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Violant Thai Woman


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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR DUMMIES: If your woman shows even the slightest streak of violence (not the good sexual kind) than you dump her IMMEDIATELY. You'd think that would be common sense but after reading this thread..... sadly it is not.


This is the best advice that I have seen so far!

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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR DUMMIES: If your woman shows even the slightest streak of violence (not the good sexual kind) than you dump her IMMEDIATELY. You'd think that would be common sense but after reading this thread..... sadly it is not.


If the violence occurs in the beginning of the relation I agree with you but what if it occurs let’s say after 5 or more happy years together due to developing depression, mental illness or whatever. Would you still throw her out just like that or would you maybe first try to help her to overcome her illness?

I’ve never been in a situation as described by the OP but I can understand that some men try to stand by their women to see if things that went wrong can be fixed.

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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR DUMMIES: If your woman shows even the slightest streak of violence (not the good sexual kind) than you dump her IMMEDIATELY. You'd think that would be common sense but after reading this thread..... sadly it is not.


This is the best advice that I have seen so far!

Wow. I second that motion.

At the start of a relationship I tell a girl straight out, "If you hit me, I'll dump you in a heartbeat."

And I stick to it. Not a little whack, but a good punch is all I need to trade her in for a new model.

It's not sexist, it's real. Any smart woman would do the same as well.

Along the length of the relationship, I look for clues to her demeanor; statements like:

"You make me so mad I want to kill you last night."


"If I have gun I would shoot you then me."

And my favorite:

"If someone hurt me, I get them back more than they hurt me. Sure."

All signs of a girl with "borderline personality disorder" or some other psychological problem, as referenced in 'Relationship Advice For Dummies.'

However, in all seriousness, the poor guy didn't read the Dummies book, and is now stuck. I don't feel so bad for him as I do the kids.

With that in mind:

Get out now, while you still have your life, your children's lives, and your...er...manhood.

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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR DUMMIES: If your woman shows even the slightest streak of violence (not the good sexual kind) than you dump her IMMEDIATELY. You'd think that would be common sense but after reading this thread..... sadly it is not.


If the violence occurs in the beginning of the relation I agree with you but what if it occurs let’s say after 5 or more happy years together due to developing depression, mental illness or whatever. Would you still throw her out just like that or would you maybe first try to help her to overcome her illness?

I’ve never been in a situation as described by the OP but I can understand that some men try to stand by their women to see if things that went wrong can be fixed.

Fully agreed. I cannot imagine leaving my wife whatever happens.

Very difficult situation for the OP. Especially there are children involved.

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You are not alone lor.

As my wife was lunging with a knife, or swinging the vacuum pipe or hurling coffee mugs at my head I would back away, defend myself with an arm or duck.

The strangest thing in all this is with a knife coming at me, or a pipe swinging over my head she saw fear on my face and that egged her on, she started screaming at me telling me I am not a man, I am not a real man because I was scared. I remember wondering what a real man would do??? Was she telling me to hit her back?

Of course there is no way I could hit her, but I could get close enough to keep the knife away from my body and get her in a hold of some sort until she calmed down.

I remember wondering what a real man would do??? Was she telling me to hit her back?

At the risk of catching a lot of flak on this forum, I think part of this is the matching component to a history of violence. I think within the cultural context, it may be expected that a man will dominate and control his woman, and that if he doesn't, he not only isn't a man, but he doesn't really love her, because the understanding of it that is reinforced everywhere including soap operas and movies is also about possession and control. So, part of this dynamic is not only about past abuse, but her understanding and cultural rationale of that abuse. "We only hurt the ones we love" and all of that.

I think you are right Kat. Also the thai culture has so many things that are screwed up like this. For example the person that loses control is supposed to be the bad one but when a thai loses control in front of me and i keep my control by not yelling or hitting the person my wife calls me a pussy. Am i supposed to knock them on their ass while smiling to show i am in control ??

My mother in law and brother in law tell me my wife acts the way she does because i do not hit her. Should i completely dominate my wife ?? Would that keep her under control and lessen her outburst? Even though i have never hit her i did go through a period where i was tired of her bullshit and when she started raising her voice to me i would calmly tell her "my advice to you would be to shut your mouth before i break your jaw" and that would shut her up. I guess the look in my eyes convinced her i was ready to do it.

