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Have I Ruined It For Myself


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I bet you won't make the claim that all the farang MALE friends you have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy!

ACTUALLY James, they ARE :D

and its not about me being choosy/fussy. I dont choose my friends based on any of these characteristics. you simply learn to appreciate different aspects of your friends and realise that they have these traits within them, even when it might not be apparent to a casual/superficial observer :o

but this is besides the point of this thread aint it :D

Ill give the floor back to the OP and others now :D

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

I was similar, single for years .If it had a pulse i was on board !,.i never wanted to settle down,loved going with as many as i could, i wont go into numbers but lets just say i coulndt remember all their names !,. i eventually got a bit bored and then BAM ,i met a beautiful girl that was all i needed,decent, honest,no baggage,we have been married for 7 years and have a beautiful 5 year old daughter, i never thought id settle down, now they ( my girls ) are everything to me,. my advice if you are still enjoying what you are doing carry on, if not stop,.all of a sudden one may just change you and the way you feel,.i still look ( hard not to in thailand ) but thats it,it was a chapter in the book of life, and now its closed,good luck
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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

..even after all your drivel and self-pitying attitude, i was still going to be sympathetic, respectful, and give a reasoned response. But alas with the final cliche its all just too much verbal diarrhea for me to spend my time wading through. Good luck. Sounds like you need it.

Eek, what exactly about that sentence is either wrong or offensive? I am asking with sincerity, not trying to be annoying. I mean, he is insulting a certain type of woman (overweight and unfriendly) not all the other women in that country right? Or did he actually mean all women in the west are overweight and unfriendly?

Damian Mavis

Hi Damian,

Actually its not just that i felt the comment was getting in a bit of a dig regarding 'some' western women, but also a dig at men. As if males who are living in the west are somehow pathetic individuals that have lower standards than the high and mighty 'i-can-get-any-woman-i-want' attitudes of some western males in Asia. I also fail to see the real need to make such a statement.

Granted my reply was harsh. Its rare that i spout off quite so dramatically in TV (i think!), but i suppose something just snapped. I was reading this mans OP and decided to remain open and give a respectful answer as he seemed to be requesting some kind of help, advice, and solution. Thus he must be unhappy with his situation. But, the final comment making an unnecessary dig just made me see red. I guess i just see so much of that kind of cliched comment on TV and its hard not to snap back sometimes.

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I was similar, single for years .If it had a pulse i was on board !,.i never wanted to settle down,loved going with as many as i could, i wont go into numbers but lets just say i coulndt remember all their names !,. i eventually got a bit bored and then BAM ,i met a beautiful girl that was all i needed,decent, honest,no baggage,we have been married for 7 years and have a beautiful 5 year old daughter, i never thought id settle down, now they ( my girls ) are everything to me,. my advice if you are still enjoying what you are doing carry on, if not stop,.all of a sudden one may just change you and the way you feel,.i still look ( hard not to in thailand ) but thats it,it was a chapter in the book of life, and now its closed,good luck

THAT is what i would term a sensible answer imo.

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.


I ask myself the same question bro'.

However, what is "normal".

Oh yeah and always ignore the persons calling you names and insulting you when you pose a legit question.

Don't take things too seriously... :D

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

I'm with these guys man, sod all these pretentious comments from certain members. Do what feels right. If you really want change, change will come.

At least this is a post with a real feeling and meaning to it, as opposed to 'where is the best place to buy marmite' etc etc.

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

Seems a bit strange after your post a couple of months ago


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Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

Finally, a sensible answer.


Happiness stays far far away from "normality".

You are normal when you surrender to society pressures.

And society was not created to make you happy.

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I bet you won't make the claim that all the farang MALE friends you have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy!

ACTUALLY James, they ARE :D

and its not about me being choosy/fussy. I dont choose my friends based on any of these characteristics. you simply learn to appreciate different aspects of your friends and realise that they have these traits within them, even when it might not be apparent to a casual/superficial observer :o

but this is besides the point of this thread aint it :D

Ill give the floor back to the OP and others now :D

Then I am very sorry!

I didn't know you meant the farang female friends you have...they are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy INSIDE!

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james, but they also are on the OUTSIDE too :D

all my friends are goodlooking....well I certainly think so anyway :D

and yes mikethevigoman put into words very clearly what I struggled to put across in my first comment :o

the way I see it is....if you think you are happy with the way things are now...go for it and continue with your style. but also be prepared that when the time comes, you do not look back in regret. (you shouldnt have to)..... if you had a great time now (and didnt end up hurting someone big time in the process by misleading them.....well then I say everyone is grown up and make their decision knowingly :D

again....to borrow Moss' words... good luck :D

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Um did the OP just want a pat on the back or some real answers to his query then?

Because for those who are replying along the lines of 'good on ya mate, keep it up, its normal' arent addressing the fact that he (i thought) wished for advice on being able to maintain a long term relationship in the future.

The "finally a sensible answer" post from the OP indicates he isnt looking for advice at all, just a 'well done lad'.

Thus this thread is just a 'im a big man cuz i bagged a lotta women' declaration. Hey, ok, so your in the same boat as a great percentage of western males in Thailand, and?

