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Depressed Golden Retriever

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Your dog has just read your thread that you are going to Australia next year and it's not going - "Pi55ed-Orf" I'd say............. :o

No seriously, if it's eating OK and has all the usual signs of good health I wouldn't worry too much, perhaps just a change in the weather, if it continues a visit to the vet will set your mind at rest.

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My 'golden' has not been eating much food recently(3 days) and seems to be depressed. Can dogs get depression? He looks weak. Any ideas? The cold? Should I take him to the vet tomorrow?



Yes, dogs can get depress from

1)Physical health problem such as sick.

2)Psychological problem such as stress,lonely and boredom.

Let see him for observation for 3 days. If he still has a sign of depression, bring him to see a vet.

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That happens to our Golden occasionally when there is another dog in heat in the neighborhood. Usually between 2-5 days he will mope around and not want to eat.

Agree with you. The pheromone from an estrous dog disperse about 1.5 miles ( ~ 3km)

Thanks Bambi, my old friend!

You are welcome :o

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Went today with a dog to the vet as she is not eating well and is lethargic. Only her white blood cells are little elevated. No blood parasites found under the microscope. Go back to another vet tomorrow for a snap test AND for a biopsie or total removal (depends on what the vet says tomorrow) of a bump, possible tumor, in one of her niples.

When dogs at the kennel normally eat wel, and then start eating less or not, and look depressed I get alarmed. If this hasn't cleared up in three days I go to the vet.

Does your dog have ticks sometimes? In that case I definitely would check for blood parasites and have a full blood test done, including liver and kidney. Tick disease is very common in Thailand. Tick disease often starts with the dog getting lethargic with a reduced appetite.

Was your dog vaccinated recently? Some dogs (and cats) can react on the vaccine. They can get fever, become lethargic and can have a reduced appetite.

Actually when a dog shows syptoms of depression and reduced appetite, unless the cause is a bitch in heat or a minor stomach upset, I always have a full bloodtest done and the snap test. The dog that reacted very badly to his last booster vaccine also started with depression and reduced appetite. This was caused by his enormous liver problem.

Anyway, as it is already going on for three days, I wouldn't wait too long anymore with the visit to the vet.


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too much pampering with western breeds. I never seen a depressed Thai mutt they either sleeping or patrolling the turf or just hangin out with the boys. Watched one cross Sukhumvit at the lights soi 3 the other day and it looked left then right and did that around 10 times then carefully crossed to the island and then did it again before making it to the other side.

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That happens to our Golden occasionally when there is another dog in heat in the neighborhood. Usually between 2-5 days he will mope around and not want to eat.

Agree with you. The pheromone from an estrous dog disperse about 1.5 miles ( ~ 3km)

Thanks Bambi, my old friend!

You are welcome :D

i can smell one 3 miles off ! poor dog, take him outside and let him off the lead for a while, i always feel better when i get back from straying :o (by the way, my dog wrote that not me ! )


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i can smell one 3 miles off ! poor dog, take him outside and let him off the lead for a while, i always feel better when i get back from straying :o (by the way, my dog wrote that not me ! )

I know that dog!!!!! She's in Holland now, and spayed for years! Sorry, no pheromones from her anymore. :D

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too much pampering with western breeds. I never seen a depressed Thai mutt they either sleeping or patrolling the turf or just hangin out with the boys. Watched one cross Sukhumvit at the lights soi 3 the other day and it looked left then right and did that around 10 times then carefully crossed to the island and then did it again before making it to the other side.

You haven't visited one of the many dog rescue organisations yet, or at least listened to their stories? And you haven't seen the many dead dogs along the roads? All to often those that are streetsmart have learned to be so, usually through not their best experiences in life, looking at the many crippled dogs.


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My Golden is 3 yrs old and has only been not her usual happy self twice. Both times tick fever. Both times showing obvious whiteness of gums as well as no appetite and no energy. My kids said she resembled Eeyore (in Winnie the Pooh) !

Even with all the fireworks at the moment she is not depressed but definitely looking as though she could do with a good nights sleep!

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too much pampering with western breeds. I never seen a depressed Thai mutt they either sleeping or patrolling the turf or just hangin out with the boys. Watched one cross Sukhumvit at the lights soi 3 the other day and it looked left then right and did that around 10 times then carefully crossed to the island and then did it again before making it to the other side.

