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New 'registering' Law For Bargirls

The Gentleman Scamp

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I heard this at the bar I frequent in Nana which is full of decent, honest girls who sometimes give me free Heiniken's and ask my advice on matters of communication.

They have all been told to give copies of their ID to the manager to pass on to immigration so they can be registered as a 'sex worker' - this apparently will show up on screen at airports.

Understandably, one on my BG friends who has a batchelor degree and is usually one of the most cheerful, intelligent and chatty girls I know, is quite upset about this and wants to leave the bar and work anywhere but.

She doesn't want to be labelled by the authorities for doing what she currently has to and she certainly doesn't want other countries to turn her away should she ever visit one, just because she works or used to work in a bar.

I think it's an extreemly unfair rule and one that shouldn't be generalised.

It's bad enough ignorant farang tarring all with the same brush, let alone their own people.

Anyone else heard this abominable joke?

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I heard this at the bar I frequent in Nana which is full of decent, honest girls who sometimes give me free Heiniken's and ask my advice on matters of communication.

They have all been told to give copies of their ID to the manager to pass on to immigration so they can be registered as a 'sex worker' - this apparently will show up on screen at airports.

Understandably, one on my BG friends who has a batchelor degree and is usually one of the most cheerful, intelligent and chatty girls I know, is quite upset about this and wants to leave the bar and work anywhere but.

She doesn't want to be labelled by the authorities for doing what she currently has to and she certainly doesn't want other countries to turn her away should she ever visit one, just because she works or used to work in a bar.

I think it's an extreemly unfair rule and one that shouldn't be generalised.

It's bad enough ignorant farang tarring all with the same brush, let alone their own people.

Anyone else heard this abominable joke?

nope, first time i hear of this, it would really be an extreme discriminationg rule as after all the bargirls are making a rather big contribution to teh thai economy so why should they be punished for a situation the government created in teh first place?


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a 'bar full of decent, honest girls' - there is a contradiction in terms if ever i heard one.

great idea keeping the sex workes here, wouldn't want any more of em' in London that there already are.

For goodness sake Harry, why don't you just tell us about the time you got stung. :o

I did take a girl to my room once after she offered her services to me outside the hotel one evening, a real good-looker as you can imagine. Got to the room, had a shower & got ready for business, I was laying there spread-eagled waiting for it… then she refused to go down on me without a condom, can you believe it! I told her to get her kit on & sod off… she demanded 500Baht before leaving & threatened to scream unless I paid her… being the coward that I am I gave her the money & off she went… :D

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[quote=Harry Palmer,

I was laying there spread-eagled waiting for it… then she refused to go down on me without a condom, can you believe it! I told her to get her kit on & sod off… she demanded 500Baht before leaving & threatened to scream unless I paid her… being the coward that I am I gave her the money & off she went… :o

shame she did'nt nick your wallet and give you a slap,

(did'nt you know the majority of ladyboys won't go down on a farang without a condom) :D:D

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I recall Trink predicting that something like this would happen. When the said girls apply for their passports, the authorities will simply turn round and say, "you can not have a passport, because your not a fit person to represent Thailand overseas". Or something to that affect. Human rights don't exist here.

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They have all been told to give copies of their ID to the manager to pass on to immigration so they can be registered as a 'sex worker' - this apparently will show up on screen at airports.

Very doubtful for many reasons. Not all bar girls are sex workers. Not all sex workers are bar girls.

Also, most countries have a hard enough time tracking passports, much less individual ID's like driver's license, country ID card, or whatever.

My guess this is a ploy by owners to keep the highly productive workers in country, and more specifically, in their current location, rather than seeking "greener pastures."

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What about the girls that just walk in and work just to Dance and are not willing to take the customers out.

oh you mean the big fat boilers with acne that couldn't give it away free.

do me a favour... a girl who actually wants to spend 8 hours dancing just for the exercise.... yeah :o

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One of the girls is just the bar manager.

She doesn't look the type or dress the type to take a guy out of the bar and she isn't.

She's not even a sexual person, let alone a prostitute.

The government have such a chip on their shoulder about the reputatiuon of their country which is partially understandable, but the soloution IS NOT to punish their own people, their own people who keep the economy feeding sex tourists coming back.

If Thailand wants to be more like the west that it looks up to so much then it should have some sort of human rights policy, but it doesn't because it copies what it wants to copy - be it DVD or policy. :o

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a 'bar full of decent, honest girls' - there is a contradiction in terms if ever i heard one.

great idea keeping the sex workes here, wouldn't want any more of em' in London that there already are.

For goodness sake Harry, why don't you just tell us about the time you got stung. :o

I did take a girl to my room once after she offered her services to me outside the hotel one evening, a real good-looker as you can imagine. Got to the room, had a shower & got ready for business, I was laying there spread-eagled waiting for it… then she refused to go down on me without a condom, can you believe it! I told her to get her kit on & sod off… she demanded 500Baht before leaving & threatened to scream unless I paid her… being the coward that I am I gave her the money & off she went… :D

As far as Working Girl Sting Stories go, that's pretty mild mate, to be honest.

BTW - Some girls will insist on a condom for a BJ, it was something I experienced once and I just put up with it because I could only imagine how horrid it would be in a line of work where I had to have several cocks in my mouth each week - some fat, some greasy, some old and withered, some dribbly, some blistered and some putrid smelling and/or infected :- WITH a condom, let alone without.

It's your choice to take her to your room and it's her choice to refuse blowing you with or without a condom.

Payment is only valid for straight sex unless agreed otherwise, though BJ's are usually 'thrown in' unless you're unlucky.

Granted she sounds like a nutter, but you had the choice to avoid her, go home and knock one out which wouldn't have cost a penny.

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Shame they don't label Thai politician's corrupt in their passports,and stop them going abroad.

Nice idea that, but think of the ramifications.. no more freebee perks, no more dodgy diplomatic bag contents (bothways), no more nipping over to see the board of Liverpool on taxpayers money, no more ASEAN.. oh well.

One good thing though, you'll be able to get a seat on Thai Airways.

:o Teach

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I did take a girl to my room once after she offered her services to me outside the hotel one evening, a real good-looker as you can imagine. Got to the room, had a shower & got ready for business, I was laying there spread-eagled waiting for it… then she refused to go down on me without a condom, can you believe it! I told her to get her kit on & sod off… she demanded 500Baht before leaving & threatened to scream unless I paid her… being the coward that I am I gave her the money & off she went… :o

Is that a joke, a wind up or are you being serious?

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I did take a girl to my room once after she offered her services to me outside the hotel one evening, a real good-looker as you can imagine. Got to the room, had a shower & got ready for business, I was laying there spread-eagled waiting for it… then she refused to go down on me without a condom, can you believe it! I told her to get her kit on & sod off… she demanded 500Baht before leaving & threatened to scream unless I paid her… being the coward that I am I gave her the money & off she went…  :D

Is that a joke, a wind up or are you being serious?

the strange thing is harry palmer is that you come out with this story about a girl who did'nt want to give a bj because you did'nt have a condom (respect her for not wanting to risk infections) and then you slate so called sex tourists,

clearly you were/are one. :o

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