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How U.s Economy Effects People In Thailand?


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These are some comments on “How weak U.S dollar affects Americans in Thailand?” It does call for similar question for non-Americans>

  • "The dollar is having a terrible impact on us," said U.S. writer Eunice Lipton
  • Americans making dollar-euro transfers have seen the amount they receive shrink by about 50 percent since early 2000
  • "I love being in Europe. I lived in a small university town in the U.S., so any excuse to be in Europe is still going to be a good one, even if it does hurt financially," Leichtman said.
  • I don't know how it is for those getting paid in $ but it is nice getting paid in baht. I went to the states for three weeks and the favorable exchange rate in that direction sure made it a nicer holiday than previous years!
  • There should be. A weak dollar along with the higher cost of oil will eventually raise the price of almost everything in the US due to increased transport costs, increased raw material costs, etc. and etc. It is not BDS (right wing whack job speak for "Bush Derangement Syndrome"] to point out that Bush has presided over an almost unmitigated string of economic and social disasters since taking office-it is just a fact.
  • The facts on the US economy - which aren't the point of this thread - are different from what your own serious case of BDS

About three years ago Americans had a chance to make a choice. Questionnaire with the whole two choices and somehow they got it wrong. Now after trillions of U.S dollars have been bet on questionable war effects, results are finally slowly seen around the globe.

Petrol- and arms related companies plus their stockholders reaping these profits are not reviving U.S economy that they still make from this war. Bush was a choice lobbied by these massive industries. It was good for a while but now the results are seen around the globe (Europe did warn many times about the second term…):

U.S dollar is weakening. (US)Traveling abroad is going to go down. House market has basically collapsed. Banks are taking big hits and want their money back. Already most broke (most in debt) nation and its people can’t pay back their mortgages and multiple credit card debts that are way over due.

Education, social security (WHAT is that), bonus wages, pensions and health care are next in line within 3 – 10 years. Enron kind of sad cases will arise. Pensions used, people can’t afford health care insurance since it’s more important to pay rising fuel prices and monthly car payments so traveling abroad and spending a lot is hardly an option.

They’re going to have less money to spent to buy goods thus export to US is going to slow down weather its Thai- or European products. This is when rest of the world fits in. If most spending economy doesn’t spend the most anymore, everyone eventually pays for it:

Less customers, rising fuel- thus goods prices for lesser demand, more taxes… It might not get visible right away and in everyplace it never will get, but domino effect goes from country to country – business to business. Thailand has plenty of exports to U.S but with rising baht it is slowing and falling already behind from what is was last year. ( http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c5490.html#2007 )

Now the question goes? Has falling U.S currency affected your business already? Has your company, hotel, bar or restaurant seen slowdown or cancellations (…because of Bush election – lol) and do you think you will see this global slowdown or slump will ever get to your doorsteps whether in Phuket, Pattaya or Samui…? Do you think U.S will survive slump and kick back?

- Last election Americans with passports favored Kerry over Bush by 58 percent to 35 percent (20% of Americans have passport now). -

- It has nothing to do with love or hate. But is has everything to do with stupididy. -

- I love my business. When I'm doing great. -

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I don't have a business in Thailand but it still affects me in a big way. I get paid in $US and deposit it into a Thai bank. I get paid more or less the same amount each time i go to work but it is becoming worth less and less.

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Now the question goes? Has falling U.S currency affected your business already? Has your company, hotel, bar or restaurant seen slowdown or cancellations (…because of Bush election – lol) and do you think you will see this global slowdown or slump will ever get to your doorsteps whether in Phuket, Pattaya or Samui…? Do you think U.S will survive slump and kick back?

My personal buisness is not affected, accept for the fact that you mention, when the biggest economy in the world fails it affect all of us in the long run, but so far my investments are in other places and in stronger currensies and stand unaffected. (That i know).

I had a joboffer 5 months ago, a big engineeringproject from my former employer in Sweden. A 6 months project in USA wich was big enough for me to consider. Sadly it never happen because when the company i work for gave a price-estimation to the Us customer, we where about 20 times the price of any Us company!! Sure, they expected a higher price (us coming from europe, travelingcost,shipping gear, hotels, dayli fees and high european saleries and so on), but the 20 times as high price was just not interesting off course. Quality cost, but there is a limit.

