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The Age Old Cash Dilemma

Dashing Chap

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Yesterday, she asked for an extra 10,000 Bt to give to her Mother. When questioned why, she sai 'Witamin for lice'. I assume that meant fertiliser for the rice crop. She was nervous when she made the request and quickly added 'If you not want give, this OK Tee Ruk'.

My dilemma- I cannot give this money. I made a rule and must stick to it.

....................What would you do?

Your system makes sense to me....

It is much better for a long-term relationship to offer a monthly fixed sum as a rule (not more - not less and on time) and baht 10.000,- is something like a moderate income in Thailand....

Anyway, this girl can trust in you, that she will get this sum monthly on time every month over years....not a bad support by your side, I would say.....

In your case, I also would not pay that requested sum in cash to the girl. But I would ask for more details, buy the fertilisers and would deliver them directly to her parents place.

3 years is not such a short time - make it as a gift for her parents, and make sure, that the girl will not make a single baht profit out of it for herself.....

This is not against the baht 10.000,-/monthly rule as house-keeping money for your girl-friend.........and might help you a lot to talk in future easier with her parents, if there are any problems between your girl and you.......

I do not like the idea, that the girl should pay back baht 1000,- per month as one member suggested....It is not my style, to take money back from a woman.

But if you really do that, you should take it into a savings account and give it back to her next year as a surprise.

At last, something constructive and intelligent... Thanks.

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Dashing chap = gentlemen scamp

Would of been my guess as well............strange how this guy joins yesterday and yet knows how to multi quote already! Night Scampy! :o

Quoting is not rocket science for someone who spends his working life in front of a PC... and it is also not the first forum I have used in my 15 years of computer literacy.

Again, I am not Gentleman Scamp.

Again, back to topic...

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sounds like you already know what to do. it seems your just a bit unsure and want to hear some positive reinforcements from others on your decision. the choice is yours to make and maybe the mistake. i do like the suggestion of taking 1000 baht out a month from her until the total is repaid. this way it really is her helping her family. advice is free hear all and choose your own. don't base your decision on someone else's reasoning. because if its the wrong one, oops, you live with it not them. it just angers me when i use someone else's better judgement rather than my own and it ends up being the wrong one. you think you got problems, read my post its good enough for a talk show topic. :o

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I'm an old hand here but I still don't know what to do. I invite your council.

In brief...

My girl is ex-bar girl. She left all that because she wanted to hang on to me.

I told her in no uncertain terms that I would leave her instantly if she ever fished me for money to give her family. I compromised by giving her an allowance so she could leave the bar and still have a modest income. Tha modest income is 10,000 Bt per month. I came to this figure because it is enough for a village girl with 2 kids, yet I will not pay more because I do NOT want her to profit from having a Western man... this has been the equilibrium for some time now.

I think you're skating on thin ice here. As a bar girl she can earn a lot more than 10,000 baht/month so the modest income you provide is indeed very modest.

If she really needs the money for the family she probably get it another way. Not because she doesn't love you but because she will always love her family more.

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yeah whatever you decide to do, just know that what you give today will be forgotten tomorrow. TGF s don t have a memory when it is about receiving cash. You can even give her 200.000baht today, tomorrow it is all forgotten about.

Chok dee!

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yeah whatever you decide to do, just know that what you give today will be forgotten tomorrow. TGF s don t have a memory when it is about receiving cash. You can even give her 200.000baht today, tomorrow it is all forgotten about.

Chok dee!

They do love to count the cash,though. In fact they seem to prefer 100,000 real cash instead of 200,000 by telex :o

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sounds like you already know what to do. it seems your just a bit unsure and want to hear some positive reinforcements from others on your decision.

Perhaps you're right.

A potentially life changing decision should be agonised over, however.

no disagreement here, it took me 1.5 years of talking about moving from my home town to las vegas before i did it. i just wanted to make sure i thought. i see nothing wrong with your decision. a college professor once gave me a tip on taking multiple choice tests, "the first answer you choose is usually the right one, its when you think too much about the other answers that you second guess yourself."

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BTW how long have you been with this girl??

Around 3 years

u are with her since 3 years, give her every month 10.000 and now it´s the FIRST TIME she asks for 10.000 extra ?

in case it´s like that, then it sounds like a dream compared to the usual shit farangs get from such agreements.


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Ofcourse there is always this money thing involved in farang-Thai relationships! Dashing Chap: "is it so hard to understand" (to speak in your terms) that the main concern of a Thai gf is always her family, not her husband or bf. If you can not/want not provide, she will leave you sooner or later. There is no solution for your problem: if you not give the money, she will leave you sooner or later for somebody who does provide; if you do give the money, indeed she will keep asking for more in the future. You can bet your bottom dollar that always you will be uncomfortable in your relationship because of the money thing.