You haven't visited one of the many dog rescue organisations yet, or at least listened to their stories? And you haven't seen the many dead dogs along the roads? All to often those that are streetsmart have learned to be so, usually through not their best experiences in life, looking at the many crippled dogs.


my reply was a bit tongue in cheek and I thought they were dead untill I touched one and it nearly took my leg off...but off topic there seems to be more crippled humans on the streets than dogs and it hardly gets a mention

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too much pampering with western breeds. I never seen a depressed Thai mutt they either sleeping or patrolling the turf or just hangin out with the boys. Watched one cross Sukhumvit at the lights soi 3 the other day and it looked left then right and did that around 10 times then carefully crossed to the island and then did it again before making it to the other side.

You haven't visited one of the many dog rescue organisations yet, or at least listened to their stories? And you haven't seen the many dead dogs along the roads? All to often those that are streetsmart have learned to be so, usually through not their best experiences in life, looking at the many crippled dogs.


my reply was a bit tongue in cheek and I thought they were dead untill I touched one and it nearly took my leg off...but off topic there seems to be more crippled humans on the streets than dogs and it hardly gets a mention

Are you suggesting I take my dog to see these poor dogs to realise how lucky he is and to get gratitude? :o

My kids said she resembled Eeyore (in Winnie the Pooh) !

Yeah, so does "Whisky".

Can dogs take antidepressants safely?

Seriously, I'll get him checked out for ticks.

thanks for the replies!

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I'm not Bambi. Hope she doesn't mind if I answer for her.

Tick disease is Rog Hib โรค หิบ or โรค หีบ in Thai.

And about dogs getting anti-depressants: yes, they can. But before deciding to give that, first it should be ruled out that a physical problem causes it's depression. Plus that it should be determined whether it is depression (mental) or lethargy (not willing to to do much as the animal doesn't feel well).


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Yesterday, I was playing tennis with my dog and he ran off to fetch the ball but didn't come back! I searched for him and found him eventually. I felt a bit embarrasses shouting "whisky" at the top of my voice in a strange street! They all thought I was drunk or insane. He, and several other male dogs were trying to get into a fence with a little female dog inside. Ridiculous really as she was like a highland terrier and the dogs outside were at least 3 times her size. He just wouldn't leave so I had to carry him. What a fiasco!

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Yesterday, I was playing tennis with my dog and he ran off to fetch the ball but didn't come back! I searched for him and found him eventually. I felt a bit embarrasses shouting "whisky" at the top of my voice in a strange street! They all thought I was drunk or insane. He, and several other male dogs were trying to get into a fence with a little female dog inside. Ridiculous really as she was like a highland terrier and the dogs outside were at least 3 times her size. He just wouldn't leave so I had to carry him. What a fiasco!

Heeheehee. so sorry. err, HAHAHA.. :o Can just imagine you carrying your big dog home.... looking forlornly over your shoulder at his love....(not that I know you but now I do know your buddy was just lovesick) Let me tell you mine: Many many years ago I had a female dog (who my dad loathed) who had a great little skinny friend that could get through any gate/barrier, etc. His name of course was Willie (No joke!) She's in heat, got out, Willie was quick on the assignment & as they were a good half a block down the street & I couldn't pry them apart, I soon returned carrying an ice cream pail of cold water ( I read it in a book - I was only 12!) yelling all the while Willie, get out!!, Get off Willie!! You stupid Willie!!! etc., etc., Needless to say, there wasn't much water left by the time I got there, Willie pulled his willie out, my Nikki got pregnant & dad got rid of her shortly thereafter : ( . I was getting wierd looks for years. Glad to hear your Whiskey's home though!

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You think that is bad! When I was in junior school my best friend had a golden retriever that had a crush on a goat ,on the other side of the village. When the dog disappeared, we just had to wait for a phone call from the goat owner, saying pleeease come and collect your dog! :o

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Yesterday, I was playing tennis with my dog and he ran off to fetch the ball but didn't come back! I searched for him and found him eventually. I felt a bit embarrasses shouting "whisky" at the top of my voice in a strange street! They all thought I was drunk or insane. He, and several other male dogs were trying to get into a fence with a little female dog inside. Ridiculous really as she was like a highland terrier and the dogs outside were at least 3 times her size. He just wouldn't leave so I had to carry him. What a fiasco!