Anyway..i am guessing any reasonable response i try to make would be fruitless. :/

Edited by eek
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Um did the OP just want a pat on the back or some real answers to his query then?

In case you didn't follow the link Pattaya_Fox showed, this is a quote from the OP two months ago.

Not married yet but will definitely jump ship next year. We've been together a year and a half.

Either a contradiction or she caught him out.

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james, but they also are on the OUTSIDE too :o

all my friends are goodlooking....well I certainly think so anyway :D

Then I apologise again!

I didn't know you meant all your friends are ALL intelligent, smart, funny, AND sexy INSIDE and OUTSIDE!

What are you wasting your time in here then?

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haha! its nice to see you out and about Miggy. :o Tell you what, I'll get some popcorn and you bring some chocolate? Then we can sit down and watch the show play out. This one may be a bit of a saga.

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

pen pia mia di

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What are you wasting your time in here then?

good entertainment...or as they say....good value :D

besides...I get free chocolates here james :D sometime with popcorn.....sometime maybe dipped in each other :bah:

but seems the OP might not be so interested anymore :D

perhaps the question to ask is: why/how do people feel about discussing relationship prolems/uncertainty on an internet forum? (atleast the mental aspect of it......which would be the case of this OP)

I can relate to asking practical advice and suggestions about things like....where to take someone on a date to impress, what to do if you forgot a big anniversary :o (cupid forbid ;))

or even something like..... how should a guy whos been in OP scenario,but WOULD LIKE a change of style...how would he go about coping....as in what kind of adjustment etc....

but the decision whether he wants a change in lifestyle is rather a rhetorical one aint it? only the OP can answer that :D

Id question why the need to start a thread on such rhetorical question.....but Im enjoying this far too much to raise objection :bah:

(good distraction for my stressful/not so pleasant day) :o

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There is no such thing as "too many women and too promiscuous" :o as long as you enjoy it and your pursuits do not become an addiction that negatively affect your life. I lived the playboy lifestyle for many years and was totally happy as I genuinely loved many women and being with them. In a way it is probably a selfish lifestyle and there are some emotional casualties along the way but then again nobody ever said life has to be fair. On a good note, some of my old gf's have remained good friends with me through all the years (one of my very best friends is an old gf from 25 years ago !) . One day my life changed forever when I fell in love with a girl (nothing new about that!) with the big difference being that I eventually realized I would not be happy living my life without her). We married and it has luckily turned out to be one of the best things in my life. My advice is to just enjoy your playboy lifestyle the way it is until you meet someone extremely special that might happen to change it. :D

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What are you wasting your time in here then?

good entertainment...or as they say....good value :D

besides...I get free chocolates here james :D sometime with popcorn.....sometime maybe dipped in each other :bah:

but seems the OP might not be so interested anymore :D

perhaps the question to ask is: why/how do people feel about discussing relationship prolems/uncertainty on an internet forum? (atleast the mental aspect of it......which would be the case of this OP)

I can relate to asking practical advice and suggestions about things like....where to take someone on a date to impress, what to do if you forgot a big anniversary :o (cupid forbid :D )

or even something like..... how should a guy whos been in OP scenario,but WOULD LIKE a change of style...how would he go about coping....as in what kind of adjustment etc....

but the decision whether he wants a change in lifestyle is rather a rhetorical one aint it? only the OP can answer that :D

Id question why the need to start a thread on such rhetorical question.....but Im enjoying this far too much to raise objection :bah:

(good distraction for my stressful/not so pleasant day) :o

Too true! ;)

Thanks to the OP for starting this thread!

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To the OP, I think what you're looking for is some kind of sexual satisfaction. Sleeping with 100's of women has nothing to do with love, but about sex. Now if you can find out what exactly it is you're looking for and you can find a woman who can make you happy, you would probably be able to have a long term relationship with her.

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There is no such thing as "too many women and too promiscuous" :o as long as you enjoy it and your pursuits do not become an addiction that negatively affect your life. I lived the playboy lifestyle for many years and was totally happy as I genuinely loved many women and being with them. In a way it is probably a selfish lifestyle and there are some emotional casualties along the way but then again nobody ever said life has to be fair. On a good note, some of my old gf's have remained good friends with me through all the years (one of my very best friends is an old gf from 25 years ago !) . One day my life changed forever when I fell in love with a girl (nothing new about that!) with the big difference being that I eventually realized I would not be happy living my life without her). We married and it has luckily turned out to be one of the best things in my life. My advice is to just enjoy your playboy lifestyle the way it is until you meet someone extremely special that might happen to change it. :D

Well said !

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

Are you bragging or complaining? :o

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After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

Seems a bit strange after your post a couple of months ago

Plenty of sheilas for gf's in Oz but never married (thank buddha).

Done the usual in SE Asia and never thought i would marry before meeting the right one.

Not married yet but will definitely jump ship next year. We've been together a year and a half.

I'm 40, she's 25.

Met her through a friend. Normal Thai girl with an office job. IMHO it makes quite a difference where you meet a Thai girl. (better not mention anything about drinking establishments and their employees)

Interesting. So what happened to the "normal Thai girl with an office job"?

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