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Thais And Looking Rich


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Why don't you reread what you wrote. You said 13-29 year old women in Thailand take pride in trying to look good and pretty whereas women in Europe try as hard as they can to look ugly.

So you are telling me there is a big difference in the way 13 year Thai girls dress and the pride they take in their appearence as opposed to 13 year old European girls?

That is pretty creepy dude.

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"Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None."

If I read between the lines here is what I get: I couldn't get girls in my home country, I am bitter about it and now saying idiotic stuff like there are zero attractive women in the entire European continent. In Thailand, the women are poor and have realized what a stud I am.

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"Thais will buy a BMW and sleep on the floor in a B2000 a month room"

Oh really?

Again, another self projection post.

Scenario 1: and they were able to pay 3-12 million (not sure what the 7 series are going for nowadays, I drive a Honda) cash. Yeah sure, and they'd be renting a 2,000 Baht a month room.

Scenario 2: they finance 80-90%. Yeah sure, folks living in 2,000 Baht a month rooms would be able to afford the 80,000-100,000 a month payments.


p.s. we actually have a few strips of 1,000 - 2,500 Baht a month rooms for rent in the extended family. The typical transportation is motorcycle, saleng (converted bicycle/cart type setup), or foot. On the rare occasion that someone has a car, it's either a 20 year old pickup or one of the first Mazda's that came off the boat here.

Cant say that I have met a Thai who's drives a beamer and lives in a hovel but I have met a few Hong Kong Chinese that did, just that....Maybe he was talking about chinese thai's

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I too know a few HK Chinese in that situation, but they aren't renting. One's results may vary. IMO in most societies, the folks who save and invest instead of splurging their income is going to be in the 20%, and not the 80%, in the LOS it just happens to also match a particular ethnic division.


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Can anybody here explain to me why wearing a suit and tie is appreciated in bizz life?

Is the message different when wearing jeans and t-shirt?

I have meetings with CEO's of Honda, Toyota and you name all other big manafacturers.

Just dressed in T-shirt and jeans, they hate it I know.

But they still listen to what I tell, ha ha ha.

Take care all, it is not what you are but who you are.


They dress up in the business world, going to church, teaching in the academic world, getting married, etc., because it is a ritual of respect and a sense of power for yourself and others. If you have half a brain under your cap, that doesn't hurt, but if you have half a brain under your hat and coat and tie........well, you could probably bitch slap Donald Trump and he'd shake your hand and thank you for the show of kindness. :o

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and speaking of Paragon, is that place making any money do you think. does anyone actually BUY anything there??? all i see is a bunch of students and lookie-loos window shopping and like you say, trying to see and be seen. besides the starbucks and food courts and other restos, i can't help wondering if any other merchants there do any business. to me, the whole project seems like a big white elephant :o

Responding to the original post, I suspect that in a country that is only recently becoming urbanised and prosperous, people naturally wish to distinguish themselves from the urban and rural poor. There is a terror of poverty and also of being perceived to be poor.

What the OP observes (if a little overstated) could be said of people in malls in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur also China. It's normal in this region.

There is sometimes a fine line between being clean and well turned out and beng vulgar and tarty and my own view is that young Thais generally present themselves well.

As to Thai men, I'll stick with 'no comment'.

As to Siam Paragon, with its acres of lonely glittering marble flooring, what can one say. The building displaced one of the most lovely hotel gardens in Bangkok and now, except for the ground floor where there's food to be had, it looks a disaster.

While you can buy a top of the range Porsche there, the cleaners polishing the marble are probably paid 4,000 baht a month.

There are two Thailands and that is a big, big problem. People thus want to signal which one they belong to.

Andrew Hicks

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I think most will agree that there are two "worlds" in general and the gap is increasing at a faster rate everyday. While some folks may wish to signal to which group they belong, by and far for the majority one's normal existance signals it clearly enough without any effort whatsoever. Taking the OP's point of view, it's like saying people are showing off that they have running water, electricity, and are able to go to the supermarket twice a week (just those three things leaves what... half of the world behind already?).


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I know people who are very well off. Most of them really dont show off the money they have . But I also know some who need big houses and cars and worry where the next meal coming from.

I know which I would rather be . :o

My brother has a hge 5K sqf home. It really is beautiful. But he also counts cherieos and struggles month to month. He is a lawyer, and I think due to that, he feels obligated to look the part. Me, I am just a guy that figured out how to make as much as a lawyer, if not more, and I sure don't look the part. Lucky for me, I don't feel obligated to look the part of anything more than mediorcre.

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calling a mod a goober and you didnt get yr post removed...........lol. this palce is borderline hilarious. flaming going on left and right, i dont know wot is and wot isnt.

how you guys know thai boy r oversexed , you have sex with them?

i only know their size by asking thai gurls............lkol.

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