During her post partum stress episodes she did come at me with a knife. I took it away from her and threw her across the room. She called the police and when they showed up she was standing at the gate yelling and screaming that i hit her in the face and choked her. Of course there were no marks on her face or on her neck to show that i had did any of it. I was calmly standing on the porch with my two babies in my arms and the police left.

The next day i paid a visit to the local mental hospital. They told me that if i could get her to the hospital than they would admit her. I would like to say that this took place in 2002 so the laws may have changed since then but according to my lawyer at the time that if i tied her up to get her to the hospital then that was ok. The next time she freaked out and started throwing stuff i grabbed her and hogtied her. Took her to the hospital and got her committed. I have committed her twice with no problem from the police. Now things are not completely rosy and she still loses her temper easily but she does not throw stuff any more and has never pulled a knife on me since then. With proper medication these people can lead a normal life. My wife does not take her medication any more but if i see any signs of her slipping back into her violent nature i will have no qualms about dragging her back to the hospital and she knows it.

I know i posted most of this earlier in this thread but the fact that she needs medical attention and may be able to be cured has eluded most of the posters recommending that she get beat upon so i am posting my experience again.

That's deep. Thanks for your comments, WJ. I think that there is a cycle of violence here that is so culturally endemic, it takes a while for foreigners to truly understand the nature of it as it occurs, and the rules of "outside and inside." I think your approach is good, but the forced mental health approach is tricky for longterm change, especially when she is not a willing partner and there is no overall cultural reference for it. That will take much longer to change.

My personal belief is that if you have to compromise your own integrity and cultural beliefs such that using force and violence to control your relationships becomes right, then you have been pulled down into depravity, rather than escaping it. But, those are my personal beliefs.

Many thanks for all the replies. Most of the advice is to run but also follow legal procedures to divorce and get custody.

This could be hard becasue my wife and I have two children. One is mine (A little girl aged 8) and the other she had before we met. He was only 4 when we married. Now he is 13. I love him like my own son and he also loves me. One time she was hitting me a few months ago, when we still lived together and he started screaming that he hated her, why did she always do that? He said he wanted to leave her and go live with me. <y little girl was just sceaming hysterically. It was heart breaking, that's why I finaly decided we had to fininsh and I left the house. It wasn't for me it was for the children.

I can't understand how you could leave the children in the care of someone you know had these violent episodes? How long do you think it will be before she turns on them ? Don't say that it never has before because that isn't the point. The first time could be the last.

If I tried to run and leave the country there is no way I would be able to take my/her son with me. He does have an English passport, as does my daughter (They have both English and Thai passports) but his surname is different. The checks at the airport are now very strict, many times if you try to travel with a child who is not yours and has a different name you will be stopped.

To try and build up a legal case here I will have to get evidance of many beatings. There are a lot of witnesses but it is unlikely they will come forward. I can document them from now on by reporting each one and getting a medical report but I am well aware that the next one may be the last.

I do not understand the posters who call me a "pussy" for not hitting back. It would be so easy to lash out at her, It takes so much more strengh not to respond. If it was a man I would not hessitate but a woman I will not hit. In any case, I am sure that is what she wants me to do. Here in Thailand one bruise on her and I am picked up by the police.

I would suggest you take some classes in self defense. With practice on the speed of your hands you can deflect or block every thing she tries without hitting her. Also wrist locks work wonders and are easy to perform on someone that does not know what to expect. They do not leave bruises. If you do not want to go to the trouble to learn these methods then strikes to the stomach do not leave bruises nor does using a large telephone book.

As for where I am. I am in Jomtien, near Pattaya. I have no friends here just the people I know who come into the bar.

I could sell the bar and live somewhewre else but this bar makes money. Without it the expensive school the children go to could not be paid for. It also pays the rent for their house and another 20,000 baht a month to their mum for food. If I sold the bar and moved away where she could not find me I would not see the children and soon the capital would go and they would then have no home or school.

Someone said the bar was the problem, jealousy etc. That is her excuse now, but in England I did not work becasue of ill health and stayed at home. Their was no excuse then. The truth is she will find any reason for what she does.

This is the ultimate truth. An excuse will always be invented.

It is hard to say why I stayed in the relationship for so long. I loved her very much, I stayed for the sake of the children and in the end I left for the sake of the children.

