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Change Of Government


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Hello to those that are interested australia has voted the liberal party out even though it has unemployment down to 3% +home interest rates at 7% and a very strong acconomy , Australian blue chip shares have returned 23% for the last 3 years due to mining boom through China . but still the australian people voted them out after 11 years.

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You get what you deserve...talk about tall poppy syndrome being alive and well in good ol Oz....kick the guy in the teeth that has done everything to lead a coutnry to good, better and best.

If Harry Potter screws up the country, then all you who have voted for him and let go of what you had, deserve it.

In the end does not bother me, I do not live there anymore....just cannot believe pople on mass can be so foolish.

Too many sheep I guess.

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Harry Potter! Quite an apt term.

It's like another person said to me, the voters seem to think the grass is greener on the other side.

I only know what the UK labour party is like but going off them I fear that Aust. may be in for a new age and probably not a golden one either :o

I've always stood by the fact that a labour government typically is bad news for big business as it seems to have a problem with cutting taxes and giving the working man an honest chance at prosperity and success.

But I guess we'll have to see what Harry can wizard up with his magic wand...

I wonder what his immigration policy will be???

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