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Hi , my Thai boyfriend and I are recently engaged. I am back in Ireland now for a few weeks working whilst he is still in Thailand working. He is hoping to get a tourist visa to come to Ireland to visit my family for 2-3 months in Feb/March. I am going back over to him for Chrismtas and we're going to apply then to Consulate in Bangkok. Just gettin bit worried as I will only be over for 5 weeks with time off work and Id hate to find out we didnt get it when Im back here because of something we left out. I am going to be moving out to Thailand in May so its really just the time between Feb and May that he is hoping to come over for.

Is there anyone else who has successfully got Irish Toursit Visa for their boyfriend/girlfriend. Any tips for us would be greatly appreciated.

I know we need letter of invitation from sponsor in Ireland, bank statements from sponsor in Ireland, reference from his work in Thailand to prove he will be going back after the holiday. How do we prove our relationship, the only thing I can think of is my Thai visas in my passport for the last few years, phone bills, photographs etc but are these the things that they are looking for. Am I missing anyhting else thats really important? Just gettin bit stressed cuz we dont wantleave out anything that might lessen our chances of getting the visa first time round.




Hi Claire, the only thing that I can advise is that it's a slow process.

We have been waiting on my wife's visa for five weeks already.

Our application is very straight foward, as both myself and my son have Irish natonality, and we have been together a long time.

Still I'm amazed at the hurdles involved.

One potential problem that I can see is that it seems your fiance will be travelling alone to Ireland.

Is the right? I have heard that this can mean the visa can be harder to get.

Sorry but maybe I'm being too pesimistic.

The important thing is that you can prove that he will be supported in Ireland finacially, and that he proves he has something to go back to in Thailand.

Good luck anyway and good luck with your planned move to Thailand.


Hi Claire, the only thing that I can advise is that it's a slow process.

We have been waiting on my wife's visa for five weeks already.

Our application is very straight foward, as both myself and my son have Irish natonality, and we have been together a long time.

Still I'm amazed at the hurdles involved.

One potential problem that I can see is that it seems your fiance will be travelling alone to Ireland.

Is the right? I have heard that this can mean the visa can be harder to get.

Sorry but maybe I'm being too pesimistic.

The important thing is that you can prove that he will be supported in Ireland finacially, and that he proves he has something to go back to in Thailand.

Good luck anyway and good luck with your planned move to Thailand.


HIya Paul, thanks a million for getting back to me. I hope your wife gets her visa sorrted out soon.

Ye ive heard that it can take up to about 8 weeks so thats why we're plannig for him to fly over in March if we apply for it in December. I hadnt realised that him flying on his own will be an issue!!!! Another thing to worry about. Your right, so many hurdles!!!!! Im sure we'll get there in the end. If we did get visa in 4-5 weelks then sure he could fly back with me but im not really counting on that happening.

Theres no problem with proving he can be supported when he gets here and he will ahve reference from his boss in Thailand to say he's on holiday elave and will be back within the 3 months. He also has his own boat business so Im hoping these two things together will be enought ot orvoe he will go back. Also he supporst his Mum in Thailand so we were going to mention that also.

When you applied for your wife did you apply to Bangkok Consulate or Malaysia Embassy? Any tips on how to show that we've been toghether for the last 3 years?? He didnt have phone for the first year so no records of that but for last 2 years we've had the mobile. I just dont know how to show them all the texts, only have phone bills. Ive a milion photos from the last 3 years and 6/7 4-month visas on my passport to prove Ive been going out there twice a year for last 3 years to be with him. Also engagment ring receipt and maybe letter from my brother who came to visit us last year to say that he has met him?? Im not sure if this is what they are looking for though.

Sorry for going on so much. But lastly, Ive been hearing about Finacee Visas a bit on this site. Do you know if Ireland has this type of visa? Im going to email embassy later and see what they know aobut this.

Thanks again for your help, best of luck with everything :o


We applied through the Irish consulate in BKK.

Why are you waiting to apply for the visa?

I think you can start the process by post.

Send all the documents to your partner and get him to begin the process.

Actually probably best to speak to the Irish consulate first.

I have used the Irish consulate a few times, for different things, and have always found them to be helpful.

Send them an email.

Sorry Claire, but I am not sure what proof of your relationship you need to send.

The photos sounds like a good idea but probably best to check with the consulate.

Good luck again


Hi Claire,

I've just got a tourist visa for my Thai Girlfriend. We got refused initially, but I appealed the decision to Dublin, sending in more information, and she has now been granted a months tourist visa.

I recommend that you include the photographs from the earliest possible date, preferably one showing any dates, i.e. Happy new year 2004 etc. Take your phone bills as well, to help confirm your being a couple for a while, also reciept for ring. This all counts in establishing your relationship.

Remember any documentation that your fiance has, for property, (Chanote), blue book etc. has to be translated to English and notarised. When you go to the BKK Consulate, in the Q building, then you will need to take the original paper work with you as well as the copies. The counter girl will then check everything and after she is satisfied she will return the originals to you.

Don't forget that your fiance may also need a letter from his bank manager stating that this is his account and how much he has in there. If he does not have too much in there, then you might want to send him some over the next 3 months to top things up, rather than throw a lump sum into his account in one go.

You will also need to bring copies of your bank statements as well, to show that you, as his sponser, can support him while he is there.

I cannot comment on the travelling apart, as we will both be travelling together in January 2008.

It took some 5 weeks before we were informed that herself had been refused a visa, and it was 3 weeks after sending off the appeal to Dublin, that we were informed she had now got one.

In a nut shell, take everything you can think of, show that he has reason to come back to Thailand (more than one would be better).

Show both of you have the finances. Don't forget to show his flight arrangements as well, though don't buy the ticket yet.

Good luck, I hope this helps a little.

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