Someone asked what she is like around other people. They all say that in the last 6 months since I left her she has changed. She was very good at hiding it before but now they all say she is sick, she looks terrible, she talks strangly about conspiricies etc, she talks in circles and never listens to anything people say to her. I have a mental health background, I know she has had a breakdown. She is paranoid and delusional. In England one phone call she would be sectioned for her own good, but here in Thailand what can I do.

Like i said before. As her husband here in thailand you can have her committed and you will be the only one the can get her released. The family would have to get a court order to release her and with what you say about her mental history the hospital doctors will be on your side at any hearing. If you really care about the kids and your wife you will have her committed at the earliest opportunity. Make a visit to the hospital and ask them the best method for you to get her help. You may be able to get sleeping pills to put her to sleep and get her to the hospital or they may be able to come and get her. Maybe work a deal with the police to take her next time she freaks out. You will need to talk to a higher up police officer in advance though.

She says she wants a lump some of money to get away from me and go back to England with the children. I am going to try and get her this money any way I can. I hope she really does go back to England because once there I will have more control and can get her the help she needs. Here the only thing I can do is slowly build up a dossier and play the legal system. Unless of course I just think of myself, sell up and run abandoning her and the children to poverty.

Have you talked to a lawyer and a mental doctor here yet ??? I think you may have more rights as a husband here than you think. Like i said i only had to get her to the hospital and sign a paper to commit my wife. Whatever you do do not give her the money to take the children to the UK alone. You never know when she may turn on them when her favorite target is no longer available.

Sorry for typos but last time she kicked me in the head hard! Since then my right hand shakes. The hospital are checking it. Could just be nerves, I hope so.

So my options as I see them are to look after myself and run or stay around trying to build a slow case against her or encourage her to return to England by herself with the children. I think a mixture of the last two will be my course of action. Maybe others would run but with my illness I could die any second,

This is a new twist in the story. Are you able to take care of the kids alone if you get custody of them ?

I am used to living with the prospect of death at any time but I must admit that the added stress is really getting to me. Maybe that's why my posts ramble on a bit. I apologise for that.

Once again, thank you to every one for your advice. Even the ones who say thump her. I have a feeling you may be right and it might have stopped it escalating but my experience shows that we would probably have just developed into a violant family where the fist solves everything.


Chris, you are in a tough situation, and a few people have given very good advice here. I think you should listen to a few previous posters, about preparing yourself mentally, financially and legally to leave, at best with both children, and at minimum with your daughter and someone locally to look out for the boy's interest here. I think Seonai also gave some great advice earlier about getting in touch with a diplomatic contact, and perhaps people from this thread can contact you locally for support. All the best, but please do not remain passive now.

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<br />
These violent Thai girls are certainly not representative of most Thai girls.<br />It is classical behavior of a small percentage of the Thai population with various personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder that is mainly bought about from being abused (usually sexually) as children.<br />These girls usually end up working in the "entertainment industry" and since a large % of Farang get their wives/gf's from such places they will experience this type of Thai girl more often than is usual. It is difficult to detect at first, it's only after you've been with them for a while that their true personality comes to the fore.<br />My Thai gf is not from the "industry" and is a normal, well balanced, wonderful person. As are her friends.<br />Just another thing to consider if you are contemplating taking a companion from the "industry".
<br /><br /><br />I agree with the first part of your 2nd sentence, except so called "BPD" seems to be far more common in Asia than on the Occidental reality.<br />Otherwise your post is full of crap.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Please, tell us more O' wise one.

It is clear to me that this person has a knowledge base that you do not have.

I don't know if Borderline Personality Disorder is more prevalent in Asia or not. This is not the only Personality Diosorder that may be at issue. It may also be Narcisistic Personality Disorder. Don't discount the Psychological knowledge base that some people may have, because you don't, and then don't understand!

Edited by philliphn
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Chris I don't know if you have done this but it's a good idea to go with a translator to the police station and just make a report to keep for the future. I forget the name of it in Thai - you tell them you want to register a report, not take action against your wife (if that's how you prefer to keep it) and they will write down all the details of the abuse and file it and give you a copy

I feel strongly that you need some local support/friendship - why not contact Barry Kenyon the British consul in Pattaya? He's level headed and has dealt with all this before. You can get hold of him at Pattaya Today newspaper or call the embassy

"go with a translator to the police station and just make a report to keep for the future. I forget the name of it in Thai - you tell them you want to register a report, not take action against your wife"

This is how it is said in Thai.

