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Australian Election Vote At Embassy? Sat 24th Nov

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can but aren't required to. It is your choice. Perhaps contact embassy website for further info. I checked last election as I was in bkk at the time, was told it was not compulsory if outside of Australia.


true you don't have to if you aren't in the country, but realise that if you don't, you'll may be taken off the electoral role for future elections you may want to vote in, which is a pain.

Having said that, the consular section is accepting pre-poll votes every day Mon-Fri between 8am and 4pm, and they'll be open Sat morning 9am to noon on election day.

I'll be going down Sat morning to vote, like I would at home (feels 'right' to vote on a Saturday, first thing in the morning), then going to run around and do chores.

At 2pm I'll be sitting down in front of ABC Asia Pacific and watching John Howards last day as Prime Minister unfold. Can't wait.

can but aren't required to. It is your choice. Perhaps contact embassy website for further info. I checked last election as I was in bkk at the time, was told it was not compulsory if outside of Australia.

I looked into this a while back, and discovered that once you've lived outside of Australia for a certain length of time, you can no longer register to vote. Which I wouldn't mind, if they gave my taxes back, but since they won't, I do.

can but aren't required to. It is your choice. Perhaps contact embassy website for further info. I checked last election as I was in bkk at the time, was told it was not compulsory if outside of Australia.

I looked into this a while back, and discovered that once you've lived outside of Australia for a certain length of time, you can no longer register to vote. Which I wouldn't mind, if they gave my taxes back, but since they won't, I do.

which is why I make sure I always vote to stay on the roll. I also don't register myself as an overseas voter (I stayed registered 'locally' at my parents address), a fudge I know, but to be honest, the rules are skewed against overseas voters and ultimately are designed to disenfranchise us. Given that there are an estimate 1million Aussies living abroad, this is a pretty big deal.

A fantastic advocacy group for all things 'Expat Australiana' is the Souther Cross Group


They've been at the forefront lobbying for the rights of expat Australians, on issues including dual nationality, inequitable loss of citizenship, social security arrangements, and of course, voting rights.


Yes, lets get rid of the guy who has brought in a continuous economic bonanza and record low unemploymnet.....replace him with someone who can do better...someone...anyone....

Yes, lets get rid of the guy who has brought in a continuous economic bonanza and record low unemploymnet.....replace him with someone who can do better...someone...anyone....

perhaps someone who doesnt play the xenophobic card and deliberately make up lies about asylum seekers and keeps his mouth shut concerning bowling actions of national heroes of developing countries.

But im not Australian, so what do I care!


Most of us cannot even spell zenophobic so who cares....and he has never lied about asylums ....and as for the cricketer, crikey don't be so bloody sensitive...panzie

Yes, lets get rid of the guy who has brought in a continuous economic bonanza and record low unemploymnet.....replace him with someone who can do better...someone...anyone....

I'm an economist and last I heard Mr Howard didn't control interest rates (thats the RBA's job), nor had he had much of a say on our terms of trade and natural resource prices. As my friends at Treasury say, they throw the surplus money back to the punters (in the form of tax cuts) and it comes straight back in terms of GST receipts. Mr Howard has been lucky economically, and nothing to do with his skill.

Ross Gittins the economic editor of the Sydney Morning Herald wrote an article recently, basically saying the politicians like to pretend that the control the economy, but the truth of the matter is, they don't much anymore.


Not that any economists who are students of 1980's policy will like to remind people that the bulk of the micro-economic reform (floating of the dollar, de-regulation, lowering tariff barriers, enterprise bargaining) was done under the watch of devil incarnate himself, Paul Keating. Without any of these structual adjustments (which Mr Howard shied away from as Treasurer), the Australian economy wouldn't be enjoying this "continuous economic bonanza and record low unemploymnet".

(But I guess we will have to digress on that point, but in case you were wondering: if the dollar wasn't floated, and we'd had the economic boom we are having now, the rising dollar wouldn't be there to buffer for higher prices offered for our goods - making them more expensive for foreigners - and they'd be flooding the country with more money than you would under a floating exchange rate regieme. As a result, inflationary pressures would be higher, and thus interest rates would be higher than they are now).