I think for one thing, Europeans are going to be affected (the ones that are not already) by the weak dollar. Off course. But then again, like i said in other thread, the prognoses of the US economy in the coming five years is looking better. I personaly think Nobody should hope for a weak dollar. Americans IN America dont loose as much on a weak dollar as Europeans IN Europe (talking about a long perspective). Common sence. American products are cheap. Everybody can afford them (well almost). So, alot of people buy them. Is that good for Eu? That china choose USA over Europe? I dont think so. Everybody with a sence should hope for the dollar to gain, weak dollar sure affects us all in the long run. Just take some time before you see the affects in Europe. And let this thread show that possible some people see the affects already?

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US dollar is weakening. (US)Traveling abroad is going to go down.

That's good for Americans but bad for the rest of the world. Instead of spending millions in Europe, Americans will spend that at home travelling around the world's 3rd largest country. Some Europeans will even start spending their super-strong Euros in America and NOT spending them in Europe. American companies will have increased revenues and European companies will see diminished profits and perhaps some will have to close.

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it's worth remembering that oil prices are quoted in dollars. So while the price of oil has gone up, when you take into account that the dollar has been flushed down the toilet against most other countries, the increase in oil cost isn't as bad as it looks (for the rest of the world).

And no sympathy for the US - voting for Bush once was stupid but twice? You made your bed, now lie in it!

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US dollar is weakening. (US)Traveling abroad is going to go down.

That's good for Americans but bad for the rest of the world. Instead of spending millions in Europe, Americans will spend that at home travelling around the world's 3rd largest country. Some Europeans will even start spending their super-strong Euros in America and NOT spending them in Europe. American companies will have increased revenues and European companies will see diminished profits and perhaps some will have to close.

Now the question goes? Has falling U.S currency affected your business already? Has your company, hotel, bar or restaurant seen slowdown or cancellations (…because of Bush election – lol) and do you think you will see this global slowdown or slump will ever get to your doorsteps whether in Phuket, Pattaya or Samui…? Do you think U.S will survive slump and kick back?

So, theres some kind of answer. You have a bar in pattaya or samui. Expect less customers from the wooooooorlds 3rd largest country (needs to be mentioned no matter what the thread is about that USA is a BIG country, in case the readers dont know it, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!) in the future, because they are now staying at home.

As big as USA is, lets remember that we talk about economy here and USA respresent a fair share of the world economy (20%) and to think that anybody stan unaffected in the long run when there economy fails is pretty dumb. And to think that it is good for America that the economic situation is what it is, well, possible even dumber.

There was another thread about Americans living in Thailand with US salery. The obvious answer "well, our salery got smaller and we are not happy with that" took longer time than i expected. These threads always turns in to worship/slander Buch and America. When infact discussions around the dollar for anybody in buisness is quite serious and have nothing to do with size or muscels of individual Americans. Allthough it off course always needs to be mentioned.


Being from Eu (Sweden,Small country.But quite rich), living in Thailand, with most of the money coming in Euros but some starting to come in Thaibaht. How is my economics affected by the dollar-dive? Well, so far, the only affect is that when i plan a 3-4 months holidaytrip next year i have my eyes on USA instead of Sweden. I like to visit family but is it worth the money? If i convert the moneysave into baht, i could practually live a year in Thailand on the money i would save on going to the BIG country. Besides the fact that i never been there so it might be interessting. I like to say our buisness in Thailand (shipping things towards EU) so far is unaffected. But when a currensy is low, people start buying there and the currensy goes up. We might be having this thread 10 years from now discussing how weak the Euro and pound is compared to the dollar. So far, no real affects for me, but im to smart to be tough about it. Im pretty shure im gonna see the opposite sometime during my lifetime.

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So, theres some kind of answer. You have a bar in pattaya or samui. Expect less customers from the wooooooorlds 3rd largest country (needs to be mentioned no matter what the thread is about that USA is a BIG country, in case the readers dont know it, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!) in the future, because they are now staying at home.

