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Getthing A Usa Tourist Visa For Thai Gf

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Have any of you attempted and succeeded or failed in getting your Thai Gf a USA tourist visa? If so can you tell me what to expect? time, costs, hassels, set backs, what do I need to know< what will she need to get one? Money in her bank? if so how much? if she has no job will that effect it? Should she say she is going to visit me or some family? or thai friends living here? She has an Active Canadian and Dutch Visa right now. Would it be possible and if so , any easier to go to one of those countries and get a USA visa? thanks

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If she has a Dutch passport then surely all the hardship and crap that comes with being a Thai has NOTHING to do with her because she's Dutch.

She shouldn't even need a visa. Treat her a citizen of European Union and don't worry about embassys etc. Contact Dutch embassy in Washington

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colesdad: Is this your second thread on this subject. In the past week, I posted in a thread where the Thai g/f had a Canadian visa and and a european visa. There were many responses. If it wasn't you, check out that thread!!!

If it was you, the "compelling reason to return" is the criteria used by the interviewing officer and everything that you can do to establish that through documentation will only enhance your chances.

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