Anyway, the reason I'm voting against Howard, is that he has made Australia a 'mean' country, and he's sent us off to a war that I want no part in, and he treats refugees as a political football. I'll never forgive him for not staring down Pauline Hanson - and the fact my mum was racially abused for the first time in 1997 at her height of popularity ("flooded by Asians" remember that?) even though she's lived there since the 1970's. He's undermined Medicare, and he's under invested in our education system. He doesn't beleive in global warming, and frankly, I agree with the American system that no leader should ever run for more than 2 terms - or 8 years. Something that Bob Carr, Steve Bracks and Peter Beattie understood very well.

I have to say though, if Costello was running, I'd be tempted to vote for him. But, he's didn't have the guts to stand up to howard and roll him in Caucus, so he will go down in history as Australia's longest serviing Liberal Treasurer, who will never achive his dream of becoming PM.

(Rant over, getting off soap box now).

Yes, lets get rid of the guy who has brought in a continuous economic bonanza and record low unemploymnet

Do you mean HU Jintao?

good one!

At least Rudd will be able to converse with him.

Anyway, the reason I'm voting against Howard, is that he has made Australia a 'mean' country, and he's sent us off to a war that I want no part in, and he treats refugees as a political football. I'll never forgive him for not staring down Pauline Hanson - and the fact my mum was racially abused for the first time in 1997 at her height of popularity ("flooded by Asians" remember that?) even though she's lived there since the 1970's. He's undermined Medicare, and he's under invested in our education system. He doesn't beleive in global warming, and frankly, I agree with the American system that no leader should ever run for more than 2 terms - or 8 years. Something that Bob Carr, Steve Bracks and Peter Beattie understood very well.

Spot on Samran, 100% agree. During the year of 1997 there was a lot of racism around in Australia, Pauline Hanson stirred it up. Howard did nothing and the punters thought it was a free for all. The wife and I came back from Thailand and heard her ranting on about Asians not assimilating and the yellow peril, all good old fashioned racist crap. At the time I even wrote to the papers, we felt let down by our leaders not because of what she was saying it was that it was all WRONG and inconsistent with every official Government statistic that was openly available. To stand by as a government and allow to someone to spout untruths about a great number of people in our society gives the green light to other loonies to come out. Once out there is no stopping them and some do turn to violence.

In the Cronulla riots 2 years ago, it was predominantly a white anglo riot against Lebanese people. The racist thugs came out of the woodwork. We had racist people come from Perth to fuel the pissed up locals and egg them on. They were members of the Australia First Party who by the way have had slogans like "keep Australia white". The Police this time took the correct action, they locked down the whole suburb and arrested any shit stirrers. In the end the Police won the day and Cronulla is again a peaceful suburb.

During racial tensions whether you sympathise with the stirrers or not innocent people get caught up. There was a Thai lady who was running a restaurant in that suburb. She was locking up her shop to give the day away. As she was leaving she saw the mob running towards her, she jumped in her car to leave and they started attacking her, "I mean to the racist thugs it's ok she's got dark skin too" who cares she's not one of us. So to anyone who condones any sort of racist behavior how would you like it if your Thai Partner was a victim of a bashing just because of the colour her skin?

So yes, go and vote, do the right thing and get rid of Howard. That idiot a year ago didn't even believe there was such a thing as global warming, unbelievable. :o

My first and last rant is over too. :D


Political parties do not control interest rates these are set by the Reserve Bank.

Australians should not complain about high interest rates consumers have borrowed too much money.I hope interest rates rise after the election, those who have overborrowed will be punished ie the greedy.

Irresponsible lending I was offered yesterday a 50% increase in my credit card which I did not ask for.

I would not trust any policical party. Australia needs a Singapore style government.


My bet is the Liberal party will get back in but on the other hand Kevin Rudd (aka Elmer Fudd) might get in with a small margin, I do not like the female he has for Industrial Relations--- It looks like a member of the feminazi could be problems there.

