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She Says She Is Pregnant!


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ughhh.. I know i should 'bite my lip' and that i will probably get flamed for this, but your attitude 'Onionman' is hard to stomach. I really feel for any girl who has been/is involved with you if you treat them all in the way it comes across. Sometimes Karma bites you on the ass. Anyway..i can only hope that this girl finds out that her pregnancy is a false alarm, or she was only testing you, and that she finds someone decent. If she is 'unhinged' in some way, it may be because after a year of dating you, you are casting her aside like an empty chocolate wrapper. She must have had some good qualities for you to have been dating her for a year. ANyway..im ranting. As said, if she does have a baby, at the very least step up to the plate financially. The child is not at fault here.

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I don't need some dick head preacher on a forum chewing me out for my lack of discretion or morals.

Comments like that are sure to illicit negative responses. Troll

illicit responses? uh, yeah, whatever.

anyways, you knocked her up, you fulfill your obligations, it really isn't complicated. while what you want to do isn't irrlelavent, ultimately its her body and the abortion decision is hers alone. either way, you had your fun now deal with it like an adult.

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I am a new father of a 15 day old little girl. Your comments and questions make me sick! What if she is telling the truth! She has cared for you. cleaned for you, slept in your bed for a year! All the while your off being a butterfly man! And you call her a crazy! You poor excuse of a man! Go back to her, beg for forgiveness for you terrible behaviour! Own up and be a man!

Look into these little eyes and say you want to kill her!

congratulations on your little girl. I too have a child one, she will be a a year old this week and the decision to have her was both agonising and terrifying, but ultimately rewarding.

that said, shame on you for using your daughter as a lever for emotional blackmail and a platform for you own self rightoeusness. i hope you do not use the same tactics to educate your child.

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She was your "regular", but not your girlfriend and you give them no money, just buy street food? You must be one handsome, irrestibale guy. I don't know any Thai cuties that screw for street food. How many others were you (or are you) banging, the the same time, ie the non-regulars? If you don't live in Thailand, there is probably not much she can do to nail you. But, Farang man usually pays, Thai man no pay.

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wow! he gets a lot of gurls just buying them street food.....lol. tell us more. i can see one regular who just accepts street food for payment of companionship but many many gurls. cum on thai gurls not giving out for free,

Edited by blizzard
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What if the situation was like this:

They are using condoms. He knows that she does not want a baby, so he pokes a hole in a condom. She gets pregnant, does not want to have the baby, but is forced to have the baby. Then he is given the baby and she has to then pay him money for the next 18 years.

I do not see this as anything different. Because she wanted to take his seed under false pretense, why should he have to pay for it for the next 18 years? Sure the child is innocent. Maybe he should get custody of the child, and she can give him money?

When a man does not want the baby and a woman wants the baby, then then man has to pay for 18 years for a baby he does not want, because he took the risk of having sex.

I think it should be true then that if the woman gets pregnant and she does not want the baby, if the man wants the baby, then the woman should have to carry the baby to term and give it to the man. She should have to do this because she took the risk of having sex with the man.

Only fair, the woman pays with 9 months use of her body, man pays with 18 years of his money.

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From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

And if the child belongs to him?

It's just possible that she doesn't know who the father is and has selected onionman as the most likely patsy.

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From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

And if the child belongs to him?

It's just possible that she doesn't know who the father is and has selected onionman as the most likely patsy.

And it is just possible that the girl whom he says is not his 'girlfriend' but who he has been seeing every weekend for a year, and who has been cooking and cleaning for him, and he now calls a 'whore', has only just become psycho, now that she is pregnant.

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From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

And if the child belongs to him?

It's just possible that she doesn't know who the father is and has selected onionman as the most likely patsy.

I would think not, because according to OnionMan, AKA "The High Roller," just tosses her street food on occassion. If you are a woman, wouldn't you select a better provider? Like street food and a flip flop, or maybe a garbage pail to do the wash with?

I do agree, she is crazy, from the sounds of it, she would have to be to want to hook up with this guy. Ahh the powers that Falangs wield over the disperate farm girls.

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two people made a contract. they would have sex, but to ensure she did not get pregnant she agreed to take birth control pills. she broke that contract. where is he at fault?

if she took the pills and they did not work, well then that would be another issue. but she chose to not take the pills thereby assuming the risk of a pregnancy.

as to an abortion now. that is for her to decide as it was she who decided to try and get pregnant. same goes for support.

poor child? sure, but it is still not his fault and if he chooses to live with the idea of his child being raised in poverty(who is to say that he/she would be?) then i still see no blame to attach to him.

they had an agreement. she broke it. end of story.

on a side note, just how difficult and expensive is it to get an abortion in thailand?