ไปโรงพัก แจ้งความให้ลงบันทึกประจำวันไว้เป็นหลักฐาน (แต่ยังไม่ประสงค์ที่จะดำเนินคดีในขณะนี้) ~ Literal translation is about like - Go to (the) police station - tell the police and file report in daily book for evidence (but wish not to press charge at this time).

Proper English translation is - File a police report at the police station. (But don't wish to press charge at this time).

In Thailand the police will record the filings in their daily book (docket?). This is a book recording all running cases in chronological order which can not be destroyed. Meaning the record WILL be there when need to be used for evidence.

By law, especially with the new constitution, the police doesn't have a choice to not accept the filing from the citizen - lest he risk getting filed a criminal charge of not performing the duty of an officer with stiff jail term! That said, it would still be better to go with a diplomat.

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CANt u just leeve and not cum back.

That's what the OP's tried to do. But it's not that straightforward when there are children involved. And English divorce law regards the stepson as one of the children of the marriage.

As to DamianMavis's comments about the lead up, let us remember the ideal that marriage is for life. Divorce is an admission of failure.

is it true most frang marry redlight gurls?

It's a large proportion of Britons' Thai wives in the UK, but I can't tell whether it's a majority. A past in such work is not something one advertises, and for society I think it is better that way. However, it's not just the ex-bar girls who pull knives on their husbands, so it doesn't really matter. Indeed, what might be more relevant is the OP's wife's previous failed relationship.

From my experience, I'm afraid I have to say, 'Thai girl, tiger, same same.' However, I love my tiger, and she's never pulled a knife on me.

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Thanks Stateman ! I still have one from Pattaya Police Station from when my first husband beat me before stealing my son for a period :o

Chris you ought to do this. If needbe tell Barry I suggested he contact you - he knows me well as we worked and socialized together at the newspaper. Just call Pattaya Today or the Embassy and ask for his number.

Please do something - one never thinks it's going to get THAT bad... but it does... you need to take action and stop pretending to yourself. Sorry to be harsh

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having had a look at the OP's profile....Chris and Kaew have been together a long time....He knew she was a jealous girl a long time ago...and yet he seems to play on this...his photo shows that...I wonder which one is Kaew ??

But anyway reading back through the posts he has never mentioned once that there has been a problem of this magnitude.

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I have a rule of thumb with Asian girlfriends: if they joke about cutting off my pecker, I gently scold them. It they joke a 2nd time, I leave.

I only read the 1st page of this thread, but I'm concernced mostly for the children. The best scenario is to have her locked up, and you as the father or step-father take charge of the kids. From what you described, there is not a shred of doubt that she will harm the kids if they're with her.

If she doesn't get locked up she will hound you and possibly kill you. So you must get very clearly away from her - another continent would be smart. You say you stay in a room at a bar. No offense, bud, but it sounds as tho you and your nutzoid lady are wrapped up in the bar scene - alcohol fueled and all.

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There seems to be a lot of emotional problems and "baggage" with a certain type of Thai woman that doesn't necessarily have to have come from the "entertainment" industry.

I hope the OP stands up for himself and resolves his problems. I have been through something rather similar myself with the 1st missus here, but fortunately we never had any kids together and the split was a total clean break. For anyone else who is having similar marital problems; NEVER think having a child together will solve your differences or cement your shaky relationship. If in doubt, get out. Your kids together will only become emotional hostages / bargaining chips later, damaging them in the process and perpetuating the cycle of lunacy that your missus is probably a product of herself.... :o

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DamianMavis - You are probably right. What can I say. The total insanity has only started since I left her and moved into the bar. Before that she was irrational and violant etc but most of the time she was a loving wife, faithful, and a good mother. I told you about a few instances from our 9 year marriage. The rest of the time was mostly good. The bottom line is I loved her, I wanted to believe her excuses and her apologies. I fooled myself into believing the outbursts would never happen again. I was wrong and if anyone else in in the situation where they think it will get better learn from my mistakes. People do not change. A wife beater will always be a wife beater and a husband beater .....