For Thai gf's love and money are not separable: if you love them, you provide for them. That is their way of thinking. Not fool yourself into thinking that she is just with you for your charming wit or your godlike body! You are "a catch" because you have money (or at least they (she and her family) think you do).

I fear that once you are living in her village "the money heat will be on you". Probably not for long and you will have to sell your BMW to keep up with her spending if you give in.... If you not give in she will trade you in...

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Even when we got married her mum did'nt ask for any money just money to "show" on the wedding day.

I did build my mothering law a new shop but she did'nt ask for it.

Until you can get over the obsesion that you are being loved for your money, you will have no future

If you have a substantial amount of resources and don't mind spending them. Then good luck to you!. However if the only resources you have, are those that you are currently working for, then it might be a slightly different story. It is not so much thinking that you're being loved for you money, but it is the constant obssesion of the girl herself about your money.

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As far as punctuation and formatting are concerned, are they not standard, you fool.

Now back to the topic...

Punctuation and formatting are not standard, you idiot!

Everyone has their own writing style and yours is very much like that gentleman scum clown. Its you!!







"duh, which way did he go?"

PS. not to mention. Your replies are flaming in nature and are only intended to "stir things up".



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As far as punctuation and formatting are concerned, are they not standard, you fool.

Now back to the topic...

Punctuation and formatting are not standard, you idiot!

Everyone has their own writing style and yours is very much like that gentleman scum clown. Its you!!







"duh, which way did he go?"

PS. not to mention. Your replies are flaming in nature and are only intended to "stir things up".



May I suggest Ritalin.

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A comparison of IP addresses should establish that I am thousands of miles away from Scamp.

Sorry to go off topic again, but can you tell me why your "local user time" is set to Thai time? :o

How the ###### should I know. I'm in England.

I propose the only trolls here are yourself and Mr Falong, trolling within my genuine post.

I have the solution to our impass... if you don't like what you read here, FK off.

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May I suggest Ritalin.

So you wanht some more eh?

My pleasure!!

Im sure you know all about ritalin and a other drugs as well.

You appear much more sincere in your role as the poor boy begging for a job.

Your avatar says it all 2 hats!!!!




Actually it should be more like 10 hats


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May I suggest Ritalin.

So you wanht some more eh?

My pleasure!!

Im sure you know all about ritalin and a other drugs as well.

You appear much more sincere in your role as the poor boy begging for a job.

Your avatar says it all 2 hats!!!!




Actually it should be more like 10 hats


You're going to look like such a prick when you find out for sure that I'm not Gentleman Scamp :o

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Sorry to go off topic again, but can you tell me why your "local user time" is set to Thai time? :o

How the ###### should I know. I'm in England.

I propose the only trolls here are yourself and Mr Falong, trolling within my genuine post.

I have the solution to our impass... if you don't like what you read here, FK off.

Do you often get up at 4.40am to make posts in England..........sad troll.Anyways no more posts from me..........think of a new post Scampy and we/ll play again! :D

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Sorry to go off topic again, but can you tell me why your "local user time" is set to Thai time? :o

How the ###### should I know. I'm in England.

I propose the only trolls here are yourself and Mr Falong, trolling within my genuine post.

I have the solution to our impass... if you don't like what you read here, FK off.

Do you often get up at 4.40am to make posts in England..........sad troll.Anyways no more posts from me..........think of a new post Scampy and we/ll play again! :D

Actually, I've been up all night.

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Do you often get up at 4.40am to make posts in England..........sad troll.Anyways no more posts from me..........think of a new post Scampy and we/ll play again! :o

I second the motion. Lets put this one to rest--until the next time.

Good job!

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If people like Bluecat are banned, why on Earth aren't tossers like this banned :o

How would you know about ' Bluecat' when you joined the forum on the 15th of this Month?

I had my suspicions this clown and a few others are Gentleman Scamp, maybe i am wrong, but i agree with the other guys.

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If people like Bluecat are banned, why on Earth aren't tossers like this banned :o

How would you know about ' Bluecat' when you joined the forum on the 15th of this Month?

I had my suspicions this clown and a few others are Gentleman Scamp, maybe i am wrong, but i agree with the other guys.

This person is also siam-seat_sniffer. many others but whose counting

Theres a new one registered today "handsome monkey"

looks like he tried to change his style but basically same mo. troll

check it out in the visa section

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Actually it should be more like 10 hats


What’s with all the 55555's??

This is very entertaining. Attack. Counter. Parry. Attack. Who's who? Who's where? Cor' blimey!!

Holmes & Moriarty.

The Trolls are great posters really. I like them.

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