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A friend of mine has a son. H'es 1 and a half. My friend is a muslim. He wants to have his son circumsised. I promised to ask in here and report back to him. Anyway, anyone know where this can be done "safely" in Thailand???


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Noit sure but I think Yanhee can do it in manner according to Muslim law (Bummers probably can too given their high percentage of Middle Eastern clientele)

I had mine done in Phang Nga Province and I survived :D


Oh.... I guess you mean you had your son done? :D:D

Maybe a late convert to "Roundhead".

An adult friend of mine got done due to continually getting infections and he could hardly walk for a week or two. But now recovered and easy to clean.

Luckily, I was "Done" when very young (I think in the maternity hospital) and cannot remember it.


I was a late convert to the roundheads and I can remember each and everyone of the 26 stitches used in the surgery. :o Walking was agony until an old sage on the ward told me to wear 'Y' fronts to stop the stitches snagging my clothing. :D

Noit sure but I think Yanhee can do it in manner according to Muslim law (Bummers probably can too given their high percentage of Middle Eastern clientele)

What an unfortunate nickname.

But I would agree. Any hospital that has a large Muslim patient ratio.

My friend had it done as an adult on Koh Samui. He chose a Muslim Dr. because of the Dr.s previous experience.



Go to Dr Panya General Hospital at Ramkamheang Soi 4 .. Lots of Thai Muslim patient there. The hospital is just near The Thai Islamic Center

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

I was a late convert to the roundheads and I can remember each and everyone of the 26 stitches used in the surgery. ohmy.gif Walking was agony until an old sage on the ward told me to wear 'Y' fronts to stop the stitches snagging my clothing

Ive got the similar experience. lol .. it was a disaster when u try to walk

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

I was a late convert to the roundheads and I can remember each and everyone of the 26 stitches used in the surgery. ohmy.gif Walking was agony until an old sage on the ward told me to wear 'Y' fronts to stop the stitches snagging my clothing

Ive got the similar experience. lol .. it was a disaster when u try to walk

Same here, and when I went home my flatmate had left a porno mag on the coffee table for me - b*st#rd!!!

I was a late convert to the roundheads and I can remember each and everyone of the 26 stitches used in the surgery. ohmy.gif Walking was agony until an old sage on the ward told me to wear 'Y' fronts to stop the stitches snagging my clothing

Ive got the similar experience. lol .. it was a disaster when u try to walk

Same here, and when I went home my flatmate had left a porno mag on the coffee table for me - b*st#rd!!!


Anyone know the recovery time for a 1 & 1/2 year old boy? how is the procedure done? painful? details please....



I should imagine it is painful. I think that the parents will be advised to keep the area clean, difficult with nappies I should think. Our neighbour's son was done when he was four. He found a paper cone drinking cup with the pointy bit against his pants and the cup bit (circular) against his groin helped a lot. sorry I can't be any more help but I have girls :o


Sheryl I meant Me!!!!! cant get into it here but there is a thing that women have to do to get married to a southern Thai Muslim... okay might explain if anyone is interested

Maybe I should post this in Ladies...

Sheryl I meant Me!!!!! cant get into it here but there is a thing that women have to do to get married to a southern Thai Muslim... okay might explain if anyone is interested

Maybe I should post this in Ladies...

Do tell, seonai. I've heard of female circumcision before, didn't know it was practiced in Thailand.


My son was done under full anaesthetic in Oz at 6 months.

They would not do him any younger than that, said it was a change of practice for sometime.

Putting him into full anaesthetic was a real challenge, to do or not and when we decided to do it, it was not a great feeling.

I was done as were all my brothers at birth, as was the practice back then. Not sure why it is still not done this way as I believe it can be done at birth here in Los.

Does anyone know the reasons why and why not ?


Sabai it is necessary in some parts of south Thailand. Can't get married unless you do it. Basically involves a razor blade and an elderly woman... not much blood and nothing gets actually cut off. Didn't stop me crap**** myself before it though - you might be able to Google my story on 'The Wedding' :o

My son was done under full anaesthetic in Oz at 6 months.

They would not do him any younger than that, said it was a change of practice for sometime.

Putting him into full anaesthetic was a real challenge, to do or not and when we decided to do it, it was not a great feeling.