Ya ok man, but do what you gotta do to get the children to safety.

You are not alone lor.

As my wife was lunging with a knife, or swinging the vacuum pipe or hurling coffee mugs at my head I would back away, defend myself with an arm or duck.

The strangest thing in all this is with a knife coming at me, or a pipe swinging over my head she saw fear on my face and that egged her on, she started screaming at me telling me I am not a man, I am not a real man because I was scared. I remember wondering what a real man would do??? Was she telling me to hit her back?

Of course there is no way I could hit her, but I could get close enough to keep the knife away from my body and get her in a hold of some sort until she calmed down.

I remember wondering what a real man would do??? Was she telling me to hit her back?

YES, followed up by rough sex, that is "what a real man would do"... doesn't everyone KNOW THIS?! She probably just wanted to get laid. I've dated lots of women that would anger me to get me to have sex with them. Just like the little female dog in heat that nips and persters the big boy dog until he turns aorund, pins her down and goes at it. I'm not saying break her jaw, just show her you are a man and dominate her. God western culture has really castrated us hasn't it?


Damian, I've seen some good post from you, but unfortunately you've lost the plot on this one. I understand your probably fed up that Chris can't see what an idiot he has been to date, I think he knows that himself by now. However, the rough sex deal won't cut it here. When you've got children, an irrational woman and history of violence, a good shagging is so far from the answer you would not believe. I certainly hope you don't end up a similar situation.

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First I have to say that there is no silver bullet with regards to your current situation and you have to make up your mind to be incredibly single minded in achieving your objectives. Up til now you have been selfish, with a victim mentality and now the kids are suffering for it in a very real way thankfully you seem to be coming to your senses.

It would appear that the only control you have in this relationship is the purse strings so tighten them up and you will be in a better position to negotiate a settlement for divorce. If you can get her to agree to a diviorce with full custody of your daughter this is the easiest and quickest option. You could also stipulate that you want the son to stay up country with a family member if you are prepared to pay for his upkeep (paid directly to the person looking after him). You may have to sell your business to fund the settlement but putting the kids in a less expensive school is preferable to having them traumatised them on a regular basis. Do not agree to alamony on a monthly basis, a one off deal will enable you to cut all contact. Then get the hel_l out of Dodge, go to Krabi, Phuket, London, anywhere but Pattaya or Bangkok where you will be easily spotted by her network, if you think you can stay in Pattaya you are fooling yourself.

If she will not agree to a divorce then the first thing I would do is find a good translator, not a bar girl who speaks good english! Perhaps you could engage the services of a hotel receptionist or translation service.

Go with your translator to the Provincial Juvenile and Family Court (probably located in the municiple court building). Find somebody in enquiries to explain your position to and ask for advice on how to proceed to protect your child and your stepson and get a divorce, they will have different senerios because you only have paternity over one child. Note:I have found they are more disposed to assist if you wear a business suit.

You might get lucky and have one of the court lawyers take your case on a private basis, I did this to get custody of my child a few years ago, it cost about 32k in fees total, otherwise they should be able to recommend a reasonably priced lawyer.

You should prepare a history of your relationship with your wife, how you met, where you have lived, detailing personal attacks on yourself and situations where you felt the children were in danger. This should be backed up by any documentation from police reports, medical records, etc. All this will need to be translated into Thai. From today onwards document everything!!

Start this process tomorrow, everyday you delay you are putting youself and your kids in danger, nobody else is going to do it for you.

The advice above is just from personal experience and may or may not work for you but whatever you decide to do start now, and best of luck.


Edited by PhiPhi
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SAMUIAN, You care way too much more about the criminal than the victim. Whoa I don't even know what else to say, it's just too crazy.


are you aware how selfish you are ?

she has borderline personality disorder, caused by selfish people who abused her as a child !!

connect the dots

she's just as much the victim as he's is, instead of running, he should simply check google for borderline personality disorder and get her professional help, it's better then running, as it will effect the children and doesn't change anything

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are you aware how selfish you are ?

she has borderline personality disorder, caused by selfish people who abused her as a child !!

connect the dots

she's just as much the victim as he's is, instead of running, he should simply check google for borderline personality disorder and get her professional help, it's better then running, as it will effect the children and doesn't change anything

I GET IT but it doesn't matter what you call it, if she won't get help and endangers the kids and Chris' life his first duty should be to get them out of that situation. I agree that it would not hurt for Chris to pop down to the hospital to seek a doctor's advice and see what his options are but in the meantime he still has to get himself and the kids out of harms way.