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Friend of mine visited here on a yearly basis. Few years ago, same girl he saw every time he visited tells him over the phone she's pregnant. He came back a few months later after she apparently gave birth, GF there, no baby with her and what do you know, no baby pictures with her at all. Still insisted on a hefty sum. :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Friend of mine visited here on a yearly basis. Few years ago, same girl he saw every time he visited tells him over the phone she's pregnant. He came back a few months later after she apparently gave birth, GF there, no baby with her and what do you know, no baby pictures with her at all. Still insisted on a hefty sum. :o

Hardly the same situation, is it? I take it your friend's girl was a working girl.

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two people made a contract. they would have sex, but to ensure she did not get pregnant she agreed to take birth control pills. she broke that contract. where is he at fault?

if she took the pills and they did not work, well then that would be another issue. but she chose to not take the pills thereby assuming the risk of a pregnancy.

as to an abortion now. that is for her to decide as it was she who decided to try and get pregnant. same goes for support.

poor child? sure, but it is still not his fault and if he chooses to live with the idea of his child being raised in poverty(who is to say that he/she would be?) then i still see no blame to attach to him.

they had an agreement. she broke it. end of story.

on a side note, just how difficult and expensive is it to get an abortion in thailand?

I have to say that it is better for a child not to be born into this situation. Both parties are wrong, but that doesn't justify holding one financially and/or emotionally responsible without their consent. The whole thing could also easily be a scam, something which doesn't only happen in the LOS. Either way feel sorry for this fetus or child should it be born.

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I have to say that it is better for a child not to be born into this situation. Both parties are wrong, but that doesn't justify holding one financially and/or emotionally responsible without their consent. The whole thing could also easily be a scam, something which doesn't only happen in the LOS. Either way feel sorry for this fetus or child should it be born.

Tend to agree. The deceit about the birth control pills does not suggest the best motives for becoming a parent, or attributes for being one.

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two people made a contract. they would have sex, but to ensure she did not get pregnant she agreed to take birth control pills. she broke that contract. where is he at fault?

if she took the pills and they did not work, well then that would be another issue. but she chose to not take the pills thereby assuming the risk of a pregnancy.

as to an abortion now. that is for her to decide as it was she who decided to try and get pregnant. same goes for support.

poor child? sure, but it is still not his fault and if he chooses to live with the idea of his child being raised in poverty(who is to say that he/she would be?) then i still see no blame to attach to him.

they had an agreement. she broke it. end of story.

on a side note, just how difficult and expensive is it to get an abortion in thailand?

At this point it is no longer about a contract, it is about a baby. (that is if she is pregnant)

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Thank you for your responses guys. Most of you seem to be cutting into me. It seems a lot of you assume I said I wouldn't support the kid. I don't believe I ever said that. As far as you know, that is still unknown. So don't assume anything. Anyway, I was asking for help, not for reprimand.

A few of you expressed some sympathy, and to you, I appreciate that very much.

I think I need to make something clear. I did not, am not saying that I will not be there for the kid, if that happens. My goal is to stop the birth from happen. Ooooo AHhhh controversial subject! F*** you, I don't care. This b**** lied to me, tricked me and I don't want someone like that in my life as the mother of my child. I want an abortion, so the f*** what? Go thump your f***ing bible somewhere else. Sorry, I'm not very diplomatic right now. I am sure you can understand I'm upset and a lot of you are telling me s*** that I obviously already know and this s*** is not contructive at all, just useless.

Let me say this again. She lied and tricked me by stopping the birth control. She took the pills out everyday and flushed them down the toilet. I don't want a kid. But she made the decision for me, not only without asking me, but by lying and tricking me.

A lot of you are getting on my case about dating a crazy chick. Obviously, I fully realized how incredibly crazy she was AFTER this thing happened. She was always emotional and unstable, but a lot of girls are. She was also very sweet and caring. So if I miss lead you, I am sorry. BEFORE I thought she was a bit unstable and emotional. AFTER I realize she is totally crazy and selfish.