The point I wanted to make by mentioning that the USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans (including Canadians because border-wise there isn't any real difference) don't need to leave their country's borders for vacation (and can spend their money at home). They can go to a tropical island (Hawaii, Guam, etc), go skiiing (Colorado and several other states), enjoy hot weather & beaches in the winter (southern California, Florida, US territories in the Carribbean, etc) hike thru the arctic (Alaska) or get lost in a desert (American southwest), go to the best amusement parks in the world (Disneyworld), some of the best shopping in the world (all over), visit major world cities (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) , see natural wonders (Great Lakes, Grand Canyon, world's largest trees, the Sequoias), etc, etc. Nowhere else in the world can you see a Space Shuttle launch except Florida Truly amazing sight. ALL major concerts tour thru the USA. Americans can't see EVERYTHING in the world inside their borders but no one can see EVERYTHING when they take a vacation anyway.

Thailand is beautiful but the skiing really sucks. Sweden is OK for a super-expensive country (now and even when the dollar was strong) but the beaches there are lame. When people from smaller countries can't afford to travel abroad their options are very, very limited.

From what I've seen on CNN the British are taking the biggest advantage of a weak dollar. New York is only a few short hours flight away and prices for goods are MUCH lower than in jolly old England. Good for them.

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So, theres some kind of answer. You have a bar in pattaya or samui. Expect less customers from the wooooooorlds 3rd largest country (needs to be mentioned no matter what the thread is about that USA is a BIG country, in case the readers dont know it, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!) in the future, because they are now staying at home.

The point I wanted to make by mentioning that the USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans (including Canadians because border-wise there isn't any real difference) don't need to leave their country's borders for vacation (and can spend their money at home). They can go to a tropical island (Hawaii, Guam, etc), go skiiing (Colorado and several other states), enjoy hot weather & beaches in the winter (southern California, Florida, US territories in the Carribbean, etc) hike thru the arctic (Alaska) or get lost in a desert (American southwest), go to the best amusement parks in the world (Disneyworld), some of the best shopping in the world (all over), visit major world cities (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) , see natural wonders (Great Lakes, Grand Canyon, world's largest trees, the Sequoias), etc, etc. Nowhere else in the world can you see a Space Shuttle launch except Florida Truly amazing sight. ALL major concerts tour thru the USA. Americans can't see EVERYTHING in the world inside their borders but no one can see EVERYTHING when they take a vacation anyway.

Thailand is beautiful but the skiing really sucks. Sweden is OK for a super-expensive country (now and even when the dollar was strong) but the beaches there are lame. When people from smaller countries can't afford to travel abroad their options are very, very limited.

From what I've seen on CNN the British are taking the biggest advantage of a weak dollar. New York is only a few short hours flight away and prices for goods are MUCH lower than in jolly old England. Good for them.

Halleluja. What a great country it is. Unbeleivible overfanstastic big and beutiful.

Topic: How us economy effects people in Thailand?

BTW, Whats wrong with the Swedich beaches?? I can agree the water is cold, but the beaches are beutiful. Specially in the south. Now, lets stick to topic.

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"USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans..."

We are in Thailand now. Topic is about U.S economy contra effects to business here. All the superlatives plus tons of more historical buildings, cities, even full countries (Vatican, Monaco...) with plenty of culture and history that doesn't exist across the sea. After all, Europeans founded USA. So maybe you don't want to go down that line. Blowing up just 20 - 30 year old buildings to build new ones doesn't leave much history besides on video...

It would be nice to hear really if someone has seen downfall because of Americans (for example) are making cancelations on orders or any other not so directly hitting samples of falling dollar...

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I think for one thing, Europeans are going to be affected (the ones that are not already) by the weak dollar. Off course. But then again, like i said in other thread, the prognoses of the US economy in the coming five years is looking better. I personaly think Nobody should hope for a weak dollar. Americans IN America dont loose as much on a weak dollar as Europeans IN Europe (talking about a long perspective). Common sence. American products are cheap. Everybody can afford them (well almost). So, alot of people buy them. Is that good for Eu? That china choose USA over Europe? I dont think so. Everybody with a sence should hope for the dollar to gain, weak dollar sure affects us all in the long run. Just take some time before you see the affects in Europe. And let this thread show that possible some people see the affects already?[/size]

Right on. See below:


"For Airbus, which sells its airplanes in dollars but incurs about 50 percent of its costs in euros, every gain by the euro of 10 cents against the dollar represents €1 billion in lost profit."


