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The Age Old Cash Dilemma

Dashing Chap

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I see " Dashing Chap " and "TGS" are logged in at the same time... !!  :o

Means nothing. Anyone can logon to more than 1 pc at a time.

Would someone really go to all that trouble if they were in an internet shop...? Paying double as well...??

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I see " Dashing Chap " and "TGS" are logged in at the same time... !!  :o

Means nothing. Anyone can logon to more than 1 pc at a time.

Would someone really go to all that trouble if they were in an internet shop...? Paying double as well...??

Maybe not. But it can be easily be done from home as well(with 2 pc's) maybe even with 1 pc.

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I see " Dashing Chap " and "TGS" are logged in at the same time... !!  :D

Means nothing. Anyone can logon to more than 1 pc at a time.

Would someone really go to all that trouble if they were in an internet shop...? Paying double as well...??

Maybe not. But it can be easily be done from home as well(with 2 pc's) maybe even with 1 pc.

Hmmmmm !! :o

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I refuse to be intimidated by these offensive trolls, hence I now write with complete honesty in the hope of some decent and well mannered advice.

Only an hour ago, I was ready to hit the enter key and deposit money into the family account. My finger hovered for a couple of seconds but it might as well have been an eternity. Did you see Terminator 3, when the military chief unwittingly brought about his death a few seconds after pressing the key that activated Skynet?

It would have been an act that evaporated the rule I had made myself. Can't you understand that, as someone who got cleaned out by a Thai girl once before... once bitten twice shy and all that? I didn't send the money. Maybe I'll change my mind again in another hour. This is grinding me down.

I've considered all manner of scenarios. I've often considered bringing her to the UK on a spouse visa, not only to give her that wonderful opportunity of seeing some of the world... but she could gain some pride, massive amounts of face and the ability to work in England for a healthy salary and send some money home to the folks herself. I've been holding back from doing that for personal reasons but maybe I'll jump on a flight next week, marry her and guide her and bankroll her through the visa process. It would be wonderful to have her here with me. Wonderfull to see her play in snow for the first time when the winter comes. Wonderful to see her disbelief when she realises how expensive life is here. wonderful to see her meeting with my Mother for the first time.

There is no animosity between me and her folks, just misunderstanding that can be smoothed over with time and understanding, as I'm sure they also are thinking. In fact, it was her Mother who insisted that she be careful about talking of money with me. Her Mother understands what happened to me before with my ex.

From the little I have written about myself here, it's pathetic to see you tar me in such a way. It hasn't upset me in the least however and I still hope for some more polite replies.

Please also get rid of this obsession that I am GS.

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I'm sorry Scampi looks like you haven't had your chips (just yet). :D

Probably the similarity in the monikers Gentleman Scamp, Dashing Chap, Handsome Monkey I'm just waiting for Shining Knight, Wonderful Man, Splendid Bloke etc. etc. ad nauseam.

That and your fixation with finding a new term for 'bashing the bishop' - Wankspangle or whatever it is you've come up with and Mr Dashing Chappy's admissions on 'throttling the chicken' with his misses.

I'm still intrigued by both his and PvtDick's reference to Ritalin, curious :o

As for Mr Crappy himself, I think Rod summed him up admirably:

I was all set to take the piss out of Dashing Crap when suddenly his tragic tale touched my blackened heart and made me change my mind.

What man could not help but feel deep sympathy for an arrogant white prick who boasts about giving his ex-bargirl lover everything his not inconsiderable wealth can buy and drools in anticipation of the glorious awe-inspiring regal moment when he rolls his BMW into her peasant village, yet talks about her and her family as if they were lumps of dogshit stuck to his boot heel ?

Shame on you guys and girls for being so mean to this pompous racist <deleted>!

Shame! Shame! Shame!

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Is this a private fight, or can anyone join in?

The issue here is the conflict between "desire to help" and "fear of unlocking the Pandora’s box of never ending future financial requests". The amount is small, but so too is the thin end of a wedge.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Say “No” and forget about it. Otherwise, all the agonising over this will destroy the relationship and the next request for cash will be twice as hard to bear.

Thai women don't all live "hand to mouth". With an income of 10,000b/month many Thai women will be able to save a considerable amount. If the girlfriend is so concerned with giving her mother 10,000b I am sure she could come up with the cash herself.

