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Three Cheers For The Royal Garden Shopping Centre


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It really is a farce. I was standing near the railing outside the KFC the other day and

I happened to glance down watching the security guys with the mirrors. What they do

is walk around the car like they are actually inspecting underneath but they don't even

look at the mirror most of the time. It's all for show. These private security teams

working at the Royal garden and elsewhere aren't very impressive. I've seen people

get obnoxiously hassled right outside the doors on the beach side and they just look at

each other sheepishly like, what are they supposed to do? It's all for show only. :o

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Plus, if you are a terrorist and wanted to pay a few bucks to get past these very tough guards and this impenatrable force, then one could get in with that famous under the table/dashboard tea money. So, even if they managed to upgrade the security to international standards, the system would simply break down after spending billions to upgrade, due to security guard weakness for the mighty baht.

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