If you are living ouside Australia why vote? They are not going to look after your interests.


A war you don't want any part in, nobody wants any part in any war really....I bet if Oz ever got invaded by Indonesia you would be one of the first to be screaming for help from the yanks.....'please Mr president can you come and park your boat in our harbour'...not that i agree with the war, but I do in support of another country as we may need their help in the future one day.

And Pauline Hanson actually had good thoughts, she just could not express them properly.

If opposition gets in and ruins the good run of last several years, you will be in the group cowering in the corner hiding from the 'told ya so's'............

You're also voting against him cos your mum was racially abused ?? Excellent reason to change a government lol.


I didn't mean to start a political debate/argument.


Anyone think Abbot and Costelo (sp) would be anything other than a joke?

Who's on the PM? :o


<<I do not like the female he has for Industrial Relations--- It looks like a member of the feminazi could be problems there.>>

Gee - if you want someone able to stand up to unions I'd want a femnazi in the job. (Not saying she is one)

<<If you are living ouside Australia why vote? They are not going to look after your interests.>>

But you may want to return, or in my case, I'd like to be able to get the child bounty or whatever it is for having kids, I can't get that if overseas :o

<<You're also voting against him cos your mum was racially abused ?? Excellent reason to change a government lol.>>

Excelent idea, another reason never to vote Liberal for not stopping hatred.

A war you don't want any part in, nobody wants any part in any war really....I bet if Oz ever got invaded by Indonesia you would be one of the first to be screaming for help from the yanks.....'please Mr president can you come and park your boat in our harbour'...not that i agree with the war, but I do in support of another country as we may need their help in the future one day.

And Pauline Hanson actually had good thoughts, she just could not express them properly.

If opposition gets in and ruins the good run of last several years, you will be in the group cowering in the corner hiding from the 'told ya so's'............

You're also voting against him cos your mum was racially abused ?? Excellent reason to change a government lol.

Indonesia inviading Australia - ha good one. That is la la land fantasy stuff. The Australian army is vastly superior to that of the Indonesian army, and will continue to be so for quite a while. Anyway, I support the US Alliance, the security arrangement we have, and the ANZUS treaty. I also support the free trade agreement we have with them. I just don't think Iraq was a war was justified.

Pauline Hansons ideas are economic neanderthalism. 1% flat tax anyone? Most inquitable form of tax you can have.

As for the opposition 'ruining' the economy. Go read the Ross Gittins article.

And you betchya I'm voting against him cause my mum was racially abused. Governments set the tone for what is morally acceptable in the country. Howard made it OK for the racist ratbags to beat up on defensless people. LOL my buttocks.


During the Pauline Hanson phase I was working in Singapore, for months every taxi I got in the XCab driver would ask where I am from when I mentioned Australia every darn time Pauline would be brought up by the driver along with comments about Australia being racist.

I was totally confused as that was not the Australia that I left behind.

My point is that the Hanson period really made Australia a laughing stock around the Asia region.

She did have some ideas regarding Aboriginals that might have been worth looking into, it is a shame she could not control her mouth and that Howard didn't use the opportunity to do something about the Australian international image.

I won't be worrying about voting.


Anyone who votes out what you have got when it is going great and votes in an unknown is just a pure imbicile.

Wonder who ya mums voting for lol.

Me's thinks you will be laughing out loud out of your butt cheeks, only wait a year or 2 when your voted in &lt;deleted&gt; messes up a good thing.

Each to their own....some people cannot see what they have....specially when mum gets an ear bashing.

Mark my words....Howard will get back in, nobody could be that stooopid to kick out the golden goose...even if he is a goose.....kick out the goose and get a gander


As was said above Pauline Hanson had some ideas that were not expressed very well. If they were implemented the Australian immigration policy would start to look just like some of our Asian neighbours. This has not been discussed to any great extent, so as not to upset said neighbours. The reason her ideas were called racist was that they were so far removed from the current norms of Australia.

