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Is There A Doctor In The House?


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Hi All,

A personal plea, please forgive.

My girlfriend has experienced abdominal pain for about 3 weeks. To begin with it was mild and general, with a little toilet sanook. It is worse now but without any other symptoms and is in the right hand side of her stomach below her bottom rib bone. She says it does not extend to the belly button (apparantly a sign to look out for) but is in the middle area and then a little further to the outside.

Right now she has pain when moving in her seat, stretching, walking, sneezing, breathing in deep..the pain has got worse steadily and we have taken her to three doctors. The resounding result has been 'probably muscle pain - take these drugs.'

I am concerned it may be a sign of something worse - does anyone know of a good doctor who actually cares?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Isn't your appendix in that area?? I've heard that you can get a rumbling appendix which causes some pain until it finally bursts with excruiating agony...

Certainly best to get her checked by a competent doctor - I just scare people...

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Isn't your appendix in that area?? I've heard that you can get a rumbling appendix which causes some pain until it finally bursts with excruiating agony...

Certainly best to get her checked by a competent doctor - I just scare people...

Sounds like it to me why didn't he just go to the hospital instead of seeing many doctors?? If i got pain and it don't go away you'll see me at the nearest hospital

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..and is in the right hand side of her stomach below her bottom rib bone.

It could be something to do with the liver, pancreas or even caused by gall stones. While the last is not life-threatening, it may be serious if related to the liver or pancreas. He should consult a qualified doctor in a proper hospital immediately.

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  • 3 months later...

Just wanted to thank you all for your concern. Its been a long while now - she is now fine although it took several hospitals and several more doctors to discover what was wrong. Initially we were fobbed off with 'indigestion' reports from a hospital, but then it continued and so I got her to see the family doctor out there, who also said it was just indigestion. Then the Bangkok christian hospital said it was 'definitely apendicitis' and that she should stay overnight to have the operation.

Her mother decided that wasn't going to happen so the next morning we went to a different hospital and got told it was muscle problems. To cut a long story short we got back here and the first english doctor we saw recognised it as a particular muscle strain, gave some meds and a week later she was fine.

Thanks again.

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gave some meds and a week later she was fine.

'Fine'...or 'Dead'.... That is so often the case here. I read a news report that quoted government stats that said more than 40,000 Thais died last year from complications from infections received while in hospital

Buyer Always Beware, of course.

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