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Quick Safe Way To Test Potential Gf For Stds


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What's the quickest dependable way to check a potential GF for STDs, especially the major ones like HIV, Herpes, etc?

I remember reading that the porn industry in the U.S. does it pretty quickly with actors/actresses before a shoot, using a system made by some organization named AIM. (although there's something like a 3 day "window" or something like that... not sure).

Anyone know anything about that? :o

Edited by junkofdavid2
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What the OP is refering to is HIV DNA/RNA test. They run 7k - 1.7k baht or so, depending on where you get them done. I think there is only one lab in Thailand that does this type of testing. The results take about 2 days on the fast, 2 weeks on the slow. Price according to speed & hosptal sample is taken. The populat consensus is that it is best to be tested after 28 days from last exposure. Now there is some literature that says 2 days is suficient.

DNA/RNA testing is not considered a valid diagnostic test in the US, but it pretty much is in other countries as one.

The common antibody test is the cheapest and fastest, results can be obtained within 20 minutes, cost 350 Baht or so. Acuracy, is suposedly 3 months after exposure. Popular consensus is with modern testing, results are acurate within the 90 percentile range at 6 weeks.

That said.... regardless, of which test, always use protection or just abstain when haveing sex with a new partner etc.

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I hink taht test is called PCRDNA there is a place in LA that tests porno stars. You can take it at 30 days not 90.

As for herpes, I THINK there are tests here. As for the rest, thats all pretty cheap/standard although I think chlamydia tested properly takes 30 days in a culture dish??

Clap is very serious now - super G all over Asia.

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Just walk into a hospital and ask for a blood test (antibody's, to test for most things), you can specify what you want tested for. Each test costs x amount of baht (HIV and Hep B being the most expensive) All in all shouldn't be more than a few thousand. You can normally collect the results same day or the next day depending on hospital. Think when we went a few years back (Saint Louis Hospital, Silom) it cost 2500bt. Although to test for everything I think females need a smear and men a swab! :o

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Clap is very serious now - super G all over Asia.

Do you mind to elaborate a bit on this secret coding?

I think what he means is that a drug resistant strain of gonnorhea is prevalent continent wide. Apparently it used to be easily cured by a course of antibiotics but some strains now require a couple of shots in the backside to cure it.

Edited by stickman
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I'll ask what hasn't been asked yet, if you'll pardon the question. Is the opening poster also going to get himself checked, and show the results to the girl?

That is a fair point & The partner should be entitled to the same info on their potential partner. I had no Qualms on getting mine done & letting her see the results.


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Good counter thrust sleepy! :D

There's pretty much super resistant everything flying about in SE Asia!

The gonk doctor told me that back in the 1970s the yank soldiers were 'doing there thing' (as soldiers like to do) with the loose ladies of Vietnam and Thailand. Trouble was the antibiotics for clymidia and gonawhatsit back then were (and are still) getting handed out like candy and people weren't being checked for it being cured from them. The residual STDs lurking about become more and more toughened to antibiotics as they got passed around.

Hence we've got the ninja STDs of the planet stalking the land... :o

One notable strain is the 'China Rose' strain of Clymidia which is apparently what Thailand has buzzing about the place.:D

Edited by JimsKnight
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I'm mildy amazed by the fact that this is a 'potential' girlfriend. Do your girlfriends audtion for the part? :o

Everyone I have ever spent more than a short time with get the full interview. A lot of fish in the sea. Would hate to be stuck with a bad tasting fish or one you can't reel in!Or with disease, some things are not meant to be shared.

Cheers Beardog

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Gonorhea has reached super bug status, and it is widlley believed by the medical community, that it began in SE Asia. The cure for gonorhea is a shot of Rocephin. (sp)

A lot of the information on this thread has pretty inacurate. If someone really wants good info. go to .thebody or .medhelp or the CDC web site.

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What's the quickest dependable way to check a potential GF for STDs, especially the major ones like HIV, Herpes, etc?

I remember reading that the porn industry in the U.S. does it pretty quickly with actors/actresses before a shoot, using a system made by some organization named AIM. (although there's something like a 3 day "window" or something like that... not sure).

Anyone know anything about that? :o

I'm not sure if it's available in Asia yet, but you can look into "Rapid HIV Testing". They prick your finger and you get the results in 5-10 minutes. Good luck!

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The rapid test is widely available but it tests for antibodies, not the virus itself, and it takes 3-6 months after infection to form antibodies. To detect infection in earlier stages requires an expensive PCR test for viral RNA. Expensive and takes least a few days, usually longer. The question is, in a situation like this, is it worth it? A regular HIV test will tell you if she has been infected long enough to form antibodies, and even a negative PCR won't mean she won't get infected tomorrow. I'd suggest just regular rapid test for HIV, which can be done at any hospital or for that matter government health center. For gonorrhea and chlamydia, it needs a pelvic exam and culture, any gynecologist can do this. Detecting herpes in between outbreaks (ie. when it is dormant and there are no visible lesions) is more complicated, would require testing for antibodies & probably costly. Unlike gonorrhea or chlamydia, which a woman can easily have without being aware of it, herpes in women is usually quite symptomatic; could just ask her if she has had any genital lesions at any time. (If you don't trust her answers, you can't trust her not to get infected after she's been screened either, so maybe you should rethink your choice of gf).

Now whether she will consent to all this screening, and how she'll feel about your asking for it, is another matter altogether....

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