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Mutilated Bodies Versus A Hint Of A Woman's Cleavage


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I find it somewhat amazing that badly mutilated bodies, general gorey horrific scenes are quite acceptable for the press to print but a slight hint of a woman's cleavage is totally taboo and is "fuzzed" out on the TV.

What does this tell us about Thai ideology? :o

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I find it somewhat amazing that badly mutilated bodies, general gorey horrific scenes are quite acceptable for the press to print but a slight hint of a woman's cleavage is totally taboo and is "fuzzed" out on the TV.

What does this tell us about Thai ideology? :o

More to the point, what does it tell us about your ability to accept different ways of thinking to your own culture? Thailand is a Buddhist country, your homeland was most likely Christian (sorry if I am wrong there). Therefore morals and taboos are often different in each place. Neither is right or wrong, it just depends what you have grown up beleiving.

Edited by madjbs
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I personally love those Thai "911" full-colour accident picture magazines. :o

In between the horror of mangled intestines and gore, they feature bikini-clad centrefolds in racy poses. Usually with all their limbs intact. Just so you lose your hardon perhaps?

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I find it somewhat amazing that badly mutilated bodies, general gorey horrific scenes are quite acceptable for the press to print but a slight hint of a woman's cleavage is totally taboo and is "fuzzed" out on the TV.

What does this tell us about Thai ideology? :o

More to the point, what does it tell us about your ability to accept different ways of thinking to your own culture? Thailand is a Buddhist country, your homeland was most likely Christian (sorry if I am wrong there). Therefore morals and taboos are often different in each place. Neither is right or wrong, it just depends what you have grown up beleiving.

You would be mistaken since christian nations share the same backwards position to nudity as Thailand.

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I personally love those Thai "911" full-colour accident picture magazines. :o

In between the horror of mangled intestines and gore, they feature bikini-clad centrefolds in racy poses. Usually with all their limbs intact. Just so you lose your hardon perhaps?

191 kmart.

And absolutely gruesome. Some builders left a magazine behind at our house once, put me off dinner.

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I find it somewhat amazing that badly mutilated bodies, general gorey horrific scenes are quite acceptable for the press to print but a slight hint of a woman's cleavage is totally taboo and is "fuzzed" out on the TV.

What does this tell us about Thai ideology? :D

More to the point, what does it tell us about your ability to accept different ways of thinking to your own culture? Thailand is a Buddhist country, your homeland was most likely Christian (sorry if I am wrong there). Therefore morals and taboos are often different in each place. Neither is right or wrong, it just depends what you have grown up beleiving.

You would be mistaken since christian nations share the same backwards position to nudity as Thailand.

So there are no topless beaches in Spain, France or Italy? :D

If you don't like the pixellated pics go down the local gogo bar and see the reals thing. :o

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I personally love those Thai "911" full-colour accident picture magazines. :o

In between the horror of mangled intestines and gore, they feature bikini-clad centrefolds in racy poses. Usually with all their limbs intact. Just so you lose your hardon perhaps?

191 kmart.

And absolutely gruesome. Some builders left a magazine behind at our house once, put me off dinner.

Whoops! Corrected, thanks sbk. Tis indeed 191. :D The title isn't what grabs your attention in this lovely publication though.

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They probaly think you all see enough cleavage and nud_e girls that they trying to reduce it abit.

In Thailand why would you need to see a magazine with nud_e pics? The real thing is everywhere (if you got cash and not married)

not many people after seeing accident pics go out and commit rape ,looking at pics of tits can.............

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I find it somewhat amazing that badly mutilated bodies, general gorey horrific scenes are quite acceptable for the press to print but a slight hint of a woman's cleavage is totally taboo and is "fuzzed" out on the TV.

What does this tell us about Thai ideology? :o


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I view these pictures as a good reminder of the fragility of our life.

This is how it works for me anyway.

I find it more distasteful the way death is hidden away in many other countries and treated like something shameful.

I also realise that these pictures can be very upsetting for family and friends of the victims.

So they need to be dealt with carefully.

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I view these pictures as a good reminder of the fragility of our life.

This is how it works for me anyway.

I find it more distasteful the way death is hidden away in many other countries and treated like something shameful.

I also realise that these pictures can be very upsetting for family and friends of the victims.

So they need to be dealt with carefully.

I fully agree.

And for the being upsetting to family thing, if the culture is like that and it has been the norm, they will be able to deal with it.

I dislike anything being hidden in a society. ANYTHING.

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not many people after seeing accident pics go out and commit rape ,looking at pics of tits can.............

Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?

Porn Up, Rape Down


Northwestern University - School of Law June 23, 2006

Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 913013


The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years while access to pornography has become freely available to teenagers and adults. The Nixon and Reagan Commissions tried to show that exposure to pornographic materials produced social violence. The reverse may be true: that pornography has reduced social violence.

Edited by qualtrough
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not many people after seeing accident pics go out and commit rape ,looking at pics of tits can.............

Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?

Porn Up, Rape Down


Northwestern University - School of Law June 23, 2006

Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 913013


The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years while access to pornography has become freely available to teenagers and adults. The Nixon and Reagan Commissions tried to show that exposure to pornographic materials produced social violence. The reverse may be true: that pornography has reduced social violence.

"The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years" By definition that statement is completely inaccurate, if however you wanted to change that to "reported" rape thats a different story. For a whole slew of social, legal and cultural reasons rape is recognised as a vastly under reported crime. Its a very topical issue here in the UK, this from The Times:

"David Cameron today called for a complete overhaul of rape laws to ensure a larger number of people are convicted of the crime.

In a speech today, the Conservative leader pointed out that the the number of convictions in England and Wales was one of the lowest in western Europe, with just one in 20 reported cases ending with a man being found guilty.

He also highlighted the fact that at least 75 per cent of all rapes are never reported to the police, which the Tory leader claimed is partly due to a lack of support for female victims during the legal process. "

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That they are more and more like the US-Americans? :o

Now , now, lets not do any finger pointing in here, I'm an American, and resemble that remark. You don't want to get us mad, we might have to come to your country and set you all free, liberate, and turn everyone's governments, into peaceful democratic societies, like we are doing in Iraq.(LOL) :D

Edited by Pundi64
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not many people after seeing accident pics go out and commit rape ,looking at pics of tits can.............

Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?

Porn Up, Rape Down


Northwestern University - School of Law June 23, 2006

Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 913013


The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years while access to pornography has become freely available to teenagers and adults. The Nixon and Reagan Commissions tried to show that exposure to pornographic materials produced social violence. The reverse may be true: that pornography has reduced social violence.

"The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years" By definition that statement is completely inaccurate, if however you wanted to change that to "reported" rape thats a different story. For a whole slew of social, legal and cultural reasons rape is recognised as a vastly under reported crime. Its a very topical issue here in the UK, this from The Times:

"David Cameron today called for a complete overhaul of rape laws to ensure a larger number of people are convicted of the crime.

In a speech today, the Conservative leader pointed out that the the number of convictions in England and Wales was one of the lowest in western Europe, with just one in 20 reported cases ending with a man being found guilty.

He also highlighted the fact that at least 75 per cent of all rapes are never reported to the police, which the Tory leader claimed is partly due to a lack of support for female victims during the legal process. "

Although we are rapidly getting off topic, I must point out that there is nothing in that statement that is 'completely inaccurate by definition.' In the US, and elsewhere, rape has long been recognized as an underreported crime for all the obvious and some not so obvious reasons. While people can quibble about the exact rate and number of the decline, for your argument to be correct the percentage of unreported rapes in the US would have had to have vastly increased during the period in order to account for the decline. Put another way, the number of unreported rapes would have had to have increased by 85% to nullify the decrease in rapes reported by the study during the period. That scenario is highly unlikely, especially since the last 25 years has seen vastly increased awareness of this issue, and mandatory sensitivity training for emergency staff, police, etc. It may well be that the UK is only just realizing this problem, but that doesn't affect US findings.

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Cultures never make sense--except your own. They are a long series of contradictions, taboos and idiocyncracies. They then get confused with religion, which is no more logical or sensible and you have a real muddle for people to unravel.

The contradictions (and illogic) only stand out in contrast to our own culture. The things that are similar make sense to us.

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I view these pictures as a good reminder of the fragility of our life.

This is how it works for me anyway.

I find it more distasteful the way death is hidden away in many other countries and treated like something shameful.

I also realise that these pictures can be very upsetting for family and friends of the victims.

So they need to be dealt with carefully.

I fully agree.

And for the being upsetting to family thing, if the culture is like that and it has been the norm, they will be able to deal with it.

I dislike anything being hidden in a society. ANYTHING.

Here Here.

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My problem with the showing of gory accident victims splattered all over the road is that it is, in my opinion, disrespectful to the deceased and certainly would be to the family. Think of a mother and father seeing their lovely child that way.

Cleavage on the other hand may or may not be suitable for newspapers, but in general the person showing it is doing so willingly.

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