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Continuation On Thailand Is Good At Xxx

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Over the past several days there has been many comments of a derogatory nature posted on the Nation Newspaper website. It started with the women from Korat who won the gold medal in weigtlifting. The nature of those remarks….well it is of similar nature to the one’s you saw today. Really, the Nation should monitor and remove those comments.

Fortunately and unfortunately, the power of the internet has brought better understanding of the world but with its downside. One is the ability to hide behind an anonymous name and signature and to write the kind of wind up/hatred filled comments whether in jest or otherwise. I am sure that this piece of feces would not dare to say those words in a face to face conversation. Without the ability to flush out the identity behind the anonymous postings, the best you can do is to just ignore it. Besides I doubt it if the person even lives in Thailand and if IT does, by posting such offensive materials, IT is even more stupid than I thought possible.


There is a thread now on this forum about anonymous postings.


These postings show that the majority of all users of the Thaivisa-Forum do not like to post their opinion by signing up with their full name and to offer their true identity.

To keep the internet responsible for anonymous postings is wrong - it is possible to speak out your anonymous opinion by using a letter or by phone.

What means derogatory? Can you explain that? I think, in many cases the term derogatory is a cheap excuse to try to escape critics......

So what to publish and what not to publish?

And no, I do not think, that newspapers should remove such comments, which means nothing else but arbitrary censorship. Especially not, if those people, who are complaining about such comments are hiding themselves behind anonymous postings as well and are also responding with hatred filled comments in return.

My opinion is, that the publisher has to decide, what to do as a principle:

Either free and anonymous expression for everything - regardless to the contents, controversial or not...

- or, as a general rule, not to publish anonymous comments at all.

I think, anonymous postings must continue..... if you like it or not. If you remove for example all anonymous postings from Thaivisa-Forum for example, then the site could not operate any longer..... same is true with many other forums or publications.......

These postings show that the majority of all users of the Thaivisa-Forum do not like to post their opinion by signing up with their full name and to offer their true identity.
I am not referring to this website. I was referring to the Nation Newspaper website where comments can be posted to the articles.
To keep the internet responsible for anonymous postings is wrong - it is possible to speak out your anonymous opinion by using a letter or by phone.

I don't disagree with you.

What means derogatory? Can you explain that? I think, in many cases the term derogatory is a cheap excuse to try to escape critics......
Can't really repeat some of the terminologies used but if you've read the Nation the past couple of days and the comments to the articles....Let's just say it's offensive on both sides rather than derogatory.
And no, I do not think, that newspapers should remove such comments, which means nothing else but arbitrary censorship. Especially not, if those people, who are complaining about such comments are hiding themselves behind anonymous postings as well and are also responding with hatred filled comments in return.

Yes but when the comments and counter comments turn into a hate filled attacks then those comments really become counter productive as to its original intentions of a forum for providing and sharing of thoughts.

I think, anonymous postings must continue..... if you like it or not. If you remove for example all anonymous postings from Thaivisa-Forum for example, then the site could not operate any longer..... same is true with many other forums or publications.......

As long as posters are consistent then I don't consider them to be completely anonymous, especially when valid e-mail accounts are provided either directly or indirectly. Although few in cyberspace know my true name, my online character, admittedly a somewhat two-dimensional representation of this poster, has been fairly consistent over the past 12 years or so and I do not hide my personal e-mail account.

True anonymous posters are inconsistent with their online identities and do not provide true e-mail addresses for personal contect. From what I have seen on ThaiVisa since I joined this forum last spring, there are few of the true anonymous postings that have made the Usenet, especially SCT, such a wasteland. And that is why much of the good discussion boards and technical boards that once dominated Usenet, have migrated to moderated web based boards such as this one. Alas, not even this fine forum will capture the hilarious atmosphere of the old SCT a decade ago.


I am glad that their is a thread like this because I'm sick and tired of people thinking that is all that Thailand is about.

I just answered a thread about bangkok bars and the thread starter said Pretty much you have to be a sex tourist to have fun!!!! :o

IMHO I think people that go to thailand for this reason are sick!!!! I mean I seen Old men with young girls last time i was in bangkok. It's pretty sickening and then I see an article about it in the nation.

When will it end, Look I understand about guys that can't talk to girls or who think they are not handsome enough, If you can't talk to girls you have to pay for them??

It does not solve any problem you may have. I'm done Can't talk about this anymore :D

...............I mean I seen Old men with young girls last time i was in bangkok. It's pretty sickening and then I see an article about it in the nation............

and the thread starter said Pretty much you have to be a sex tourist to have fun!!!!   :o


When will it end,  Look I understand about guys that can't talk to girls or who think they are not handsome enough,  If you can't talk to girls  you have to pay for them?? 


About what girls are you talking? Farang girls? Thai girls?

Does this mean, that men, who can talk a lot to girls or who think they are handsome, do not pay anything to the girls? Never?