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ghengis, in another thread, you wrote

Some recent surveys on other Thai Forums show indicate that the vast majority (over 80%) of successful Thai-farang relationships do not have any issues with giving large sums of money to the lady and her family.

Did you mean that large sums of money were given willingly, or did you mean that large sums of money were not requested?

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With the exception of Stocky and Begs, all the decent posters know I am not DC.

Most of the wind up merchants must also know.

I have had a PM from DC and he won't be posting in future, which may only re-inforce the absurd belief that we are the same.

It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

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It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

You've got previous form Scampi :o

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It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

You've got previous form Scampi :o

No Stocky I do not f***ing well have previous form.

On the life of my mother and father I have never trolled and a spare nick is used by many posters who wish to remain anonymous to vent controversial opinions which may get them into hot water but that is not a troll, and a troll usually dies after a few posts.

Seeing that <deleted>/Major Reginald Hunt and all his other aliases got lots of attention and continues to troll freely - it does make me very very pissed off indeed that people think that I have nothing better to do after posting an honest plea for help that has subsequently changed my life.

If you know danmed well that I am telling the truth and are enjoying winding me up, then please bear in mind that I am still recieving PM's and phone calls regarding much needed work and part time jobs.

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It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

You've got previous form Scampi :D

No Stocky I do not f***ing well have previous form.

On the life of my mother and father I have never trolled and a spare nick is used by many posters who wish to remain anonymous to vent controversial opinions which may get them into hot water but that is not a troll, and a troll usually dies after a few posts.

Seeing that <deleted>/Major Reginald Hunt and all his other aliases got lots of attention and continues to troll freely - it does make me very very pissed off indeed that people think that I have nothing better to do after posting an honest plea for help that has subsequently changed my life.

If you know danmed well that I am telling the truth and are enjoying winding me up, then please bear in mind that I am still recieving PM's and phone calls regarding much needed work and part time jobs.

sorry scampy im reporting you to the MODS for having too high a blood pressure.


ok...i think you replying to the comments is just adding fuel to the fire mate.

dont reply and they will quickly stop winding you up...

or maybe they will start on another one of your topics.

oooopppppsssss.......hope i didnt give anyone some silly ideas...sorry.


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Seeing that <deleted>/Major Reginald Hunt and all his other aliases got lots of attention and continues to troll freely - it does make me very very pissed off indeed that people think that I have nothing better to do after posting an honest plea for help that has subsequently changed my life.

Problem is G.S whereas the Majors posts are humourous in nature this poster was derogatory/condescending to both Thai women and thier families thats what gets my back up not the fact that it was a troll post.

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Seeing that <deleted>/Major Reginald Hunt and all his other aliases got lots of attention and continues to troll freely - it does make me very very pissed off indeed that people think that I have nothing better to do after posting an honest plea for help that has subsequently changed my life.

Problem is G.S whereas the Majors posts are humourous in nature this original post was derogatory/condescending to both Thai women and thier families thats what gets my back up not the fact that it was a troll post.

So Thaiflyer is merely enjoying the wind up that's now obvious enough, Falong is a nobody and the others hopefully know better.

Splitlid, I've currently got a ###### of a load on my shoulders and even more on my plate and the only time I get to relax when I am not sleeping is on here.

I've still not even read DC's original post let alone typed it.

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" Racist... an over used word, often spouted by paranoids, the bitter, advocates of the nanny state, or dare I say it - the pompous.

I am not a racist. I have written nothing that is racist in this thread."


Maybe you are not a racist. Maybe you are.

But don't worry.

No Thai or Farang will ever mistake your character as being

greng jai, much less naam jai

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No Stocky I do not f***ing well have previous form.

On the life of my mother and father I have never trolled and a spare nick is used by many posters who wish to remain anonymous to vent controversial opinions which may get them into hot water but that is not a troll, and a troll usually dies after a few posts.

Seeing that <deleted>/Major Reginald Hunt and all his other aliases got lots of attention and continues to troll freely - it does make me very very pissed off indeed that people think that I have nothing better to do after posting an honest plea for help that has subsequently changed my life.

If you know danmed well that I am telling the truth and are enjoying winding me up, then please bear in mind that I am still recieving PM's and phone calls regarding much needed work and part time jobs.

Sorry Scampi, I was referring to your two nicks.

