ?

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You have really bad luck Rainman. If I remember correctly you had before some amazing stories about... credit cards too, right ?


As for the e-mail problem, it can happens.

Large email system like Yahoo or Hotmail have sometimes anti spam systems a bit too sensitive. Especially for traffic coming from "exotic" country like Thailand or Vietnam...

Traffic can be rejected, or put right away in your spam/bulk folder.

This is why, with Gmail, Yahoo Mail etc... it's always important to check the spam folder before to delete it : you might have received very genuine email inside.

It's really a problem.

Another anoying system that I have experienced : if someone with a thai domain name, send you quickly like 3 or 4 messages (it can happen)... Yahoo Mail will put directly the third and fourth message... inside the spam folder !

So I opened a new Kasikorn bank account a few weeks ago and got their Internet Banking service, which I must say looks great. Now, I spent about 2 weeks trying to get my bank account number from Kasikorn added to my overseas bank's internet banking system, so I can make transfers without having to call or send a fax request.
Edited by cclub75
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Virtually all the bank account I have in different countries will let you change your email address on line.

The only exception for me is Bangkok Bank. Two's a coincidence...

not some stupid swiss banks in Singapore :o

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do you ever get anything done financially eazily.

always drama with your dealings.

bnk of am. transfer to bkk bank cost 3$ for 1000. better than wire transfer, i dont get it, why use wire.

Unfortunately, everything that involves banks in my life appears to be difficult.

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to enable bank transfer from b of ameika requires yr thai bank account to be verified. w hich involves 2 trial deposits to yr thai account from b of a.

very ez. arent bank wire s a pain in the butt and costly?

money received in thai bank is exchanged at favorable rates, i think......lol.

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