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The Age Old Cash Dilemma

Dashing Chap

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Time for some new blood

Dashing Chap/Gentleman Scamp. I'm not sure ( and don't really care) whether you have been sussed by the regulars on these threads, but looks likely.

Regarding the original topic-

Had you decided to set up home with an English/British girl, then it's likely that you would have experienced some level of generosity from her parents helping you both to 'set up', that is our culture.

The Thai culture works differently in as much as children are considered an investment for the parents in later life. I personally would like to see a little of that back home instead of our ageing folk being stuffed into old people's homes to spend the rest of their time alone, abandoned!!!!!!!!!

You as a farang (like all of us) are tollerated/accepted into the Thai family because they see the future a little more financially secure because of your presence. Let none of us believe that Thai parents would prefer their daughter married to a farang rather than a Thai because we're whiter skinned/better educated (sometimes)/better looking/funnier. You can't eat charm and you can't bank good looks.

Play the game, if you absolutely believe that you have a good catch in this girl, and that she does honestly love you ( for better or worse, richer or poorer and all that), step up to the plate and display some character. from your responses to threaders posts you appear to acting like a-hole wanting the best of all worlds. Her family may never be able to help you in any way in the future, but that's not their role. It is your role ( for which your g/f will love and admire you all the more) to help her family to live a little better. After all it is a gesture, not a contract. You don't have to be the answer to all future finacial concerns and christ it's only 133 lousy quid!!!!!!!!!!

Do it, see if you get sufficient kudos as a result, if not re-negotiate next time.

Follow your heart not your pocket

Good luck, :o


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And now I understand the futility of posting on forums such as this.

Mods please close this thread. I wouldn't want advice from this lot anyway.

Still hanging about aren't you though? :o

Dashing chap = gentlemen scamp

Just checked one of scamps posts. Identical styles of punctuation and formatting.

what an a**hole!!


Nothing better to do than ask for handouts and then post this garbage

Jesus F Christ! ...I daren't say more than that in reaction to Falong's rediculous and out of order comments.

I was about to say that it was pretty obvious that Dashing Chap wasn't a troll and then I see this????

This is for another post but I am getting a bit fed up that I am accused of being the latest troll just because I once had two nicks, which isn't trolling anyway, and neither is this guy.

I'm only two pages in as I type this but a lot of you are giving him a pretty unfair time if you want my honest opinion... Thaiflyer to name but one.

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You appear much more sincere in your role as the poor boy begging for a job.

Your avatar says it all  2 hats!!!!

Your earlier post made my so angry I reported you - something I never thought I would have to do.

This one has genuinly saddened/disgusted me and I honestly think you have earned at least a suspension.

For the record, I changed my avatar last night by coincidence but it was two hats to symbolise myelf and retired alter ego - Ambassador, who was not a troll but a spare nick for reasons I am bored of repeating.

Your comments are so idiotic and downright nasty that I can't even remember what the original post is about, let alone offer advice.

You have more than one person to apologise to by the way.

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If people like Bluecat are banned, why on Earth aren't tossers like this banned :o

How would you know about ' Bluecat' when you joined the forum on the 15th of this Month?

I had my suspicions this clown and a few others are Gentleman Scamp, maybe i am wrong, but i agree with the other guys.

Well that is someones opinion I do give a shit about.

I thought you would know me better than that Begs.

All I can say to everyone and I mean everyone on the forum is this...

Both my 'help' post and the ambassador confession were posts that were totally honest and from the heart - something you don't see much of on here - probably because it backfires on you like it has me today... I always thought honesty was the best policy and I still do because as a result of said posts; I wasn't banned for having a new nick and I considered myself lucky and have not since used ambassador on the forum, and as for the 'Help' post - the response from that was amazing and has turned out to be one of the best, life changing things I ever did.

And a final message to that **** Falong - I was actually offered financial help to pay my rent but I refused, and the poster can PM you to back that up.

I will be PM'ing Dashing Chap to apologise for the fact that this has happened to his post. I just hope he hasn't been put off returning in the future.

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only two pages in as I type this but a lot of you are giving him a pretty unfair time if you want my honest opinion... Thaiflyer to name but one.