Anyway, I'd also like to point out that my original question was about my LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. I want to know if she's gonna have my by my balls for 18 years. If a chick in Thailand can just lie about birth control, get pregnant and get money for 18 years, then we would have a good guess about why she did this. Really, I know my MORAL OBLIGATIONS and hopefully I won't have to read any more preaching about being a responsible guy. Please, spare me the lectures.

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You say you been with this so called PSYCHO for 1 year right?

If she was so much of a psycho mate, why stay with her for 1 year?

Again, she was unstable BEFORE and the realization that she was fully psychotic came AFTER.

The others are right, your not man enough to take care, and for the babys sake only, I hope she aint pregnant, cos you aint man enough...................

Thanks for the help, dick head.

I have to agree with you here. I think what makes her psycho to him is that she got pregnant.

Not at all. She is crazy because she lied to me, tricked me and got pregnant. IT WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. If it was an accident, i could forgive her. But no, she selfishly and deceitfully DECIDED to fully alter the rest of my life by getting pregnant ON PURPOSE.

A little constructive advice, tell her you don't want a kid or any woman with a kid. Make her believe that you will have nothing to do with her IF she has the kid but you will be around if she doesn't. If it turns out she is pregnant and she keeps it you step up and be a man. You take care of the kids financial needs AND you try to be around sometimes for the kid. Resposibility for a child is a hel_l of a lot more than sending some money every month. She may have been deceitful in putting the obligation on you but it is your obligation just the same and it isn't to her it is to the child.

Exactly. I should lead her to believe that if she has the kid, I will be gone. 9 months later, if she has the kid, I can be a father for it.

you make having an abortion sound like pulling out an ingrown toenail. you were really screaming this to her over the phone?

Ya, I know abortions are not easy and blah blah blah and I totally would feel horrible about doing it. It is not something I take lightly. I jus can't be bothered to sound all policitally correct at the moment.

Yes, I was yelling at her.

ME: Why did you do this to me?

HER: ...

ME: Why did you do this?

HER: ...

ME: Why?

HER ...


HER ...

ME: Hello?

HER: Why are you angry?

...What is a troll?...

On ThaiVisa, quite often a troll is a poster who, when accused of being a troll, asks "What is a troll?"

A good definition of a troll is as follows:

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who intentionally posts controversial or contrary messages in an on-line community such as an on-line discussion forum with the intention of baiting users into an argumentative response."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_Internet--


Thanks for explaining that. I wish that was the case. Obviously, there is nothing I can say to prove this is real. And honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks. I just want to know my legal obligations.

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Anyway, I'd also like to point out that my original question was about my LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. I want to know if she's gonna have my by my balls for 18 years.

One can only hope so. I know a very good law firm. They would be very happy to help her nail your balls to the wall. Please feel free to have her contact me. We specialise is screwing shits over.

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But you said she wasn't a whore but a girl who cooked and cleaned for you, or did I misunderstand? You seem to want to have your cake and eat it, but when the going gets a little tough, you start screaming blue murder at the girl who cooked, cleaned, kept your bed warm for you on your little w/end jaunts to Hua Hin and now could quite likely be the mother of your child. Grow up and be a man!! :o

Yes, she was very sweet and I enjoyed her company. I trusted her. Then she lied about taking the pill, totally deceived me and got pregnant. Of course I was yelling at her. She lied to me. She tricked me. She is taking advantage of me.

I don't need some dick head preacher on a forum chewing me out for my lack of discretion or morals.

Comments like that are sure to illicit negative responses. Troll

How about this one... f*** you for you unsolicited crap. What kind of response would that illicit?

Let her have (prove) a test in your presence with a urine-test; you'll know within minutes.


She said she did one. But ur right, I would have to see it to believe it. But she said she won't see me again. It might be hard to arrange the urination.

From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

Excellent idea. That is exactly what I will do.

I presume the DNA test will prove it is definitely HERS :D

If if it doesn't, then she's gotta be much more tricky than we thought :D

I am a new father of a 15 day old little girl. Your comments and questions make me sick! What if she is telling the truth! She has cared for you. cleaned for you, slept in your bed for a year! All the while your off being a butterfly man! And you call her a crazy! You poor excuse of a man! Go back to her, beg for forgiveness for you terrible behaviour! Own up and be a man!

Look into these little eyes and say you want to kill her!

I know. I don't take this lightly. But I don't think it's a real person until the brain starts to develope. I shouldn't say that coz I'm probably gonna have to read through pages of unhelpfull pro-life responses now.

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