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Do You Have A Thai Wife Or Girlfriend?


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That is what many folk back home may be thinking of us guys out here.

I have been in LOS for a few years. I make the occasional phone call back to 'the folks'. I am used to gentle inuendo.... harmless jokes based on the usual stereotypes regarding Thai chicks. Harmless. I go with it and have a laugh.

However I have just finished a phone call with a certain fammily member who i have never realy got with too great. Enquiring about my GF, who i have been with for almost 3 years, the line of questioning was more intense than the usual harmless banter;

'Did you like, pay for her?'

'Was she from a bar?'

'How young is she?'

'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


My GF is one year older than me, so thats that particular stereotype nailed. i didnt meet her in a bar. She had her own business. She has her own money. And i am not a huge pile of lard with a wig. Im an average looking bloke.

But if my GF was 20 years younger than me, straight out of Pussy Galore in Patong... who cares?

I speak to westerners every day on the phone through my job. Occasionaly i get asked 'you live in Thailand.... ahh... you have a girly then?' I usualy just laugh it off.

Now im thinking....

Do those dickheads back home assume i am here just to land myself an 18 year old munchkin with pigtails, who can project ping pong balls into the gulf of Thailand quicker than you can say 'how much for a fortnight'?

fark'em anyway. Couldnt give a toss what there perceptions are. Im just intrigued.... I always thought the stereotype was a cliche?

Or do guys back home realy think this way?

Im not bothered. Couldnt give a bugger. Just asking the question....

it will be jeaulosy every time, they will be stuck with their chilhood sweetheart that has tuned into a hairy tub of lard and dont have the guts to end a loveless mariage in most cases, i find since i have been here i have outgrown most of my old friends,and have nothing in common with them,..i have 2 that are millionaires,( sterling ) one is divorced, he said to me, " i wish i had your lifestyle mike " ,unbeleivable, he will be the richest boring fart in the graveyard i fear,.
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There's some great posts here, mostly all hit the nail right on the head. I've only ever had one problem regarding my Thai better half when visiting the UK on holiday. Walking down Whitehall a twenty something year old walked past us and said loudly, "you bought that at the farking beach didn't ya". Ironically he was too busy looking at us and mouthing off that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and immediately after his mini-speech he tripped and went sprawling on the pavement - rather ironic I thought!

Spot on with the poster who mentioned the rich elderly American with the young western girl, spot on also the elderly westerner with the Eastern European lass half his age that you see so much of in the UK. Much hypocracy and bigotry remains in the UK but do I care. I wake up each morning next to a very beautiful lady, live in the Tropics and I pay no tax whatsoever - I ask you, who's enjoying their life more.

the guy sprawling on the pavement :o

I'm starting to get a tad worried about you Dr Naam, is everything alright?

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I have a few friends in thailand that are just over 60 they both have thai gf around 30 and yes they were bar girls , i have met them a few times over the last few years and the joy and care that these girls have given my friends you can not buy in Australia. For these guys its a win win situation everybody is happy ,beats the hel_l out of sitting at home looking out the window waiting for something to happen. All there familys are out there living life why shoudnt they. Come to think of it im almost in the same situation as my friends .


I have told this story before, my uncle frank is 72, i brought him to thailand the first time when he was 67,, he had been widowed and was in his living room waiting for god,.since then he comes about 3 times a year and has a whale of a time,.i was in the uk once and he sent me an SMS ,it said " hi mike im on the beach ,got myself a viagra and a 21 yr old,. " i sent him one back that said, you be careful, it could be fatal,", he replied. <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her ! ",.i would nt change the way he feels for anything, why ? where is it written that a guy cant carry on enjoying himself and have to worry about what some morons say and think,. you are here for a good time, not a long time, best we remember it ,.. :o
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That is what many folk back home may be thinking of us guys out here.

I have been in LOS for a few years. I make the occasional phone call back to 'the folks'. I am used to gentle inuendo.... harmless jokes based on the usual stereotypes regarding Thai chicks. Harmless. I go with it and have a laugh.

However I have just finished a phone call with a certain fammily member who i have never realy got with too great. Enquiring about my GF, who i have been with for almost 3 years, the line of questioning was more intense than the usual harmless banter;

'Did you like, pay for her?'

