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Tv Broken?

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Hi george ,

I am happy that this discussion have started. We admins have had a low profile for the last week. It's not easy to be a forum moderator...

If we are too loose then we get shit, if we ban members we get World War III here. How to find a middle way so we all can have a nice time here?

At least Warnings should be given with valid reasons based on objective rules and not on Personal desicions from mods "i like this person or not ".

I also agree with a kinda of redidivist procedure where you are banned longer after several offences.

What i surely would suggest is also that a MOD is accountable for his actions by the community and needs to explain his reasons for banning. The following discussions can be held in the open , not in the way you now quickly try to hush things up , hoping that it will blow over.

I've been jumped on by one of the mods before (the one with a lot of space left on his pages :D ) wich resulted in an immediate banning, distortion of the thruth, and then utter silence from you as well as all the other mods at that time.

This account still reads to date

" your posting permissions have been removed. they will return in 2006-05-15"

At least you could own up to the fact that past experiences with Moderation weren't to pleasant for some people.

lastly i got a "warning level " ???? where all my post had to be reviewed before posted, this in fact is useless as you can't follow a conversation as your Reviewing mod is drinking chan somewhere.

I didn't even know that it existed, let alone was i told i incurred it ??? :o

The current trend of attaching a reason when deleting some lines in a text is quite a step forward from the old days, But sometimes old habits creep back in i guess.

Now we're all human , but maybe you should look upon your members as clients and not as a neccesary problem to run a forum. i understand you can't see everything right away but at least you can structure your banning policy and not just let some mods run wild , when they feel like it , because they are YOUR friend and hey "i need him".

It's not fair to all the thousands of other members. they all contribute and make YOUR business. Nobody will contribute if they know that they could be banned on a whim in two minutes.

Only openess of policy can make this forum and your attaching biz's grow more large, in the end it all boils down to pageviews: no members , no pageviews, no forum,no sponsors, no advertising, no tshirts, no marketing for radio bangkok ect...

I surely feel you do a good job every day, but the personal execesses need to be rooted out (on either side).

now i'm going back to sitting here... doing nothing :D

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On the other side of the coin, how about a 'Reward Points' system for those who post the most constructively, behave themselves the longest and spell with the most accuracy?

As an insentive we could have little stars next to our names and any member who earns five gold stars gets a free Thaivisa T-Shirt! :D

You could also have a 'Member Of The Month' scheme where the winner gets a tour of TVHQ and gets to be mod for a day and have lunch with a mod of their choice. :o

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On the other side of the coin, how about a 'Reward Points' system for those who post the most constructively, behave themselves the longest and spell with the most accuracy?

As an insentive we could have little stars next to our names and any member who earns five gold stars gets a free Thaivisa T-Shirt! :D 

You could also have a 'Member Of The Month' scheme where the winner gets a tour of TVHQ and gets to be mod for a day and have lunch with a mod of their choice. :D

You speak in jest? :o

Teacher's pet status would just make you a target for some.

Count me out of the 'Brown Nose of the Month Award'


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We have you all rated.

So don't play up.........................

LC your rated as "Sexy Member"

davethailand your "thirsty member"


You all will never know... :o  :D  :D

I wonder what mine is reithy boy?

I just checked Bloncs, it says 9 inch member...but that can't be right, right?

The sexy member does not need to answer this one!!! as I believe Mrs Bloncs reads along too.

Thirsty member, down boy :D

What kind of member are the rest of you? Lets compare your thoughts to ours :D

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Yes the good old thai visa has dived in the last month..not just cause of the influx of the ajarn crowd.

not responding to obvious cases of verbal diarrhoea will help the situation.

I don t think more moderation is the answer, just a bit more control when some one is obviously trying to push your buttons.


been back in the bearpit for the first time in a couple of months, but it still seems to be dominated by the usual cabal....yes its smee


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can I be inferior member



1. main member 2. member 3. misremember 4. multimember 5. a night to remember 6. a song to remember 7. abutment piece or membe 8. adopt as a member 9. allied member 10. associate member 11. austin powers in goldmember 12. axle crossmember 13. be unable to remember 14. board member 15. box member 16. built-up member 17. built up member 18. camp fire member

19. charter member 20. church-member 21. church member 22. clan member

23. clearing broker or member 24. clearing member 25. club member

26. comember 27. committee member 28. compression member

29. congressmember 30. copy member 31. corporate member 32. council member 33. councilmember 34. crew member 35. crewmember 36. cross member 37. data member 38. designated reporting member 39. dismember 40. disremember

