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Man On The Moon Or Rabbit On The Moon?


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Most evenings my wife and I sit on the sala over the fish pond and have a "refreshment" and watch the sunset and sometimes, moonrise. Just about every month when the full moon comes around I ask her "hey, do you see the man on the moon?" And she looks back at me and says "No, do you see the rabbit on the moon?" I gaze again and every month the answer is "No". She tells me the Thais are taught to see the rabbit and she never heard of "The man on the moon" and cannot see it and I certainly cannot see her rabbit on the moon.

So, what do you and your spouse see? A man or a rabbit?


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Most evenings my wife and I sit on the sala over the fish pond and have a "refreshment" and watch the sunset and sometimes, moonrise. Just about every month when the full moon comes around I ask her "hey, do you see the man on the moon?" And she looks back at me and says "No, do you see the rabbit on the moon?" I gaze again and every month the answer is "No". She tells me the Thais are taught to see the rabbit and she never heard of "The man on the moon" and cannot see it and I certainly cannot see her rabbit on the moon.

So, what do you and your spouse see? A man or a rabbit?


Since both moons that you show are disfigured and NOT the same moon at the time both photos where taken, one Kan not see the purpose of this post. :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Been on the Moonshine "refreshments" again have we :o

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Since both moons that you show are disfigured and NOT the same moon at the time both photos where taken, one Kan not see the purpose of this post. :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Been on the Moonshine "refreshments" again have we :o

If you "Kan not see the purpose of this post" why did you bother to post a response? Simple question dude. When you and your partner look at a full moon do you see a "man on the moon" or a "rabbit on the moon"?

...and a Wiki definition is not what I asked in the OP.


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The rabbit in the moon has a long tradition in Thailand. The provincial emblem of Chanthaburi ("city of the moon") is a white rabbit on a yellow moon. Apparently the idea derives from the Jakata tales from India. In Japan they see a rabbit in the moon as well.

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I see the rabbit as in Somtham's post, and my wife sees it as in Acquiesce's post. It took a long explanation from her to get me to see the cooking and the pot.

I try to see the man, but there are too many spots to choose from for the mouth, eyes, etc.

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I see the rabbit as in Somtham's post, and my wife sees it as in Acquiesce's post. It took a long explanation from her to get me to see the cooking and the pot.

I try to see the man, but there are too many spots to choose from for the mouth, eyes, etc.

This should make it easier, now the rabbit is the right way up, but not how you would see it when looking at the moon.


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It quite clearly resembles a rabbit with mortar and pestle.



Ah yes, after enough "refreshments" tonight I see the buuny making Somtham...and I also can see the wive's bunny in the OP post. God, Chang is a great thing!!


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