'Was she from a bar?'

'How young is she?'

'Does she speak English, or are you not bothered about that as long as she holds fort in the sacks?'

'I guess she does all your ironing, cooking, cleaning... is she like a maid?'

Gut instinct was to kick off to high hel_l and shut this <deleted> up. I found myself at a loss and just for the laugh of it, I answerd yes to every question that was asked. To my suprise, there conclusion was;

'Ahhh.... thats ok, good on you! Nothing wrong with that, and thats what we figured'


My GF is one year older than me, so thats that particular stereotype nailed. i didnt meet her in a bar. She had her own business. She has her own money. And i am not a huge pile of lard with a wig. Im an average looking bloke.

But if my GF was 20 years younger than me, straight out of Pussy Galore in Patong... who cares?

I speak to westerners every day on the phone through my job. Occasionaly i get asked 'you live in Thailand.... ahh... you have a girly then?' I usualy just laugh it off.

Now im thinking....

Do those dickheads back home assume i am here just to land myself an 18 year old munchkin with pigtails, who can project ping pong balls into the gulf of Thailand quicker than you can say 'how much for a fortnight'?

fark'em anyway. Couldnt give a toss what there perceptions are. Im just intrigued.... I always thought the stereotype was a cliche?

Or do guys back home realy think this way?

Im not bothered. Couldnt give a bugger. Just asking the question....

Yes I have a Thai wife for around 20 years, 5 years ago I married legally in Belgium because she does take good care of me and I am getting older and the health is going down so I was thinking better marry than let the government take profit for all the money I paid to them so that in time when I lay my head down she can be able to receive a widows pension, she is 20 years younger then me but it makes no difference, she not try to milk me for money, been to Europe 20 times heaven she got fed up with her own country, I will not say Belgium is the best any country as his good and bad


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Brilliant, Mike! :o

Personally I never EVER get remarks, never ever, not in Thailand, not in the USA, not in Europe.

Is there something wrong with me or the Mrs?

In fairness nor did we, we were back in devon in the uk for 2.6 years , all our neighbors were fine,but i could see in some peoples looks ,JEALOUSY !. IM 56 and my wife is 32 not from a bar and we have a daughter of 5, my personal life is perfect,. we can always use a bit more money, but you cant buy what i have,.
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Couldn't really care what ppl 1000's of miles think about me, not that worried here either.

I've taken my missus to Australia twice, I couldn't believe how well she was treated by everyone she met.

What I love is when ppl post on TV and always have to mention their wife wasn't a bar girl, has education, is Thai Chinese from Bkk etc. when it has no relevance at all and nobody even know who they are!

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The most successful Thai prostitutes I met all had career jobs.

None were "from a bar".

I would wager that 99% of blokes that do hook up with Thai girls who got up to extra-curricular activities to earn extra dosh will never know about it. And there are a lot out there!

The many Westerners I know who married so called 'good girls' or 'career girls' certainly have no idea of their backgrounds working in Japanese Men's clubs or freelancing in the evenings but ironically are happy to pontificate how they would never marry a bar girl etc.

I highly doubt that 99% of Thai girls that hook up with blokes are hookers, actually I seriously doubt its even close to 50%. But maybe you mean Pattaya girls and not Thai girls. But I still doubt that is even close to 99%

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The most successful Thai prostitutes I met all had career jobs.

None were "from a bar".

I would wager that 99% of blokes that do hook up with Thai girls who got up to extra-curricular activities to earn extra dosh will never know about it. And there are a lot out there!

The many Westerners I know who married so called 'good girls' or 'career girls' certainly have no idea of their backgrounds working in Japanese Men's clubs or freelancing in the evenings but ironically are happy to pontificate how they would never marry a bar girl etc.

I highly doubt that 99% of Thai girls that hook up with blokes are hookers, actually I seriously doubt its even close to 50%. But maybe you mean Pattaya girls and not Thai girls. But I still doubt that is even close to 99%

I said 99% of blokes that hook up with these girls never know about it. Not that 99% of blokes are with hookers.

Please reread my post and comprehend it correctly.


Ah yeap you are correct, ignore that last post

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A friend of mine in Sweden spontaniously, without even thinking if it was rude or not, said his comment when i had my first thaigirlfriend some years ago " ohh, is she thai? so she is a hooker?".