Comparing other countries in this world, I do not think, Thailand is offering so much for a sex-only tourist.... There are cheaper or better destinations for that, and not all of them are located in Asia.

What means sex-tourist?

Travelling alone as a single man means that you are looking for private contacts at your vacation destination. Yes, for sex, for fun....

and do not tell me now, this is not the case, but you are looking forward to study history, and in evening you enjoy to be alone in your hotel-room......

And it does not matter, where in this world....it does not matter, in which country. As a single man, travelling alone, you are looking for some private contacts....of course! Why not? Something wrong with that?

Why to single out Thailand?

I think, there are some other good reasons, why many men are going to Thailand....

ONLY because of sex is not a good explication.


Old man - young woman..... is there any legal age-difference limit between man and woman?

What means old man?

50 or 60 or 70.....?

What means young woman?

20 or 30 or 40.....?

Do these people break any laws? Do they disturb anybody?

I think, you have the right to choose your partner you like, and this is nobody's else business.

And about money? Yes, many men pay money to women everywhere in this world.....nothing new about that........


thks for ur messege na kha HKTHAI

what's happended????

Do i miss something??

my Eng is very poor anybody explain?

I didn't come in here since my topic was shut. I don't know what's going on here?

but i have to go outside today. Will be back to read them all. however my Eng not good enough. anyone pls tell me na kha :o

So what to publish and what not to publish?

And no, I do not think, that newspapers should remove such comments, which means nothing else but arbitrary censorship. Especially not, if those people, who are complaining about such comments are hiding themselves behind anonymous postings as well and are also responding with hatred filled comments in return.

The editor of a newspaper has to decide what does, and does not, get printed in his journal. He sets editorial policy and is responsible for everything that is published - including readers mail.

If he has so little in the way of news, articles, adverts, sensiblee readers contributions and so on that he has to publish the sort of thing that has been in the Nation for several days, then it is time to shut up shop and quit.

There is no justification for these articles / letters being published. I am surprised that the lawyers that most newspapers retain have not advised against such publication.

This is not about 'freedom of the press' which is not a concept understood in the same way in any two countries. This is about publishing offensive articles with no merit, solely to fill space (and maybe boost circulation in some perverted way). I really cannot understand why it has been allowed to be published once, let alone later articles of a similar slant.

With regard to the Internet, there will be a growing censorship. Several Middle Eastern countries practice censorship openly, as does China. Many other 'freedom-loving' countries do so secretly. All can find names and addresses if they are so inclined, it just takes time and effort. But for 99.99999% of the posters of the world, who cares?

...............I mean I seen Old men with young girls last time i was in bangkok. It's pretty sickening and then I see an article about it in the nation............

and the thread starter said Pretty much you have to be a sex tourist to have fun!!!!   :o


When will it end,  Look I understand about guys that can't talk to girls or who think they are not handsome enough,  If you can't talk to girls  you have to pay for them?? 


About what girls are you talking? Farang girls? Thai girls?

Does this mean, that men, who can talk a lot to girls or who think they are handsome, do not pay anything to the girls? Never?


Comparing other countries in this world, I do not think, Thailand is offering so much for a sex-only tourist.... There are cheaper or better destinations for that, and not all of them are located in Asia.

What means sex-tourist?

Travelling alone as a single man means that you are looking for private contacts at your vacation destination. Yes, for sex, for fun....

and do not tell me now, this is not the case, but you are looking forward to study history, and in evening you enjoy to be alone in your hotel-room......

And it does not matter, where in this world....it does not matter, in which country. As a single man, travelling alone, you are looking for some private contacts....of course! Why not? Something wrong with that?

Why to single out Thailand?

I think, there are some other good reasons, why many men are going to Thailand....

ONLY because of sex is not a good explication.


Old man - young woman..... is there any legal age-difference limit between man and woman?

What means old man?

50 or 60 or 70.....?

What means young woman?

20 or 30 or 40.....?

Do these people break any laws? Do they disturb anybody?

I think, you have the right to choose your partner you like, and this is nobody's else business.

And about money? Yes, many men pay money to women everywhere in this world.....nothing new about that........

Then why in my old job i worked with an old man he would travel to thailand I think maybe he was in his 60's he use to show me the pictures which made me sick i told him not to show me ever again, Then i told him i was half thai he didn't want to speak to me again after that.

I don't care. Whatever a person does with his own time or money it's their business but don't show it to everyone else like it's a notch in your belt!!! And don't say that it's all you have to do in thailand!!! to have fun you have to go to a go go bar

I know many farangs on this forum know better about what to do in thailand.

1. I'm talking about thai girls.

2. I don't care

3. If the man is old eough to be your father or your grandfather their is something wrong!!! On the man and woman's side

4. Yeah nothing is wrong with what they do but don't put every thai woman or man is in the sex industry Man A guy can shag all he wants for all I care. But don't it get boring after a while??

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