"He blamed the ongoing problems at Airbus on the weakness in the US dollar, increased competitive pressures and the financial burden linked to delays in the A380."

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"USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans..."

We are in Thailand now. Topic is about U.S economy contra effects to business here.

It is YOUR topic and I replied to what YOU wrote about Americans not travelling and how it effects the rest of the world. Who loses out when Americans stay home and spend their vacation money in America and NOT Europe, Thailand or anywhere else? If you stay home and cook instead of going out to a restaurant is this better for you or the restaurant? You still get to eat AND save money while the restaurant loses your business, your money and how can this be good for the restaurant? So how can Americans staying home and not spending any money in hotels, shops, restaurants, etc be good for business? On the other side, with the weak dollar, how many Eurozone & British tourists will consider going to the USA for a real bargain instead of other int'l destinations - including Thailand?

As far as American tourists coming to Thailand, I couldn't find any recent stats (maybe someone else can?) but I can't imagine the way the dollar has been hitting new lows for the past few months that many Americans would think of travelling half way across the world to SE Asia. For the price of the plane ticket alone they could probably fly to and spend a week in the Bahamas, Cancun, around the Caribbean enjoying better infrastructure, cleaner beaches and more bang for their buck.

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Compared with the self-mismanagement of the Thai ecconomy and lack of forward planning in investment, legislation, educaiton and maket development the dollar shift is almost insignificant.

OK the dollar reduces the profits of Thai hotels who charge in dollars and it makes selling to the US more difficult for exporters, but their markets are already being taken over by the Chinese anyway.

Are US arrivals down? Perhaps, and perhaps not only due to the price of the dollar.

The travel industry, for so long a corner stone of what ecconomic planning there is in Thailand is gradually getting things wrong.

Every bad news report of scams, rip-offs, attacks on visitors, surly immigration staff and poor service has an accumulative negative impact on the Thai Travel Idustry something other competitors for the Tourist dollar are capitalizing on.

Much is said about the US not paying attention to the world outside its boarders.

How very true of Thailand is that!

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it has affected others in the following ways

1. I have to listen to a bunch of morons make dumb statements like "The Americans are the biggest terrorists on the planet, its good that they are paying for it now and their currency is weakening"

2. The weak dollar and low US interest rates meant that many many Europeans came to America and bought real estate in speculative areas like California and Florida. The housing market experiences a bubble, that bubble busted, home prices are off 35% in Florida, many people lost a ton of money. Banks are reporting their mortgage losses in the billions.

3. Americans will travel less overseas, Europeans will travel more in the USA.

4. It is harder for countries like Thailand to import into the USA because the dollar is weak. (Why do you think China refuses to float its currency?)

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"USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans..." QUATED YOU

We are in Thailand now. Topic is about U.S economy contra effects to business here. ME

It is YOUR topic and I replied to what YOU wrote about Americans not travelling and how it effects the rest of the world. Koheesti

"This is when rest of the world fits in.

How it effects FARANGS IN THAILAND" ... Read the topic again mate Koheesti.

"Now the question goes? Has falling U.S currency affected your business already? Has your company, hotel, bar or restaurant seen slowdown or cancellations (…because of Bush election – lol) and do you think you will see this global slowdown or slump will ever get to your doorsteps whether in Phuket, Pattaya or Samui…? Do you think U.S will survive slump and kick back?"

I did notice in the opening "speach" that it will slow U.S travelling abroad, which you brought in the table that it was something you realized, turned in to a travel brochure debate. You got the salty and sugared popcorn mixed in a same box... Would be typical for Bush. Try to keep it informative:

If you know someone who actually knows something that happened to someone base...:o

Rising oil prices do effect Thailand since Baht hasn't gotten as strong contra dollar as euro has. This will eventully affect more or less all prices.

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"USA is the world's 3rd largest country is that Americans..." QUATED YOU

We are in Thailand now. Topic is about U.S economy contra effects to business here. ME

It is YOUR topic and I replied to what YOU wrote about Americans not travelling and how it effects the rest of the world. Koheesti

"This is when rest of the world fits in.

How it effects FARANGS IN THAILAND" ... Read the topic again mate Koheesti.

"Now the question goes? Has falling U.S currency affected your business already? Has your company, hotel, bar or restaurant seen slowdown or cancellations (…because of Bush election – lol) and do you think you will see this global slowdown or slump will ever get to your doorsteps whether in Phuket, Pattaya or Samui…? Do you think U.S will survive slump and kick back?"