41. end member 42. faculty member 43. fail to remember 44. fellow-member

45. fellow member 46. flexible member 47. flight member 48. founder member

49. frame member 50. framing member 51. function member 52. general clearing member 53. glue laminated member 54. guardmember 55. gutter member

56. hierarchy member 57. iata member 58. individual clearing member 59. inertial member 60. inferior member 61. largest member 62. lessee member 63. lobby member 64. longitudinal member 65. national guardmember 66. non-clearing member 67. non clearing member 68 non member 69. one-member 70. one member 71. partition framing member 72. private member 73. ranking member

74. ranking minority member 75. reaction member 76. rear axle crossmember

77. redundant member 78. remember 79. residential member 80. rubber-isolated crossmember 81. rubber isolated crossmember 82. side member 83. staff member

84. stressed member 85. structural member 86. structural wood member

87. superior member 88. supplementary member 89. sworn member 90. syndicate member 91. tee member 92. tension member 93. union member 94. unmember

95. virile member 96. web member

or something similar


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can I be  inferior member



1. main member  2. member  3. misremember  4. multimember  5. a night to remember  6. a song to remember  7. abutment piece or membe  8. adopt as a member  9. allied member  10. associate member  11. austin powers in goldmember  12. axle crossmember  13. be unable to remember  14. board member  15. box member  16. built-up member  17. built up member  18. camp fire member 

19. charter member  20. church-member  21. church member  22. clan member 

23. clearing broker or member  24. clearing member  25. club member 

26. comember  27. committee member  28. compression member   

29. congressmember  30. copy member  31. corporate member  32. council member  33. councilmember  34. crew member  35. crewmember  36. cross member  37. data member  38. designated reporting member  39. dismember  40. disremember 

41. end member  42. faculty member  43. fail to remember  44. fellow-member 

45. fellow member  46. flexible member  47. flight member  48. founder member

49. frame member  50. framing member  51. function member  52. general clearing member  53. glue laminated member  54. guardmember  55. gutter member

56. hierarchy member  57. iata member  58. individual clearing member  59. inertial member  60. inferior member  61. largest member  62. lessee member  63. lobby member  64. longitudinal member  65. national guardmember  66. non-clearing member  67. non clearing member  68 non member  69. one-member  70. one member  71. partition framing member  72. private member  73. ranking member

74. ranking minority member  75. reaction member  76. rear axle crossmember

77. redundant member  78. remember  79. residential member  80. rubber-isolated crossmember  81. rubber isolated crossmember  82. side member  83. staff member

84. stressed member  85. structural member 86. structural wood member

87. superior member  88. supplementary member  89. sworn member  90. syndicate member  91. tee member  92. tension member  93. union member  94. unmember

95. virile member  96. web member

or something similar


What about "dysfunctional member"? :o

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As usual a serious thread that finally could make a slight difference in moderation here is taking over by idle banter and the mods are no where to be seen or heard.....


you can rate me cynical member from now. :o

It was the Mods that took it off topic....

....makes you wonder :D

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Can I get X Rate then?

And it was ME who took it off topic. :D

I stand corrected.

I should have said they aided and abetted the deviation from topic. :o

Maybe it should be in the Forum Support section, but FTH started it here and it seems to fit. :D

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Maybe a moderator could start something in Forum Support if they need our feedback, like Elsie says, the point has been made and they're probably working on something. I posted it in here as I thought it was the safest place and those that come here are the people I consider 'the dudes'  :o

Stroll posted onto the end of the "Why Change A Winning Formula?" topic and George replied linking him to this discussion.

So this is it.

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All you need is an anouncment on the forum suport desk, saying that a member has been banned and why.


Member XXXXXX was banned today for abusive postsings by mod XXXXXXXXX

Although I do like the idea of warnings in red it think from toaster and stockys

- Initial warning, explaining the infringement

- Second offense with a 10 day suspension

- Third offense with 30 day suspension

- Fourth offense would result in a permanent banning

But with an anouncment of the baning/suspension.

Also whats the big thing about talking about "moderation issues", if a mod feels the need to ban someone , should'nt he/she accountable for it and comfortable backing up that desicion?

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You could also have a 'Member Of The Month' scheme where the winner gets a tour of TVHQ and gets to be mod for a day and have lunch with a mod of their choice.  :o

Don't know if he'll let you see and use the laptop... :D

The server room is located up north, 100m deep in a cave dug under a mountain but I heard som tam, pad kapow and fresh fruit is sold all along the tunnel.

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