I said, no she is not hooker, she is studying to become a civil-econom, and at "freetime" from school she is working for the government. Why would you ask if she is a hooker?"

He said. "they are hookers down there, everybody knows it"!!!

And this guy had never been in Thailand, he just "knew".

I know what i know.

You are in your 40:s, your western wife has gain weight, stopped shaving her legs and simply dont turn you on. You are sexually frustrated and to get some of it out you use porn. Might even be asian porn since asians is your western wifes opposite in many ways. To keep your masturbating dreem alive and help you in your moments you need to think about asian women as willing to do anything.

I think op do the right thing to just "laugh it away". The said thing is this very common look at Thaiwomen, not only among western men but actually its very common to hear western women say things like "ohh they are soo good looking and sexy, but i am smarter, and i can have a normal discussion,et" thinking that every good looking Thaigirl is stupid.

It is sad, but as long as we live in Thailand it wont be a problem. Moving with your Thai partner to the western world is a bit trickier since you know alot people look at her with these thoughts in their mind. Just not fair.

Anyway, people that think like this about other people must have a hard time with themselves, thats the bottomline.

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What I love is when ppl post on TV and always have to mention their wife wasn't a bar girl, has education, is Thai Chinese from Bkk etc. when it has no relevance at all and nobody even know who they are!

Yes it's true, whether here on TV or out and about, so many guys with Thai chicks are absolutely champing at the bit to tell you how their girl is different - to show that they've landed a "good girl". Speaks volumes and calls to question how many guys really don't care what other people think.

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I think another thing is how you are perceived in the west.

If people think that you are punching above your weight, looks wise, people will talk.

If you are somene who would have little problems attracting women/men at home than people will talk less.

Said but true. People can be very superficial unforutunately.

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well if i had my mother and family in trouble with money living in a modest tin shack and i had no education or hope of getting a job and some of the family around me were sick .......... i would work in a bar as well and take the money of some of these so called decent people who were lucky enough to have a fair chance in there lives.

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If people think that you are punching above your weight, looks wise, people will talk.

Absolutely Garro and that goes across all borders.

How many times in you own country, about people from your own country, have you heard someone say "what is a beauty like her doing with an ugly git like him. He must be rich".

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The worst I had was when I was selling my house in Yorkshire. I had just shown them around the house, when she asked me why I was selling the house. I informed her I was moving out here. "Oh what are you going there for? The paedophilia?" I wish she had said that at the top of the stairs, so that I could have kicked her down them. :o

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Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

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What's the difference if a western twenty something year old female goes out in London, New York, Melbourne or where ever in search of some fun and a sexual partner for the evening and a Thai equivalent who does the same thing. According to some posters here one set is to be classified as prostitutes - what about their Western counterparts. If I follow that stereotype generality through to its natural conclusion all 20 something year old females are hookers, including perhaps some of our daughters? It's just convenient to say that most Thai women are or have been on the game and shows very shallow thinking and a distinct lack of cultural and economic awareness. Bah I say!

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What's the difference if a western twenty something year old female goes out in London, New York, Melbourne or where ever in search of some fun and a sexual partner for the evening and a Thai equivalent who does the same thing. According to some posters here one set is to be classified as prostitutes - what about their Western counterparts. If I follow that stereotype generality through to its natural conclusion all 20 something year old females are hookers, including perhaps some of our daughters? It's just convenient to say that most Thai women are or have been on the game and shows very shallow thinking and a distinct lack of cultural and economic awareness. Bah I say!

According to Tropo it has nothing to do with race :o

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Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

Baffoon - explanation please??

Edited by phutoie2
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The most successful Thai prostitutes I met all had career jobs.

None were "from a bar".

I would wager that 99% of blokes that do hook up with Thai girls who got up to extra-curricular activities to earn extra dosh will never know about it. And there are a lot out there!

The many Westerners I know who married so called 'good girls' or 'career girls' certainly have no idea of their backgrounds working in Japanese Men's clubs or freelancing in the evenings but ironically are happy to pontificate how they would never marry a bar girl etc.


things are pretty simple where BG's are involved. it's the so-called good girls you have to watch.

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