I was done as were all my brothers at birth, as was the practice back then. Not sure why it is still not done this way as I believe it can be done at birth here in Los.

Does anyone know the reasons why and why not ?

A medical debate has been raging for years on the efficacy of doing it at all. The pro-circumcision crowd say it's more hygenic (easier to keep clean) and some even say that it slightly desensitizes the tip which can help with, ahem, 'stamina'.

The anti-circumcision crowd says if nature had wanted to remove the hood it would have done so.

As I say it's been going on for years. But if you do it, it's better to do it younger I reckon.


Moreso after the why and why not re doing it at birth, compared to 6 months. As I said, in Oz they say cannot now do it till 6 months, but here can still do it at birth I think.

A medical debate has been raging for years on the efficacy of doing it at all. The pro-circumcision crowd say it's more hygenic (easier to keep clean)

Always amazes and amuses me how many people seem to be entirely unfamiliar with the invention of a couple of devices called 'the shower' and 'soap' (either that, or too lazy to be bothered), and then decide to undergo the 'convenience for dumb people' ritual in adulthood.... but hey, to each their own.

I'm quite 'whole' and have never had any complaints whatsoever - of course, I do know how to take a shower :-)

Still, in all seriousness, amazing how many people confess to having this done as adults. Oh well,


As you may or may not know, the procedure is now an accepted part of the Aids and HPV prevention strategy for heterosexuals. With the results of Bailey's longterm clinical trials in Uganda and Kenya that met peer review and the repeat studies, the practice is being encouraged albeit discreetly in Thailand. In the past two years, there have been several training sessions to demonstrate the newer procedures, so it is becoming readily available in non muslim areas. The revised approach uses local anesthetic and promotes faster healing, particularly if it is effected upon an infant.

The muslim traditional procedure is a bit different than the western procedure. Muslims do a tug and then slice which leaves a part of the foreskin and also can lead to mishaps if there is an inopportune movement. If one is looking to maximize the HIV prevention benefits, the key is to get as many of the langerhans receptors as possible. Most modern muslims use a hospital and that means they get a variant of the western Gomco clamp procedure which has been around for a long time, keeps bleeding to a minimum and reduces the potential for error. A basic guaze dressing with vaseline jelly that falls off 24-48 hours after the procedure is all that's required. Done right, the procedure itself is about 5 minutes.

The reason I mention all these items is that there are alot more doctors in Thailand now doing the procedure, so it's more reassuring to get someone that's had a bit of experience and practice if you know what I mean. One should also ask about the method used.

The newer method comes from Malaysia and involves using a plastic cup or ball that goes over the glans with the foreskin stretched over it. The surgeon uses surgical thread and and ties the skin to the ring. After a few days, the skin and the ball fall off. The malaysian doctors came up with this for older patients and reported less post operative discomfort in their patients. I've only seen pictures and it looks a bit cumbersome to have, especially if you are prone to inadvertent excitation. I'd be hesitant to use this on a young male.

And to correct the inaccurate use of the term "female circumcision", that procedure is not medically approved and is more correctly termed genital mutilation as it can involve the removal of the clitoris and labia minor. It has no relationship with the male procedure. The term circumcision was attached to this practice by those opposed to the male procedure as a way to build a negative perception.

BTW, don't forget you have to buy a gift for the kid. It's part of the tradition.


Without chucking a ferrit down anyone kecks I would go along with the argument that:

To remove any part of healthy male genitalia would seem to be an act parallel in law to female genital mutilation....Child ABUSE.....

but then I am not into any freeky religons or have bible hangups and dont go tae Mass any more....WOT...and I even met the Pope once.... :D

however anyone "of Age"...generally considerd over about 16 and ...even then its debatable....can do what they like to themselves.....holes in the nose,ears,belly button,tadger.....and cut off..chop up ...squeeze out...slash away....Jesu C whatever turns you on.......but not to Kids.... :o

but then I am not into any freeky religons or have bible hangups and dont go tae Mass any more....WOT...and I even met the Pope once.... :o
Agreed that any grown, self-responsible adult should be able to do whatever they want to themselves, though I am curious as to what particular reason motivated those who had this performed as adults? Bible hangups? Religious ritual?

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