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Unfair Dismissal

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I have just been terminated from my position with no good reason except the petty whims of the boss.

I have worked for 2 full years with no warnings and yesterday was told that because I'm not director material I have to leave. This was said to me even though it was mentioned to me roughly 3 times that in the new year, there was a probability that I'd be a director. So, from being told a directorship was on the cards, I'm nw out of a job

I am being "told" that the deal is this:

2 months working ( takes me until the end of January )

3 months severence after that period with payment to me being made monthly thereafter until end of April.

This sounds OK as I have my work permit and visa for a further 2 months and then salary for a further three but this is totally unfair dismissal and I'm furious that I was enticed into the company with promises of greater resonsibility and payment as the company grew. I left a very stable position to join this company that clearly lies and cheats its employees ( It's had roughly a 200% staff turnover in the time I've been there ).

The company grew and my work load tripled but I received no extra money except the standard 5 % annual increase that everyone got.

I have greatly improved the company's system and they have got what they want ( and more ) except the fact that even though I'm in IT, I'm not driving the company forward and generating money. That wasn't my job but it's the reason being given for my dismissal.

So, do I take the "deal" or do I push for damages and see what I can get as I'm 41 and recently married ?

I was on 105K per month with an annual bonus of one month.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Tango7
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I find this link useful: http://www.thailabour.org/law/thai/code.html

It sounds fair, except the monthly payment of the severance pay. It should be done in one go.

Unless you have some special clauses for severance pay in your contract, you can't really expect more than this.

Good luck!

Thanks for the link. I know it sounds OK, it's tough accepting the reasons and the justification for it.

This isn't a case of " you've screwed up the network and we've lost millions" which I could accept, this is just no good reason and I'm out on my ear even though I've been doing my job properly.

Severence if I'm kicked out for good reason, but damages + severence if for no good reason ?

anyway, thanks again.. I'll read your suggested pages.

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3 months after working 2 years sounds fair enough... the fact that you only received the standard 5% increase a year should have had the alarm bells ringing already..

It's a very odd company... it basically borrows money from rich employees and promotes them.

It is not run in a normal way and so it's never easy to read what is going on. In a way, I'm quite relieved to be out of there, but the way it's been done is what miffs me.

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