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Nando's Condemns Hoax Halaal E-mail

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It has come to our attention that an e-mail showing a picture of a chicken with a Nando's packet over its head under the headline "Strictly Halaal", has recently been distributed via the Internet, under the guise that it is a legitimate Nando's advertisement.

Please be assured that the picture in question is not a Nando's advertisement and Nando's has had no involvement in its production. The picture is a hoax and Nando's distances itself from the e-mail and picture in question.

Nando's is a company that embraces diversity and is sensitive to the customs and values of our customers around the world. Nando's regrets any offence that this hoax picture may have caused and we distance ourselves from the sentiments contained therein. Nando's is investigating the source of the e-mail.


Did the chicken also have it's wings tied behind it's back and was it jumping off the roof of a Pattaya Condo?

Nothing wrong with halal meat, anyway, except that the beef is tough, through not being hung for long enough.

I built a slaughterhouse / packing facility for one of UK's largest poultry distributors a long time ago (mid-seventies). The birds were hung on an overhead line by their necks, steam cleaned, plucked, then killed. So don't talk to me about the inhumaneness of kosher / halal killing.

And, yes, I understand the cartoon 'joke' that the Internet publication was supposed to suggest. I don't think it funny, either.

I built a slaughterhouse / packing facility for one of UK's largest poultry distributors a long time ago (mid-seventies). The birds were hung on an overhead line by their necks, steam cleaned, plucked, then killed. So don't talk to me about the inhumaneness of kosher / halal killing.

2 Wrongs make a right? Both are in-human (if such a term exists in reality) and neither should be allowed or accepted. There is no need to make an animal suffer, and a sentient beings we should understand this - neither religion nor comercial savings (cost) should allow immorality let alone condone it.


I agree wolf, having done work in slaugherhouses it does make you realise the inhumanity which animals go through to make your Big Mac.

Even though I'm an atheist I'm not convinced that animals that are killed through halal means go through any more suffering than animals killed the traditional way.

I'm more concerned with the process leading up to death than the actual killing process. It's really not nice to see and hear the pigs squeeling as they are waiting for the the bolt to go through their heads whilst watching the ones in front get shot. I'm biased though, appreciate pigs inteligence ..... free the Tamworth two :o


When working in HK we used to see the pig-trains coming down from Mainland China to Kowloon Terminal. The slaughterhouse was a few hundred yards away.

One day, while off-loading a train full of porkers, someone wasn't watching for escapees.

Suddenly the whole area was full of squealing pigs heading in all directions. Great fun! :o

They were eventually rounded-up and made into sausages. And eaten with great enjoyment.

(The point I was previously trying to make was that in UK it is often the halal and kosher slaughterhouses that are condemned by the animal rights activists. Not all slaughterhouses. But if we want to eat meat - and being omnivores it is a part of our normal diet - then there must be means of killing the animals. Over many generations the methods in use today have evolved and been refined. If the other posters can think of ways that are more humane, no more expensive, provide meat of equal or better quality, then I am sure the major slaughterhouses would consider the improvement. They know that they are in line for protest demonstrations sooner rather than later.)

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