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Is Golf Fun?


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im just curious if you are a golfer what % of your friends who you take golfing end up enjoying it? i am thinking of giving it a go, because everyone raves about it but it looks like the most boringst thing on earth.

Be very careful. Golf is very addictive, and very difficult, and I love it. I would get lessons from a pro at a golf course or a driving range if you are serious. No other golfer will be able to teach you what you need to know. Having the basics down will lead to a much more enjoyable time.

I have been active in sports all my life, played basketball at college, on a championship softball team, rocked climbed, ran a couple of marathons, have a black belt in karate. But I have never play a sport as diffcult, as humiliating, as addictive as golf. The difference between golf and those other sports is that I will be able to play golf into my 90s if I want.

One poster quoted Mark Twain about golf being a good walk spoiled. Here is another quote: "The worst day of golf is better than the best day of work."

Good luck, don't take things too seriously, enjoy the outdoors, and try to hit it straight.

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To each his own I guess.

I don't recall ever meeting a "casual" Golfer - i.e. someone who plays only 3 or 4 times a year; either you get the bug and play as often as you can or you simply hate the game and after a few tries never bother again.

Thailand is probably one of the better places to try your hand - lots of very well kept courses, relatively cheap, and usually very cute Caddies who will congratulate you on every shot even as they thrash though the bushes looking for your ball.


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I just returned from Thailand, where I played about 10 times in 30 days.

This "sport" is one of the most challenging things to do (physically and mentally) that I have ever encountered. When you are playing well, it is exhilarating. When you play poorly it becomes quickly disheartening... this is where the mental challenges come into play.

Playing golf in Thailand is good exercise, as well. I usually lose about 2 KG within a few weeks where I play there (I walk the course, instead of taking a buggy).

Until you take lessons from a GOOD teaching pro, you can expect your scores (and emotions) to be erratic.

To me, walking the course and having a good round is quite therapeutic.

I highly recommend golf for the recreation and exercise. Thailand is a great place to enjoy this activity.

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It is all in the eyes of the beholder! Maybe you'll find out what your frustration level is, just take a lesson or two first from a Professional Instructor, of course setting up several is better, then practice till you feel you can go out on a course and just play for fun, you might be greatly surprised! :o

Good Luck-

Edited by Pundi64
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Remember, the actual act of swinging takes about ten minutes or far less of any golfing day. The other four plus hours are walking outside with the birds and critters and hopefully a few good friends. There are those who obsess about the ten minutes swinging and those who remember the walk and the companionship.

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