I did notice in the opening "speach" that it will slow U.S travelling abroad, which you brought in the table that it was something you realized, turned in to a travel brochure debate. You got the salty and sugared popcorn mixed in a same box... Would be typical for Bush. Try to keep it informative:

If you know someone who actually knows something that happened to someone base... :D

Rising oil prices do effect Thailand since Baht hasn't gotten as strong contra dollar as euro has. This will eventully affect more or less all prices.

You should just be more careful in how you word your posts. It's much like making a bet about something and putting it into writing. You must be careful or you will lose your behind. Know what I mean? :o

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Americans feel attact easy. There sealfconfidance is very low. It comes from being attact all the time. I have American friends. Ive been drinking with Americans on one on one for a year and a half. Sometimes when i ask a question (that im actually interrested in the answer) they feel attacted, and immediatly go to attac back to make sure i dont win, even though i was not having a fight as far as i knew, just asking a simple question. It comes from being attact all the time all over the world, and im part guilty of the fact. There was a post before about how Americans with thai salaries are holding out in thailand. I went off topic with the Buch slanding and then at the end off the day, Americans with no money started to feel attacted. And of course describing how great America really is. Witch by the way im sure it is. So lets not debate that.

Fresch start over:

America is a great country. (felling like an idiot but i need to say this or the whole post will be commented on this matter.) America is great. Americans are big. Strong. They (sometimes even though ive seen lazy men that cant produce a single baht) work hard, they pay "tax" (tax in Sweden is 52 %, for american guys they brag when they manage to pay 20, but ok they are lowpaid). America is a big country, and i understand it has fantastic nature and Disneyworld. It (America) is great. Said.Done. Let us go on topic, can we??? Is it possible?? All off you are great. Your big. Your strong. your fantastic in making closure deals and you are rich and beutiful.

Topic (please):

American dollar is 20 % of the world economi. Its not much enought to care about when it goes down from 46 baht to 31 baht. Nobody in the world need to worry, (exept Americans abroad with U.s paychecks, but we had a thread about those loosers and it ended up with a bunch Americans saying how strong and beutiful rocky mountain is, basicly). So, this thread is about people (maybe non Americans?) living abroad and in this particulary forum in Thailand. Because when a economy that represents 20 % of the global bnp (EU 14 bill. + US 11 bill=a big percentage of the bnp in the world) goes down, many people eventually (not direct) gets affected. The thread is going to show (i for one lost hope) if people already loose money because the weak dollar. Tourists (friendes from europe) used to travel with touristchekcs in the "world currensy" dollar, has already converted to pund and euro. Because in europe the dollar is considered sligthly more worth than toilettpaper. And thats now. It might change before i press enter on my laptop. This Thread is about peope livig in Thailand. Not necessary Amricans. I for one is interested in the dollar affect on these people. Is it possible to get a answer? (rocky mountains is beutiful, and so is grand canyon. Elvis is born in memphis and J.R Ewingcame from dallas. ) Everybody know America is big, beutiful and strong. And Americans (some) are good people. PLEASE ANSWER OP TOPIC ONLY.


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As an American living in Thailand i send myself the same amount of money each month now as i did when the dollar was stronger. What I send is less than what I earn. If that amount should ever become more than what I earn I would send less. I can live on much less tham I currently send each month. Not all my investments are in America, but it is where my income is derived.

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It don't affect me; I earn enough to maintain the same life style. Ok savings are a bit less but that's dead money anyway since I got no use for it now. Things will sort itself out eventually so i don't lose any sleep over it.

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From what I've seen on CNN the British are taking the biggest advantage of a weak dollar. New York is only a few short hours flight away and prices for goods are MUCH lower than in jolly old England. Good for them.

There seems to have been a new British invasion here in The City, especially today ( Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving ) the official start of the Shopping Holiday season. I've never seen so many of them before ( except in Thailand :o )

You can easily spot all the English tourists in Manhattan now - they usually are seen walking up and down 5th ave in large groups clutching maps, with those ( formerly empty ) huge wheeled suitcases to put stuff that they bought in, trailing behind them......... :D

Edited by Narachon
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"Oh great, another American bashing thread.

