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What is it with these teachers that have come to Thai visa. Are they all so frustrated that they have to give English lessons on every thread or is it they have no reading comprehension. A topic starts out about something and then hyphens or some other silly missed comma or period gets introduced into to the thread and the teachers start bu11sh!tting about this. I don't speak or write "perfect" English and I doubt even the teachers on here could be right 100% of the time (or even close to that). :D

If you can't follow the subject matter, then you can't teach diddly. :o


Each to their own opinion.

The teachers I have met seem to be wasting their time and their students time, doubt if they have a work permit eigther.

Live and let live.


I think that the "grammar nazi" phenomenon is not limited to those who're teachers- I've found it crops up largely among those who no longer have a leg left to stand on in their logic or in their evidence, especially among the type that just can't admit they might not be 100% correct- in other words, very insecure people.

I almost never use this ploy unless it proves its own point- when addressing people who are habitual grammar/spelling nazis and need a dose of their own medicine, or people bragging about their academic (especially English teaching) credentials using barely high school level writing.

Not something to use on a routine basis by anyone with any social skills, of course- and it's always annoying.


What is it with these teachers that have come to Thai visa. Are they all so frustrated that they have to give English lessons on every thread or is it they have no reading comprehension. A topic starts out about something and then hyphens or some other silly missed comma or period gets introduced into to the thread and the teachers start bu11sh!tting about this. I don't speak or write "perfect" English and I doubt even the teachers on here could be right 100% of the time (or even close to that). :D

If you can't follow the subject matter, then you can't teach diddly.  :o

Hey, aren't you suppossed to be jolly, Mr. Kringle? I sure wouldn't want to get on your 'Naughty!' list :D:D


Hello Ajarn, this wasn't directed at you or Ijustwannateach and I'm sure a few other teachers on this forum. I'm not ticked (too much) about it, it just seems ill placed to correct people's grammer,spelling or whatever when it's not what the thread is about. If this was the case, then these "other teachers" would have to quit their jobs because they would be too busy correcting people here. :o


I am reminded of the educated black ghetto guy who was circulating at a snooty coctail party and approached a quite proper matron with the greeting "And where are you from?. The matron hautingly replied, "Where I come from, we do not end our sentences in prepositions".

"Very well" replied the black, "Where are you from, mother######er"?

Hello Ajarn, this wasn't directed at you or Ijustwannateach and I'm sure a few other teachers on this forum. I'm not ticked (too much) about it, it just seems ill placed to correct people's grammer,spelling or whatever when it's not what the thread is about. If this was the case, then these "other teachers" would have to quit their jobs because they would be too busy correcting people here. :o

I agree, Kringle. It's a cheap shot. In my experience, used by someone when they don't have the intellectual capacity, honesty, or manners to openly discuss/debate the topic at hand, or their own issues of anger/resentment/jealousy.

But, again, in my own experience, these haven't been teachers doing the correcting, just a couple of lame-brains (to quote the Three Stooges) trying to take a crap on someone, for whatever the real reason...I'm a cut-the-crap kinda guy, and I don't suffer these types easily.

I do find it interesting that teachers here seem to get a lot of shit, often undeserved, in my view. It is an honourable profession or vocation- and one of the toughest jobs around. I feel bummed when comments are made attacking all teachers here across the board. It's just not fair, in my book. If someone has an issue with someone, I'd like to see their issues focused where it should be- on that person or issue directly- rather than spread wide to ecompass all teachers, simply because of their profession, or because they use this forum....

I am reminded of the educated black ghetto guy who was circulating at a snooty coctail party and approached a quite proper matron with the greeting "And where are you from?. The matron hautingly replied, "Where I come from, we do not end our sentences in prepositions".

"Very well" replied the black, "Where are you from, mother######er"?

This should be carved in stone. :o:D:D

What is it with these teachers that have come to Thai visa. Are they all so frustrated that they have to give English lessons on every thread or is it they have no reading comprehension. A topic starts out about something and then hyphens or some other silly missed comma or period gets introduced into to the thread and the teachers start bu11sh!tting about this. I don't speak or write "perfect" English and I doubt even the teachers on here could be right 100% of the time (or even close to that). :D

If you can't follow the subject matter, then you can't teach diddly. :o

i think most of them just have no manners kringle, probably the soapdodger back-packer type :D

If you can't follow the subject matter, then you can't teach diddly.  :o

Never start a sentence with "If". :D

If this is actually the case... whoops, I mean if I can't use if at the beginning... whoops again!

What to heck if iffy with if just use if anyif I mean anyway if you are comfortable with if :D (puzzled)

i thought it was never start a sentance with 'and'

^ I was taught at school don't start a sentence with and, but or because....but things seemed to have changed nowadays (especially 'cos of websites and e-mails). But I still like to mess around. And break the grammatical rules. Because it's fun!


The only thing that bothers me is when the spelling and/or grammar are so poor the post is incomprehensible. Otherwise, let it slide, who cares if the punctuation isn't correct! Oops, I mean '?' :o


I'm dyslexic, so once I've writen something down I have no clue if it right or not, well sometimes I know its not but have'nt a clue why!!

A result of this is I took very little interest in english in school, concentrating on maths and sciences.

Consequantly I have my punctuatiuon is also poor and I have no clue about gramma.

Feel free to correct/edit any mistakes I make I probably would'nt notice.

Ps spellcheckers are a brill invention, but I'm so far out sometimes that they dont even pick things up :o

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