Heeheehee. so sorry. err, HAHAHA.. :o Can just imagine you carrying your big dog home.... looking forlornly over your shoulder at his love....(not that I know you but now I do know your buddy was just lovesick) Let me tell you mine: Many many years ago I had a female dog (who my dad loathed) who had a great little skinny friend that could get through any gate/barrier, etc. His name of course was Willie (No joke!) She's in heat, got out, Willie was quick on the assignment & as they were a good half a block down the street & I couldn't pry them apart, I soon returned carrying an ice cream pail of cold water ( I read it in a book - I was only 12!) yelling all the while Willie, get out!!, Get off Willie!! You stupid Willie!!! etc., etc., Needless to say, there wasn't much water left by the time I got there, Willie pulled his willie out, my Nikki got pregnant & dad got rid of her shortly thereafter : ( . I was getting wierd looks for years. Glad to hear your Whiskey's home though!

Learn to control your skinny willie :D

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Yesterday, I was playing tennis with my dog and he ran off to fetch the ball but didn't come back! I searched for him and found him eventually. I felt a bit embarrasses shouting "whisky" at the top of my voice in a strange street! They all thought I was drunk or insane. He, and several other male dogs were trying to get into a fence with a little female dog inside. Ridiculous really as she was like a highland terrier and the dogs outside were at least 3 times her size. He just wouldn't leave so I had to carry him. What a fiasco!

Heeheehee. so sorry. err, HAHAHA.. :o Can just imagine you carrying your big dog home.... looking forlornly over your shoulder at his love....(not that I know you but now I do know your buddy was just lovesick) Let me tell you mine: Many many years ago I had a female dog (who my dad loathed) who had a great little skinny friend that could get through any gate/barrier, etc. His name of course was Willie (No joke!) She's in heat, got out, Willie was quick on the assignment & as they were a good half a block down the street & I couldn't pry them apart, I soon returned carrying an ice cream pail of cold water ( I read it in a book - I was only 12!) yelling all the while Willie, get out!!, Get off Willie!! You stupid Willie!!! etc., etc., Needless to say, there wasn't much water left by the time I got there, Willie pulled his willie out, my Nikki got pregnant & dad got rid of her shortly thereafter : ( . I was getting wierd looks for years. Glad to hear your Whiskey's home though!

Learn to control your skinny willie :D

Neeranam, how's Whisky doing now? Did you get him tested? Hope it was just 'lustitis depression' & not tick fever/disease or any other serious illness. Is he eating again? Back to his usual behaviour ?

Just to clarify, I wasn't at all laughing/making fun of your concern for him & his possible illness; the last 3 sentences in your last big post just brought back all the frustration/embarrassment & anger at my Nikki's & her 'buddy's -Named here as Willie- behaviour - (What a fiasco is an understatement!! but did make me laugh- sympathetically) Skinny Willie? Well, he wasn't mine ( :D !!!) though I wished he was most of the time, at that particular point in time - could've killed him for assaulting my 'usually well-behaved Nik'!!! :D

Thanks CMSally for sharing too, (a goat??) & wondering how many other great stories there are out there.. Bambina, & all other great pet carers probably have quite a few.....

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When mum died, our dog at that time stopped eating. For the best part of a week, all she would have was a small mouthful daily. It took a lot of care and attention to bring her around. She hadn't seen mum for a couple of months, but she knew mum was no longer with us.

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Our Golden Retriever is nearly three years old now. The only time he mopes around is when my wife scolds him. He brightens back up when he sees me or some kids.

Based on that, I'd think it is a health problem. All the Golden Retrievers I have ever seen are happy dogs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yesterday, I was playing tennis with my dog and he ran off to fetch the ball but didn't come back! I searched for him and found him eventually. I felt a bit embarrasses shouting "whisky" at the top of my voice in a strange street! They all thought I was drunk or insane. He, and several other male dogs were trying to get into a fence with a little female dog inside. Ridiculous really as she was like a highland terrier and the dogs outside were at least 3 times her size. He just wouldn't leave so I had to carry him. What a fiasco!

Sounds like your dog must have been watching too many fat farangs walk by with their 3x smaller Thai girlfriends and figured...when in Rome..... :o

On a serious note though our lab mix has been depressed since we brought home a new puppy. He still eats normal but refuses to be around the other dog and the puppy now and just lays off by himself and mopes all day....he is a big baby!

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