Where's that yawning yellow guy drinking the coffee, when I need it? "

Who really needs to bash on A's. You did your share when everyone looked upon your lifestyle and gave you our admiring. If it lasted for decades, is it a surprise that one Bush to wrong way could change and end all that?

"Follow the leader" game seems to come to an end and new game is follow "Global warning".

It's all in the marketing a product nowadays. If your product sucks, with in few minutes the world knows about it. Back in the time communication wasn't there. Now time and critics are there before you think. People decide.

Topic remains: U.S buck contra Thai related effects...

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SamuiBond & Matthias are hilarious. They end their own off-topic posts with a plea to stay on-topic.



Simple, it leads to the flooding of the Thaivisa Forum with threads about the US Economy, president, etc, etc.

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SamuiBond & Matthias are hilarious. They end their own off-topic posts with a plea to stay on-topic.



Simple, it leads to the flooding of the Thaivisa Forum with threads about the US Economy, president, etc, etc.

:D , Agreed. I think thats the closest we get. :bah:

And i might remind you that the topic is not "How does U.s economy affects people on Thaivisa forum".

Stay on topic plea Koheesti :bah:


Fact being that if there where many people that where bigtime affected by the weak dollar these threads would not end up being what they do end up being. They would be filled with complains from people that lost alot of money. Now they just become threads with "U:S" in the topic-title and off course inviting us all to have oppinions in writen words. Quite fun though.

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Americans feel attact easy. There sealfconfidance is very low. It comes from being attact all the time. I have American friends. Ive been drinking with Americans on one on one for a year and a half. Sometimes when i ask a question (that im actually interrested in the answer) they feel attacted, and immediatly go to attac back to make sure i dont win, even though i was not having a fight as far as i knew, just asking a simple question. It comes from being attact all the time all over the world, and im part guilty of the fact. There was a post before about how Americans with thai salaries are holding out in thailand. I went off topic with the Buch slanding and then at the end off the day, Americans with no money started to feel attacted. And of course describing how great America really is. Witch by the way im sure it is. So lets not debate that.

Fresch start over:

America is a great country. (felling like an idiot but i need to say this or the whole post will be commented on this matter.) America is great. Americans are big. Strong. They (sometimes even though ive seen lazy men that cant produce a single baht) work hard, they pay "tax" (tax in Sweden is 52 %, for american guys they brag when they manage to pay 20, but ok they are lowpaid). America is a big country, and i understand it has fantastic nature and Disneyworld. It (America) is great. Said.Done. Let us go on topic, can we??? Is it possible?? All off you are great. Your big. Your strong. your fantastic in making closure deals and you are rich and beutiful.

Topic (please):

American dollar is 20 % of the world economi. Its not much enought to care about when it goes down from 46 baht to 31 baht. Nobody in the world need to worry, (exept Americans abroad with U.s paychecks, but we had a thread about those loosers and it ended up with a bunch Americans saying how strong and beutiful rocky mountain is, basicly). So, this thread is about people (maybe non Americans?) living abroad and in this particulary forum in Thailand. Because when a economy that represents 20 % of the global bnp (EU 14 bill. + US 11 bill=a big percentage of the bnp in the world) goes down, many people eventually (not direct) gets affected. The thread is going to show (i for one lost hope) if people already loose money because the weak dollar. Tourists (friendes from europe) used to travel with touristchekcs in the "world currensy" dollar, has already converted to pund and euro. Because in europe the dollar is considered sligthly more worth than toilettpaper. And thats now. It might change before i press enter on my laptop. This Thread is about peope livig in Thailand. Not necessary Amricans. I for one is interested in the dollar affect on these people. Is it possible to get a answer? (rocky mountains is beutiful, and so is grand canyon. Elvis is born in memphis and J.R Ewingcame from dallas. ) Everybody know America is big, beutiful and strong. And Americans (some) are good people. PLEASE ANSWER OP TOPIC ONLY.


Dear oh Dear ... Are there NO Swedish forums on the whole of the World Wide Web :o


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I really hope all you jokesters enjoy your laugh on the US. If you really believe the US economy is de-coupled from the rest of the world and specifically your little insignificant country you are quite mistaken.

Well, can't teach economics 101 to kiddies. Watch and learn.

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