G.S.........just checked my posts on this thread, i dont think i gave him (or whoever) a hard time.....first 2 posts i gave my opinion, isnt that what was asked for? I would say if anyone used derogatory and flaming language it was the original poster..............p.s how do you p.m yourself and apologise? only joking Scampy :o

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What man could not help but feel deep sympathy for an arrogant white prick who boasts about giving his ex-bargirl lover everything his not inconsiderable wealth can buy and drools in anticipation of the glorious awe-inspiring regal moment when he rolls his BMW into her peasant village, yet talks about her and her family as if they were lumps of dogshit stuck to his boot heel ?

Rod........thank you for so eloquently putting it, i just couldnt get the words out to reflect my thoughts.

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Look closely at the Scamp's underlying personality and you'll see that there is no way he could display such supercilious disdain towards Thai people and their way of life ... not even in jest.

That would be my only reservation as well...........i only hope it aint him. I dont mind trolls they can liven the forums up, but i just didnt like the tone of this poster.

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I've been to distracted by the ensuing melee to judge, but he's made an agreement he thinks he should stick to, that bit I got and understood - and I haven't read yet that he currently can't afford to give 10,000 a month but if he's a tad insecure about weather she loves him or his dough more then I can relate to that and if he's not rich I can relate to that and after the assumptions made here today I can only feel slightly biased towards his cause, regardless of any shortcomings he may have.

Wonder if he'll be back to reply?

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but it was two hats to symbolise myelf and retired alter ego - Ambassador, who was not a troll but a spare nick for reasons I am bored of repeating.

I believe rod was quoting your own word, Scampy.

And I personally don't give a <deleted> if this Chap won't be back (I believe he will anyway). Rod has said exactly what I think.

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but it was two hats to symbolise myelf and retired alter ego - Ambassador, who was not a troll but a spare nick for reasons I am bored of repeating.

I believe rod was quoting your own word, Scampy.

And I personally don't give a <deleted> if this Chap won't be back (I believe he will anyway). Rod has said exactly what I think.

Alter ego's is plural LC.

If the guy is a racist nazi then even more reason for me to be angry that I've been accused of being him, but I've yet to read the thread for the right reasons and was informed of it for the wrong reasons.

Speaking of which, there's been another 'Begging Bowl' dig at me from Summitr Man on the 'Death Of Ajarn' post - seems they're all coming out of the woodwork now aren't they, now that 'help' post has sunk... They didn't have the gut's to flame me on said post because they would be outnumbered by the nice people supporting my cause but now it's history they can't resist a little dig can they.

Do you know the help post I'm talking about? You know, the one where I asked how I could utilize my skills in Thailand in order to live here and make my own money? The one that got a couple of offers of financial help which I turned down as it was a job I was after and not loss of self respect (not that the benevolance wasn't appreciated) - remember?

Not having a dig at you LC, I don't want to fall out with any of our regulars - but is everyone really that surprised I'm upset?

I've had enough on here today and I'm far from happy, life's still, at the moment, difficult enough as it is with out coming on here to relax and socialise and get what I've had today.

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I've had enough on here today and I'm far from happy, life's still, at the moment, difficult enough as it is with out coming on here to relax and socialise and get what I've had today.

G.S...........get showered and get yourself out for a beer or two, you/ll feel a whole lot better for it..............i know i/m going to. :o

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I've had enough on here today and I'm far from happy, life's still, at the moment, difficult enough as it is with out coming on here to relax and socialise and get what I've had today.

G.S...........get showered and get yourself out for a beer or two, you/ll feel a whole lot better for it..............i know i/m going to. :D

That's not a bad idea. :o

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I apologise if I have said something to upset you. However, I do feel that if you make a remark like this:

couldn't bear to read the site let alone post there...

Pretentious non entities isn't far off the mark, it was plagued with comments that between the lines basically read -

"So how long have you not been a backpacker for then?" and -"I've got a degree AAAND a TEFL, what have you got?"

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah wankspaggle...