I am another looking forward to a different person occupying the Lodge.

Anyone who votes out what you have got when it is going great and votes in an unknown is just a pure imbicile.

That is a very easy thing to say, what you have forgotten is that for so long now the same guy has been in office that nobody can say with any degree of fact whether he has actually done the best that could be done.

Look at the West Coast Eagles for example (not in the last 5 years). When they first started out they and Micky Malty ran them they only won one or two premierships, they could have done a lot with the talent pool they had. Yet Micky became a hero and gained a rep as a great coach, yet to be honest I am sure he only gained such a rep because of what he already had to start with. Same for Howard, he had a winning team (country) to begin with, he would have had to be a total idiot to have been able to stuff it up.

Time for a change...


Number-cruncher tips Labor landslide

Former Labor number-cruncher Graham Richardson has picked the result of every federal election for the past 30 years - and has picked Kevin Rudd to win on Saturday with a record swing.

And the former ALP senator and factional heavyweight-turned political commentator also predicts Prime Minister John Howard will lose the Sydney north shore seat of Bennelong, which he has held since 1974.

This has been reported in the press.


Number-cruncher tips Labor landslide

Former Labor number-cruncher Graham Richardson has picked the result of every federal election for the past 30 years - and has picked Kevin Rudd to win on Saturday with a record swing.

And the former ALP senator and factional heavyweight-turned political commentator also predicts Prime Minister John Howard will lose the Sydney north shore seat of Bennelong, which he has held since 1974.

This has been reported in the press.


And probably true.

I am not quite old enough to remember the political situation before Howard, I remember Hawke and the Americas Cup, I remember Keating and the pig farm but before Hawke I was too young to know what politics is. I am 32 by the way.

How many other people are in the same boat as me? Any idea what the demographics are? what is the % of people that actually remember a government other than the Howard govt.? I think perhaps on that note alone there will be a lot of people my age and younger who will vote for Rudd just to see what happens. That is what I would if I was going to vote.


I was just having a chat with a friend of mine explaining that it is the Aussie elections on Saturday.

I asked her who she will vote for in the Thai elections and her answer was "whoever looks best".

I think that is probably very very common here.

Anyone who votes out what you have got when it is going great and votes in an unknown is just a pure imbicile.

Wonder who ya mums voting for lol.

Me's thinks you will be laughing out loud out of your butt cheeks, only wait a year or 2 when your voted in &lt;deleted&gt; messes up a good thing.

Each to their own....some people cannot see what they have....specially when mum gets an ear bashing.

Mark my words....Howard will get back in, nobody could be that stooopid to kick out the golden goose...even if he is a goose.....kick out the goose and get a gander


thanks for the kind words about my intelligence, my mother, and my glutious maximus. You are a really nice bloke aren't you Mr Sgiggle?

As I said, I'm a student of Australian polictics. Just finished for the third time "The End of Certainty" by Paul Kelly, and I've got 'The Partnership" by Greg Sheridon sitting on my bookshelf (about the US Australian relationship, written by a very pro-Howard journo). I think I've made an educated choice, and if you look at Kevin Rudd, when he was chief of staff of the the Premiers Office in QLD after the nationals got kicked out after 32 years, you'll see his is a smart, policy oritentated guy, who knows how government works.

So cheers again for your comments about my intelligence, and I'll reserve mine till Sunday, shall I?

All love and kisses.



After reading this thread one can only come to the conclusion that you are living in a fantastic fantasy world samran :D

We may have a vastly superior army, but vast in general it aint!

Indonesia has just ordered the latest Sukhois as well as a couple of MI-35 multi role helicopters.

I suppose you were happy living back in the days of 32% sales tax on your TV and video, 22% on your computer stuff etc, and 17% for your mortgage.

Howard took over at 10% and brought it down to 6% or so, now its at 8.5, well deary me we had a few rate rises, as an economist you should be able to tell us how inflation works and why its been climbing so rapidly. interest free everything for 3 years ring a bell?? :o

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