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I am planning on renting a condo or house soon and I want to have several phone lines (at least 2 but the more the merrier) because I want to have a separate ISP for each line.

Is this possible?

How would I go about arranging this?

Any ideas about cost?




If you get a TOT Phone line, TOT is your ISP Full Stop.

If you get a TT&T Line you have a choice of ISP's including TT&T's Maxnet as one of them.

I don't remember how much it is to have a phone line installed (did it a year ago) but expect to wait to have it installed( I got my line in 3 months) it cost maybe 3 thousand baht??? I don't remember

Having had Both TT&T and TOT. I feel the TT&T service was more reliable (Used TT&T Line with CSLoxinfo)

I guess your optimal situation would be to have a line form both operators.

As a 3rd option I've heard you can get an ADSL line run from CAT which is supposed to be a bit more expensive but A LOT more reliable.


No problem in having a phone line from each company (TOT, TT&T, True) if the owner of the condo is ok to have so many plugs in his walls.


You can have as much lines as available in the Exchange where you live.

There isn't any problem to use the same ISP an all lines if you apply for 1 account for 1 line! It's just a question of costing!

But to use all lines?ADSL at same time you need to install an Load Balancer!


My Gf's Dad has about 10 phone lines in his house. Different companies... DSL high speed as well. So it won't be a problem.

AFAIK you just need the owner of the building to apply for the line.


I used to have 7 phone lines on 1 address. Back in the old days before ADSL.

Needed at least 4 56k modems on-line simultaneously to receive the streaming quotes and other market data for my day trading needs :o

Anyway, the phone company doesn't care one way or another as long as there are enough free lines on their exchange (and main cable going to your location).


At the moment ive got 8 lines coming in.

As said above, it just depends on the local exchange and how many numbers they have available in your area.

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