I didn't mean to infer that you trolled per se; though like me you don't mind getting a reaction! :o

We certainly have given you a good old wind-up today. :D

Go grab a beer! :D

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I have had a PM from DC and he won't be posting in future, which may only re-inforce the absurd belief that we are the same.

How can you so matter of factly state that DC wont be posting anymore?

Unless of course you were DC yourself. Or a close acqaintance.

Now you state "and a troll usually dies after a few posts". That fits DC perfectly.

You state in your " help" post that you really liked or wanted to be a scriptwriter.

What a perfect forum to practice your skills.

As Thaiflyer points out, aliases like Major Runt, Siam Sh*t_sniffer, and some of the others were humorous in nature and at least mildly entertaining. DC was not- and deserved to be flamed. Even in this thread -DC is schizophrenic. I believe you might have an accomplice in all this. Never mind

Slitlid is perfectly right--Why do you keep on replying to this? Because you feel guilty!!

Case closed

Now go get yourself a job!!

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Okay, creating two nicks, trolling, whatever. For the sake of argument, call it trolling for this post. Looks like the rules for trolling are:

1. Don't.

2. If you do, don't admit it at anytime ever - take it to the grave. The stigma appears to stick :o

BTW, it is possible to log in twice on the same PC. Active users are people who have accessed the site in the past 5 minutes - the web server has no idea when a browser is closed (logged out). So if you log in as one username one minute, another the next, it's likely both users will appear "active" for a short period of time.

If the site is smart enough to detect the same browser has been used for a previous logon (perhaps using Session ID's), a workaround could be using a different browser, such as Firefox.

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Personal Message

Dashing Chap Re:Sorry about your post, Tue 2004-08-17, 20:40:27

Group: Members

Posts: 28

Joined: 2004-08-15


Indeed and thanks. Permission granted.



Hello mate,

I have reported Falong, something I have never been disgusted or angry enough to do in the past.

I once used another nick and confessed to it using the same honesty I did in my plea for help post in the job section - for some reason I have never lived it down but it's only the dickheads who insist on reminding me, I'm just sorry it ######ed up your post.

For the recdord - I have never trolled, I leave that to the juvinille voyers with nothing to convey.

I hope your situation resolves itself and has a happy ending and I sincerely hope you have not been put off posting in the future, though I can't say I'd blame you.

Kind regards,

Cameron (The Gentleman Scamp)

P.S. With your permission I may post this message on the forum to re-inforce my (our) sincerity.

Decent posters believing we are the same will not do either of us any favours.

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Okay, creating TWO NICKS, trolling, whatever. For the sake of argument, call it trolling for this post. Looks like the rules for trolling are:

1. Don't.

2. If you do, don't admit it at anytime ever - take it to the grave. The stigma appears to stick :D

Well that's true enough, though I thought my ambassador had been taught his lesson already! :D

Before we say goodnight, here's DC's closing message - of course I could have written it to myself if I was a really sad pathetic bastard but I could argue until Random Chances's cows came home that I didn't and I'd be wasting just as much time taking the bait.

It seems Falong still genuinly believes it - and the thing is I can see his point and actually he may not be such an ###### if he is genuine, but what more can I say. :o

Personal Message

Dashing Chap TTFN, Tue 2004-08-17, 23:39:46

Group: Members

Posts: 28

Joined: 2004-08-15

The moderators are doing nothing about this debacle. I had hoped to be a long term and intelligent contributor to this forum. However, it is nothing more than a club of insulting, bitchy and childish fools who's only entertainment appears to be slagging people off.

I have carefully analysed my posts and really cannot see what has spaked such hatred of me.

There is a UK based Thai forum which seems to be much more friendly and well moderated. I'll only be posting there from now on.

Kindest regards,


Blimey - I often end my messages with 'Kind regards' which is very close... Spooky isn't it.

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It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

You've got previous form Scampi :o

No Stocky I do not f***ing well have previous form.

Why do you bother to answer them, those provocative <deleted>..., GS? Is it maybe true that you are a troll, after all?

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It's still a complete mystery why the finger is pointed at me when people sniff a troll. I have yet to troll and to be honest, I don't think I ever will.

You've got previous form Scampi :o

No Stocky I do not f***ing well have previous form.

Why do you bother to answer them, those provocative <deleted>..., GS? Is it maybe true that you are a troll, after all?

Oh, the old reverse phsycology trick eh?

That won't work with me evind, go and rub Thaiflyers chin.

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