It was like being in the student union bar only at primary school. 

you do leave yourself open to a little retaliation. However, I realize what I wrote may have been unfair and retract it. Also, I think you'll find, when you check your PMs, that I was one of those who (almost immediately) PM'd you. I in no means mean to flame/upset you, but as one of those pretentious non entities I feel I have to say something...


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Now listen here :o

How much money I have or don't have is not the issue. In fact, she has little idea of my financial standing and that was very deliberate. I think the reason for that is obvious but for those of you without an imagination, I keep my money secret so that I can be reasonably sure of a relationship based on love and mutual understanding rather that one based on money... is that too difficult to grasp?

Ive through this same crap many times

Well I'm sorry Mr Falong, don't let me waste any more of your time

BTW how long have you been with this girl??
Around 3 years
Dashing Chap.........wouldnt like to be in your shoes if you dont give her the money and then turn up at the village in your BMW!

So, in having a Thai wife/girlfriend, I have to forefeit any dreams/plans/adventures... sell my car and give it all to the family... become a prisoner in the village and hand complete control of my finances to someone with the fiscal skills of a monkey.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm sorry I don't have time in my busy life to sift through all the 'crap' that Mr Falong speaks of. Mods, please close, I came here for advice, not to exchange personal insults with strangers.

Why did ye post the question anyway if ye didn't want any answers? After all a forum is a forum. Everybody may want to contribute...

I think you came up with the answer yourself. You don't want to give her more money! OK, say No then... :D

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And now I understand the futility of posting on forums such as this.

Mods please close this thread. I wouldn't want advice from this lot anyway.

Still hanging about aren't you though? :o

Dashing chap = gentlemen scamp

Just checked one of scamps posts. Identical styles of punctuation and formatting.

what an a**hole!!


Nothing better to do than ask for handouts and then post this garbage

Jesus F Christ! ...I daren't say more than that in reaction to Falong's rediculous and out of order comments.

I was about to say that it was pretty obvious that Dashing Chap wasn't a troll and then I see this????

This is for another post but I am getting a bit fed up that I am accused of being the latest troll just because I once had two nicks, which isn't trolling anyway, and neither is this guy.

I'm only two pages in as I type this but a lot of you are giving him a pretty unfair time if you want my honest opinion... Thaiflyer to name but one.

You mean you're not Dashing Chump?

Gee.. sorry about that

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I apologise if I have said something to upset you.  However, I do feel that if you make a remark like this:

couldn't bear to read the site let alone post there...

Pretentious non entities isn't far off the mark, it was plagued with comments that between the lines basically read -

"So how long have you not been a backpacker for then?" and -"I've got a degree AAAND a TEFL, what have you got?"

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah wankspaggle...

It was like being in the student union bar only at primary school. 

you do leave yourself open to a little retaliation. However, I realize what I wrote may have been unfair and retract it. Also, I think you'll find, when you check your PMs, that I was one of those who (almost immediately) PM'd you. I in no means mean to flame/upset you, but as one of those pretentious non entities I feel I have to say something...


Already acknowledged a copy of this on the death of ajarn forum, but no worries mate, we're cool. :o

It's always unpleasant when somebody intelligent like yourself makes an unfair or innacurate comment - however those who have nothing whatsoever to convey and contribute nothing but a juvenille desire to cause trouble and offend are easily forgotten.

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Racist... an over used word, often spouted by paranoids, the bitter, advocates of the nanny state, or dare I say it - the pompous.

I am not a racist. I have written nothing that is racist in this thread.

Me, wealthy? If I was wealthy, I'd be in LOS now in my 9 year old BMW that's only worth a few grand.

Me, talk of her family as if they were dog shit? Would I be the first guy to love a girl but not get along with her family? I will reward my girlfriend with my love, dedication and support (including financial) if she is indeed the person she claims to be. I will not bankroll her family. I believe I am correct in this attitude. For those of differing opinion, good luck to you, perhaps they are a deserving family.

Having started this thread, it has snapped into perfect focus why people wish to leave the West and Westerners behind. What a shame you all take your Western attitudes, preconceptions, paranoia, rudeness and prejudgemental attitudes with you.

It is I who pity you.

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