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Some of you people refuse to believe that a woman could KILL a man.

In principal and in general YES!

Women murder men here all the time.

Just another generalisation, based on fear...any Proof?

Wouldn't hit a woman in self defence?

NEVER - Nor anyone else! In general it depends very much on the situation - and still then would look for other ways - restrain her, get witnesses involved...calm down the situation, make sure to do NOTHING to escalate it!

Then you are prepared to just let her kill you if that is her wish?
it's a defenately NO! But make sure things do not escalete to this point at first hand - PREVENTION - is the magic formula!
I never said I would hit a woman, I would never hit a girlfriend, but I would never be in a situation that warranted it....

Well you made YOUR point - so did I - I wouldn't like to go on a test run - who survives longer and has a calmer life...

RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FOR DUMMIES: If your woman shows even the slightest streak of violence (not the good sexual kind) than you dump her IMMEDIATELY. You'd think that would be common sense but after reading this thread..... sadly it is not.

Run for shelter! Escape! Hide!

Won't solve ANY ocuring problems - Problems in relationships do occur regularly in life - people do get stressed out -

However - I wouldn't run in an open knife - I would do EVERYTHING - to de-escalate the situation - like people threatening to take their life's - many have been talked out of it - most of the times it just takes a deep breath, common sense - a cool heart and good understanding of the situation!

I try to live what others simply pretend to "believe in", thats not enough - as life been teaching me again and again!

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I definately sounds like a mental health issue from experience, I would suggest trying to get her help ,the police should be able to point you in the right direction.The kids are going to suffer no matter what ,but you gotta get them out of that environment before she goes too far,

my thoughts are with you


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Actually i have a friend who has this girlfriend who decks him, he is not a close friend but comes out with us for drinks sometimes. He wont leave her either and there been together for years, but his gf is a maori from New Zealand and i bet she would beat the shit out of alot of men here.

I mean she is one mean looking SOB, i think he is just scared to leave her or she will probaly go looking for him. If she was after me i would be scared too.

So maybe the OP has the same problem, he is scared to leave her because she will get him or take it out on the kids. For me its easy to leave a girl but for some people they just so mentally attached they dont seem like they can do this.

And Mosha, thanks for the laugh, that was very funny.

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..... i think he is just scared to leave her or she will probably go looking for him. If she was after me i would be scared too.

So maybe the OP has the same problem, he is scared to leave her because she will get him or take it out on the kids. For me its easy to leave a girl but for some people they just so mentally attached they dont seem like they can do this.


The Problem with any issues of violence is that every event has its very specific "ingredients"... and they set the rules.

The importance is that anyone who get confronted with a violent situation is to be able to "read" the setting well and not just allow him/herself to get drawn into ANY from of escalation!

And, yeah....attachment, de-tachment... maybe some buddhist literature/teaching would be of some great help!

Some may want to resort to Kick Boxing or other "Self-Denfense"... well there is always an echo - especially if there is someone left who believes he/she has become the loser - revenge will come on silent and swift wings...!!!!!!!!!

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u guys give the usual horrible advice.

number one is to get yrsellf and kids to safety. you dont reason with psychos and u sure dont gain anything by beating them up. im sure there r shelters for bad decision making farags.

ophrah is a bilionaire coz of situations like this guy is in, usually man is beeter though.

2nd get yrself on ophrah

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Wow what a mess.

Hope I get it right but sounds like he lives off disability or did ( at least she knows to go get some for herself too),

she at least has comprehension. You cared so much about your children that you would sell everything off

in England and run off to Pattaya and buy a bar with an extreme nutcase of a wife.

Sounds like both of them need leg irons and a back breaking job for a long while. To much time on their hands and

lost the plot most likely. Hard work for both of them might do the trick or otherwise the tax payers may

have a couple generations to tolerate this nonsense.

Neither one of them seems to be responsible enough to care for children, especially putting them through so many years of hel_l. Lock em both up with hard labor that is about the only way people like this will change! JMHO

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