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Songklaburi/kachanaburi Mosquito Dengue/malaria Question

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If anyone can tell me, I would like to know if Mosquitos are often a problem in the areas bordering Burma in Kachanaburi in terms of dengue fever or malaria . If so what precautions are needed? While I would like to know for the whole calendar year, at this point March and early April are the dates of greatest to me. thanks


Kan Travel guide

Kanchanaburi, Thailand

I am going to live in Kanchanaburi in Thailand for two months and I am getting mixed messages about whether or not I need to be on anti malaria drugs. I was wondering what you suggestion to me is, and If a person does contract malaria while in Thailand are they very good at treating it etc.

We do not recommend malaria prophylaxis. The risk of malaria in thailand is very low, so the risk of side effects from the drugs is much higher. the thais are good at diagnosing and treating malaria, so i would rely on an impregnated bed net and repellents.


You pays your money and takes your pick.

Googled these, no real personal experience.

I would seek medical advice or PM Kanwin, he is a local of the area, very knowledgeable and helpful, he might help.

Good Luck


The Bold section is the Doctors? response to the question.

If anyone can tell me, I would like to know if Mosquitos are often a problem in the areas bordering Burma in Kachanaburi in terms of dengue fever or malaria . If so what precautions are needed? While I would like to know for the whole calendar year, at this point March and early April are the dates of greatest to me. thanks

I live in Nakhon Sawan province which is not too far from where you are going to be. Occassionally there's a scare here about dengue fever but as the previous post said there's more hassle caused by the meds. unless its really necessary for you to take them don't do it.. I previously lived in East Timor, which is one of the malaria/dengue capitals of the world. I had many friends who took antimalarials and still got it. There is nothing you can take to prevent dengue. I was lucky and never got anything. But I did do some simple things like take Vitamin B12 everyday, used a high DEET content repellant - called RID tropical strength. Its Australian, but the best one here is Boots own brand repellant lotion, in a grey bottle - its about 50% DEET. Other than that avoid going outside in the early evening, especially after rain, and dont stand too long under trees. Dengue is really bad news if you get it, so wear long sleeve shirts if you are worried. I also use tea tree products a lot as they repel mosquitoes. Try and use unscented deodorants, soap and shampoo, and eat less red meat. Some of this has no solid research to support the claims, but these measures do work.

One further thing to worry you, dengue mosquitoes are striped black and white so watch out. With so much moisture, humidity, and so many trees in Thailand, there's probably no safe time of the year, but of course the wet season is worst. Good luck, Tim


having had malaria vivax 4 times now, i can honestly tell you that the side effects from the meds are far less hassle than the disease itself.

if the meds are taken as directed, you should be fine.


I must point out that the opinions of health authorities with local experience, since the days when chloroquine became ineffective, has been to avoid taking medications unless in a known area without DEET or protective netting and you know what is effective in that area. There is more than adverse reactions (which can be severe) but also not getting proper treatment if you do get infected.

If I had experience myself I probably would have other ideas - but the above is (or at least was) the word of those involved. But if there has been a recent change in opinion I could be showing my expiration date again.

If anyone can tell me, I would like to know if Mosquitos are often a problem in the areas bordering Burma in Kachanaburi in terms of dengue fever or malaria . If so what precautions are needed? While I would like to know for the whole calendar year, at this point March and early April are the dates of greatest to me. thanks

The long term side effects of malaria prophylatic drugs can be significant so most authorities do not recommend taking prophylactic drugs when resident in an endemic area. The usual precautions with regards to mosquito contact is recommended as by another poster on this thread.


The above link is useful support.

The aedes mosquito that transmits Dengue fever actually breeds in small quantities of water. Old car tyres, small outside pots etc. It is important to make sure all these sources are cleared or removed to eliminate breeding habitats.

Important in Thailand, especially in the border areas is Japanese Encephalitis. The occurrence is sporadic but, as it is such a fatal disease (results in severe brain damage in almost all cases), vaccination is recommended. The vaccine is available in Thailand and safe. It may cause some fever after initial innoculation but that is manageable. This is especially recommended for kids.

The attached documents are brief summaries of both.




long term use of anti malarials is not really advised by anyone, but if you are just visiting for a period of a few weeks to a month, and if your visit coincides with the rainy season, then i would consider taking them.

opinions vary from doctor to doctor but you should just use your own judgement and follow what YOUR doctor says.


I live just 25k's north of Kanchanaburi city and have had dengue for the last 9 days so dont just worry abot the border areas.

Apparantly there has been a real increase in dengue cases recently, not sure of the reasons.

The doctor at the local hospital told me that cases can occur at anytime of year.

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